Those who were on bedrest in twin pregnancy

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kt7776, Apr 18, 2009.

  1. kt7776

    kt7776 Well-Known Member

    (Sorry, title of topic got screwed up)

    It's taken me a loonnng time to get to this point, but I think I'm ready to start trying to have another baby. One of my many questions surrounding how I'm going to manage this pertains to bedrest. I was on bedrest for 11 weeks with the boys, much of it strict, including nearly two weeks in the hospital. I started having fairly serious PTL at 23 weeks, but I'm almost positive I was contracting quite a bit for weeks before that.

    I'm worried I might have the same issue with another pregnancy, even a singleton one. I'm 5'1 and pretty petite, which my former OB (we've moved since having the boys) largely said contributed to all my issues.

    If you were on bedrest with your twins, what has been/what was your experience with your singleton pregnancy? Did your OB put in a cerclage just to be safe? Were you simply told to keep it easy? I'm pretty active (do intense cardio about 4x/week) and I'm guessing I'm at least going to be told to tone that down.
  2. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    I was on bedrest for 9 weeks for PTL with my girlies. I never had problems with my older kids and haven't had any with this one. I'm 8 mo along now, and am starting to have more contractions. I'm not feeling ready to have the baby yet, so have taken it a little more easy the last couple of days. But it's nothing major, and I know the baby would probably be ok at this point. I know plenty of women who are around your height who've had babies with no problems. Twin pregnancies are just so much harder, because there's so much more baby, fluid, placenta, etc. I bet you'll be just fine!
  3. eechols22

    eechols22 New Member

    QUOTE(Dielle @ Apr 18 2009, 02:17 PM) [snapback]1278951[/snapback]
    I was on bedrest for 9 weeks for PTL with my girlies. I never had problems with my older kids and haven't had any with this one. I'm 8 mo along now, and am starting to have more contractions. I'm not feeling ready to have the baby yet, so have taken it a little more easy the last couple of days. But it's nothing major, and I know the baby would probably be ok at this point. I know plenty of women who are around your height who've had babies with no problems. Twin pregnancies are just so much harder, because there's so much more baby, fluid, placenta, etc. I bet you'll be just fine!

    I was put on hospital bedrest at 25 weeks with my boys. I am 5'8 and my docs told me in the beginning that it would make my pregnancy easier. Obviously, it didn't! I have a friend who was due a month after me and she is 5'1 and carried her twins until 36 weeks, working the whole time. So don't put too much blame on your height. I have spent a lot of time trying to blame somthing or someone for my disaster of a pregnancy, but so far I haven't found it. I think twin pregnancies are just hard!!

    I am thinking about trying again soon, and like you, I am terrified of bed rest and prematurity. I can't go through that again emotionally and I don't know how I would ever manage bedrest with 2 yr old twins at home!
  4. chris629

    chris629 Well-Known Member

    I had bedrest and early delivery but it had nothing to do with my cervix or preterm labor. It was from pre-e and then baby b's cord flow was too restricted. So we decided to take them early.
    So far at 27 wks pg (I delivered my twins at 28 wks so I am almost out of the eggshell part) I haven't had too many of those types of problems. Just feeling yucky most of this pg or achy sooner but that I can live with if I get a healthy baby born full term.
  5. littletwinmom

    littletwinmom Well-Known Member

    I'm 5'1", petite, and around 110 lbs not pregnant. I was on relaxed bedrest from about 22 weeks with the twins, simply due to mine and my OB's paranoia, a lot of which was due to my size. I did start softening at 27 weeks but nothing ever happened until my water broke at 35 weeks.

    I'm 35.3 weeks pregnant now, and haven't had any issues related to size, etc. In fact, I have a feeling I will be going ALL the way with this one....
  6. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    I didn't have issues with my twins, although, ironically, I did have some problems with my latest singleton. So I guess you never know. But I do have a friend who had problems her first was a singleton and she was born at 25 weeks. Thankfully she did phenominally. I was surprised to find that her doctors did not automatically give her a cerclage for her second pregnancy. She did have a big scare the second time around when she started up with labor again around 24 weeks. Thankfully because she was more closely monitored they got it under control. She was in the hospital about a week then sent home on bedrest for about 6 weeks. Now that she's past 30 weeks...actually I think she's 33 weeks now, she's allowed to be more exercise or heavy chores, but she can make dinner for her family, etc. So I would see it as a major advantage that you have some forewarning going into a pregnancy which might help maintain a better pregnancy than previously. And I think anyway you slice it a singleton pregnancy has a pretty high chance of being easier than a twin pregnancy!! (I'm a definite blip on the statistical radar screen as far as that is concerned!) And in any case I can testify that my little Julianna was worth all the sacrifice that me and my family had to make for those 9 months. She's brought nothing but laughter and happiness into our home!
  7. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    I was on modified bedrest for the entire second half of my pregnancy with the boys. My cervix was funneling and shortening. I am 25 weeks along now with a singleton and haven't had any issues (other than nausea). I don't anticipate any problems. I managed to carry my twins until I was induced at 37.5 weeks. I think two babies is a lot of pressure on a uterus! But if I could handle 13 lbs of baby and 2 placentas last time I like the think I can handle one baby this time. Maybe I'm being too optimistic? I wish you all the best!
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