Those who live upstairs in an apt. or condo

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Lisala, Jun 6, 2007.

  1. Lisala

    Lisala Well-Known Member

    We are living off of DH's teacher's salary right now so we're renting a small house, but our lease is up and we will be moving out of our current place. We are looking at apartments and the one we really like is an upstairs unit. I am just wondering how in the heck I am going to manage to get out of the apt. and down the stairs with both babies to go on outings.

    Where we currently live, we have access to our driveway right outside, so it's not been a problem. If I go for a walk I just take one baby out, put him or her in the stroller, walk back in the house (mere steps away from the stroller), pick up the other baby and head back out to the stroller - then I'm off. Easy peasy.

    But I am just worried that I will be even more "housebound" than I am now if I have to figure out a way to get both babies down stairs and into a stroller. How will I carry both of them at the same time? How do others manage this? The apartment we are considering is up about 10 stairs, and it's an outside entrance. I would love to hear from those of you who have had to handle this dilema.

  2. kajulie

    kajulie Well-Known Member

    well, I have an elevator. BUT, maybe put one in the baby bjorn and carry one on your hip? Sorry i'm not much help...
  3. Lisala

    Lisala Well-Known Member

    Yes, I thought about that being one way to do it. And really, I think that's probably the only way, lol. I'm just worried it might turn out to be more trouble than it's worth most days and I won't get up the gumption to go on outings. I guess I will just have to force myself to do it.
  4. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    When we looked at places we saw many duplex (or large) units on the top floors (usually 3rd floor). One we really liked and although I only had one kid at the time and was planning on just one more, I didn't want that ... it's too much for the kids, with groceries, with everything. Now we have a first floor / basement duplex and only 5 or 6 steps to get to our front door. That's more than enough with 3 kids.
  5. tdemarco01

    tdemarco01 Well-Known Member


    i'd just get a baby bjorn and strap one baby in there and carry the other. you can bring the stroller down before you head down with the babies.

    just a thought.

    Teri D
  6. Ellensgirls

    Ellensgirls Well-Known Member

    My girls are now 3, but we live in a townhome style apt complex, so there are stairs and walkways all over. We used the car seat carriers for almost the first year since my girls didn't hit 20 lbs until I think 14 months. However I couldn't carry them both for long by the time they got to be about 7-8 months, so I tried other methods to transport them.

    When they were tiny (5-6 months+), I would carry one in a sling (just use a carrier of some kind) and then carry the other one on my hip. Mine loved the sling and we used it on an almost daily basis until they were 18 months old and it just got too heavy. Also shoes kept getting caught in the carrier. I usually got my diaper bag slung over my shoulder and then picked up the second baby.

    The stroller is always kept in the car. I'd pop the trunk, drag the stroller out and pop it with one hand. Finally I'd place baby on hip in. Once she was strapped, then the 2nd baby was put in. Another option that I remember doing is to put the hand-held baby in the car to crawl, roam for a minute while I got the stroller ready. She would love to look out the window or play with something in the back seat.

    It sounds complicated, but it just became habit. Once they were walking pretty well, I could put the one I was carrying on my hip down and she'd mostly stand by me. Around 18 months I started letting them walk, holding my hand. It was slow going, but they became really good at stairs. If I needed to, both went into the car, while I got situated.

    Having a stroller that you can basically open one-handed was esential when the girls were little. I used the Graco DuoGlider and at a year the DuoRider (sbs) and they weren't too bad. While the first was heavy, I could drag it out of the car and easily open with one hand.

    When we got home, I'd often leave the stroller down in the carport (sometimes with the groceries) and then deal with that after they'd been put upstairs in a safe environment. I never did a ton of shopping unless I was with dh or along.

    It is doable, but it takes some practice. GL with where ever you move. The stairs will only be an issue for another 6 months or so and then they can walk.

    Best wishes,
  7. reeba1976

    reeba1976 Well-Known Member

    We live on the second floor in a condo. I will be honest with you. It is **** getting these guys up and down the steps. It really makes me think twice about going out for something. Right now, I can put them in their carriers and take them up and down the steps. I have also taken them both out in my arms. This takes a little practice (I would recommend doing this in the house first before tackling stairs). We have an SUV, so I am able to open the back gate and lay them down and then put them in their seats in the car, or pull out the stroller for a walk. Since having the boys, I can honestly say that my arms have gotten a good workout. Now today, I am paying for it cause I have pulled a muscle in my shoulder. I would strongly recommend a first floor condo if possible. I know with ours, the first floor condos open up to the outside which is nice.
  8. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

    ok..i live on the first floor.. walkright up .. and with three babies under 2.5 i would highly reccomend it for the first year..

    but if this isnt an option.. things you can do..

    leave the stroller in the car.

    when you walk in/out just carry babies.. and if you want to go for a walk your not halling the stroller up flights..

    also.. leave a diaperbag in the car..
    that way if you are going out.. its another.. not carrying it up and down stairs..

    also.. they already said the baby hip huggers ..exc..
    which is fine until they are 30 lbs.. when you mulitply x2 plus your weight.. ouch.. it is heavy.. but then they start to walk..

    to carry grocerys.. i would have 2 huge bookbags.. one on your front, one on your back for basic grocery needs.. and the twins in each hand walking on their own.. i know easier said than done..

    the fun part for me.. is carying in cases of water/ 6 gallons of milk and juice.. plus grocerys..
    all of which can be done with the coordination of the dh..

    good luck in your decision;)
  9. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    I suggest u find a ground floor apartment, or one with an elevator. Sounds like too much trouble. You're already anticipating it keeping u in. So look for one that is right for you.

    We lived on the 8th floor of an apartment until the girls were 1 year old, it woz quite easy just popped them in the stroller down on the elevator and out to the parking lot.

    Good luck

  10. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    We have a house but what I do is put the stroller/diaper bag etc outside and carry both babies to the stroller. I have always carried them together but if you are uncomfortable, maybe you could use a carrier like a sling to help?
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