Those who have had good experiences with C-sections

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Twins08, May 22, 2008.

  1. Twins08

    Twins08 Well-Known Member

    I'm fearing that I'll have a c-section with the twins.

    I need to hear some positive things about having a c-section.

    Has anyone here had both a vaginal delivery and a c-section? Dd you prefer a c-section? If so, howcome?

    My nurse says it wasn't so bad for her sister who had one, and the recovery time is about the same. She says c-sections have many posiitives cause you can have sex earlier, and can go to the bathroom easier after birth...I have a feeling some of this is different for everyone, lol!!

    I just need to hear that it's not so bad to have a c-section I guess. I am so afraid of needing one.

  2. Jocasta

    Jocasta Well-Known Member

    I had a vaginal delivery with my first DD and it was traumatic. I was induced and pain relief wasn't enough and I ended up breaking my tail bone during delivery which left me in alot of pain for a long time (around a year). Then I got pregnant with the twins - to be honest I was pleased that being twins I probably could insist on a c-section. Then I found out that my girls were mono and a c-section was the only way to go.

    I did have 6 weeks of hospitalization before delivery and I'm unsure if this made a difference. The section it's self was fine I lost a lot of blood but it all worked out ok. Apart from the stress of delivery I was home in 2 days and off pain med's in a week. I can honestly say for me it was a far better option.
  3. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I haven't had a vaginal delivery and a c/s, only a c/s. My experience was a very good one. :good: I was out of bed within 24 hours after the c/s and it took me about two weeks to feel alot better. As long as you take the medication they give you {for me it was Motrin IB} and don't over do it, it is a pretty quick recovery. My hospital also gave me a girdle like band that I put around my stomach area and that helped me alot. It really helped me strengthen my muscles and it protected my incision {that just made me feel better}
  4. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    I had an ER c/s, a VBAC and a scheduled c/s. The last was the easiest birth I had. I am allergic to all kinds of prescription pain pills, and took only ibuprofen after the surgeries. I healed faster from my first one (I was 11 yrs younger then), but had a 24-hr trial of labor first, so the whole recovery took longer. The VBAC was the quickest recovery, but in hindsight I should've had a c/s then, too (for reasons having to do with my particular anatomy). I would say vaginal is the best choice if it's your first baby(ies), but c/s is not so bad. I recovered well, did not suffer a lot of pain, was able to breastfeed my children right away and had only minimal scarring very low that no one would ever see unless I walked around naked routinely.

    For ME, I preferred the c/s. I have very narrow hips and tend to have lg-headed babies (DS2 had a 15-inch head).
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had a vag and c-section with my twins. I would definitely prefer the vag delivery over a c-section, but I had no choice as my two were early and both breech (even though Emilie was vag at home still). In the end all I wanted was a safe delivery!

    There is definitely a harder recovery with a section, but you do have less bleeding than with a vag, so that is good. I found, and the nurses will tell yo this too, the faster after you get up and move around the better. It hurt like hell when I first had to move, but in the long run it was best. Also, take any pain meds they give you.

    Good luck. :hug99: No matter how you deliver, in the end you just want a safe delivery for your twins. :)
  6. Terrebeth1

    Terrebeth1 Well-Known Member

    I have been a little worried about having a c-section too. The doctor confirmed last week that due to baby A's problems, we must deliver by c-section. I was fine with that until I just started freaking out...not sure why! I was lucky with DD 1. Sure, labor did hurt a lot, but I only pushed 2 times and she flew out. Recovery was easy. I guess I am just worried about the recovery with a c-section.
  7. Erineliza

    Erineliza Well-Known Member

    I haven't had a vag. delivery- only a c/s. I was really scared too- but it turned out to be a really good experience (all things considered). The IV getting put in was the most painful part prior to recovery. The spinal was a breeze and the surgery itself went really well. I was a little scared I'd feel something or have trouble breathing etc- but nothing like that happened at all! I did feel slightly sick at my stomach during the procedure, but just told the anesthesiologist and they gave me something for it right away. Personally, I didn't think the recovery was that bad considering what I had read before hand. I took my meds EVERY four hours and was up walking as soon as they let me. That really helped me feel more confident and not be afraid of the pain since I figured the worst was over after my first walk around. When they tell you to get up- do it. It helps with the gas and the overall recovery process. I was off prescription pain meds within a week and really started to feel much better at the end of the second week. Sleeping in a recliner once we got home was the way to go as getting in and out of bed without bed rails was very difficult and hurt quite a bit. Once I figured that out- all was good.
    Best of luck to you! You'll do great no matter which way it goes :D
  8. swp0525

    swp0525 Well-Known Member

    I've had excellent c-section experiences from my emergency one with my first born and the twinkies delivery. I do have to say that I healed much faster and was more mobile after the twinkies b/c I learned to listen to the dr's and nurses and got up and walked a LOT almost immediately after delivery. I delivered B&S around 5pm and by 6am the next morning I was up and walking, set an alarm to get up and take a lap around the floor once an hour until they released me. There were several times the nurses would point me out to other patients "look at her, she's up walking and she delivered twins via section 18 hours ago." I have to be honest though and say that I was one of those patients afraid of getting up and walking after my first and my recovery was much longer. I was off the narcotic pain meds within days of delivering B&S and had nearly full mobility although that could have been the adrenaline of having two babies to care for that masked the pain. Either way, easy peasy, my experiences were nothing like the horror stories you hear about sections.
  9. MamaKimberlee

    MamaKimberlee Well-Known Member

    I had two vag deliveries before my c-sec with the twins.
    I did not want a c-sec, but needed one. And I have to say, it was not all that bad. Yes, the first day after was painful, and the next few days were not easy, but I did get out of and entire day of excruciating labor!

    I don't regret it for a minute. I have healthy babies! It's also a great excuse to get lots of help the first little while. It was easier than I thought! (and best of all, as soon as I knew I was having a section I relaxed about the babies health. SO many things can go wrong for twins in a vaginal delivery! Especially baby B which I had worried about so long...)
  10. LillyWhite1

    LillyWhite1 Well-Known Member

    I never would have thought I'd say this but it was not bad at all. The worst part was my own fear and anxiety!! Really!! I didn't feel the epidural, the procedure even with complications that I had was really fast (only 45min) and I was chatting with my husband and the anesthesiologist and nurses the whole time. The recovery wasn't that bad either. Just make sure that you try to get up and walk around as soon as you are able to. It makes the recovery much easier and much faster.

    Good luck!
  11. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I had a c-section, feared it greatly, but it really was not bad at all. Nothing close to what I had built up in my fearful mind. I agree, it is important to get up and move as soon as you can. It hurts and is slow going at first, but I think it helps you recover faster. My c-section was at 9:30am and my nurse had me up around 3-4pm. And then I'd take nice slow walks to the NICU after that.
  12. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    DD1 was delivered vag. and the twins were c/s. I was liking the 'no labor" aspect of my scheduled c/s, although I was really nervous about it.

    The recovery for the c/s was more painful at first, but then was easier earlier. The vag. delivery had advantages, too, since it wasn't surgery, but a little over 24 hours of labor for DD1 wasn't a picnic. I'm just glad there are options and that we can get such good care in this day.

    If you do end up with a c/s, get up and walk as soon as they will let you, and that really helped me recover. Good luck!
  13. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    i had a scheduled c-section. my legs and feet were so swollen from the pregnancy they put these things on my legs that blow up constantly for the circulation. i was not that sore because they gave me meds in the epidural for the first 24 hours. then i was very sore and it hurt to walk the first few days. i was moving very slowely. i was in the hospital for 5 days afterwards. oh it was good to get help while in the hospital. didnt get too much sleep because everythime i was able to get sleep someone else was coming in the room to visit. then nighttime came and i couldn't seem to let the babies out of my sight. i was scared to get a c-section but it was really not bad at all. i never felt a thing during or for a while after. it took me close to 3 months to feel myself again though. i would do t again if i had to
  14. dmhooten

    dmhooten Well-Known Member

    I didn't like mine after having 3 vaginal deliveries, but I think my biggest mistake was not keeping up on my pain meds everytime I was due for them. I would think...well, I feel ok right now so maybe I don't need them....big mistake. This time I WILL take them everytime I am due for them and I think that will help tremendously. I also will probably try to sleep downstairs in the recliner for the first week at least, doing the stairs twice a day was probably not the best idea. Just keep up on your meds and try to move around as much as you can, even while in the hospital so you don't get too sore and stiff and it should be good.
  15. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    I had an emergency c-section under general anaesthesia, so I can't comment on the actual procedure as I essentially wasn't there for it.

    I had a very easy recovery. C-section was at about 11:00 AM, and I was up and walking by that evening. I took no pain meds (I did have the IV with available morphine - you press the button when you need the morphine - I tried it once just to see what it felt like, but I really didn't need it). I don't think I even needed ibuprophen. On the second night I was pretty uncomfortable and did take something for gas . . .

    The nurses did comment that I was functioning uncommonly well - I could just sit right up in bed right from the start, I guess because I had pretty strong abdominals to start with.

    I guess the point is that everyone recovers differently . . . a lot of people have commented on the importance of taking the pain medication, but I'd say it's important to do whatever it is you need to do. But I do agree with the recommendation to WALK as soon as and as much as you can (Somehow a friend of mine who had a scheduled c-section never got that advice and didn't get out of bed for 3 days! She was absolutely miserable and in tears the whole time, and when she did get up she could barely move).

    Ultimately, when the time comes, I think most moms are more focused on having a safe delivery with the best results possible, whether it be c-section or vag.

    Good luck!

  16. PJ

    PJ Well-Known Member

    I had my daughter vaginally and I had a terrible, terrible recovery after a tough L&D.
    It took me about 18 months to recover and even today things still aren't the same and I get pain at times.

    My c-section was a breeze! Seriously! The worst part about it was having to wait in recovery until I could wiggle my toes so that I could go up and see my boys. (I did get to see them briefly in the OR but was dying to actually hold them for an extended time). I walked within 24 hours also and walked as much as I could after that. It was tough to get out of bed by myself the first day but after that I could do it fine by myself. I actually went home a day early because I was so bored in the hospital and just wanted to be at home with my family.

    I was also nervous for mine and my water broke the day before my scheduled I didn't have time to worry that last whole day.

    I hope yours goes as well as mine did!
  17. jjokitty

    jjokitty Well-Known Member

    I've only had a c/s and it wasn't that bad. I was expecting much more pain, like constant, but really I was only uncomfortable when I'd get up and move around. Even then the pain meds helped tremendously. I tried to wean myself too early -- big mistake -- I was a much happier person when I took my pills. Felt much much better by 2 weeks pp. I had several minor but problematic complications following the surgery but they were not due to the c/s. I questioned our decision to have the c/s as opposed to being induced (I had pre-e so waiting for nature to take its course wasn't an option) but then I talked to my friend who had her singleton vaginally the same day. She broke her tailbone, needed a lot of stitches, had retained tissues, and now 7 months later had to have another surgery due to complications from her d&c. So stuff can happen whatever way your kids come into the world. I'm just grateful that we all ended up healthy!
    I spoke with a woman who had 3 kids, 1 naturally with no epidural, one induced, and one by scheduled c/s. She said the c/s was the best. Everyone's different but hopefully you have a good experience whichever way it ends up.

  18. twins0507

    twins0507 Active Member

    I'm a first time mom to twin boys, so I can't say I've had both births; however I did have a c-section. I would do it again in a heartbeat. It was easy and the recovery was much, much easier than I had aniticipated. As far as the pain, I wouldn't say there was no pain what so ever, but the pain was not bad. I took the pain meds given to me in the hospital and came home with percocet. I took it for the first day or two home but after that I just took the ibuprofen. You do have to take it easy, but you'll have to do that with a vaginal delivery as well. Good luck!
  19. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    I had a section and although it was a little more painful than I had anticipated it wasn't horrible. The pain medication they give you works well enough to keep the pain to a minimum. I was sore for a while and it took a little while to heal but overall it wasn't horrible at all. Plus the first few days in the hospital when you would normally be in the most pain, you have so much adrenaline pumping from being soooo excited about the babies that it makes it easier to deal with the pain. The part I loved about the section was the babies were out and safe in 2 minutes!
  20. reeba1976

    reeba1976 Well-Known Member

    I had the boys at 30 weeks. We were actually still in our baby classes at the hospital. The Tuesday before the boys were born, they discussed c-sections. I remember leaving telling my DH that I would NEVER have one of those. They look horrible!!!! Well 5 days later I was in the situation where I HAD to have one. John was transverse and Will was breach. It was a WONDERFUL experience. They walked me through everything! I think that if I had to choose, I would have done it vaginally, I would have, but my situation was different. And a good one!
  21. Alex23

    Alex23 Active Member

    I had a planned c/s and a VBAC and they are both 'tough'in their own way. Basically, c-sec is like recovery takes ages, mine was like 6 weeks before I felt like I could do what I used to, carry stuff, work out, things like that. The scar fades and usually quite small. VDelivery- anxiety because you are going to do all the work, I felt like I was going to have an exam and painful for the actual moment but once it has been done, that's it you go home and next day you are cleaning, cooking, doing whatever!

    I think that if you can have a *planned* c section because that is much more relaxing and bad stories are usually the ones where it was *not* planned. If you can I suggest Vdelivery first option, but simply cause its easier on your body and if you plan to have more. If you have kids already or things to do, can't afford to be at home resting... But otherwise both are okay. I don't get why some celebs cry their eyes out for having a cesarean. I mean, its just dumb, sometimes for health reasons and for the welfare of your babies its the best option. I never felt cheated or anything just people want to make you feel you should, but ignore that. What matters is you and your babies are healthy in the end.

    Hope you make the right decision
  22. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    I had a c/section with the twins...Baby B was breech and bigger than Baby A, so it was automatic c/s. The recovery was a breeze (although, the twins were in the NICU for 17 days, so I didn't really have much else to do but sit there and take care of them). I had a repeat c/s (I choose to) with Olivia. The recovery was a bit longer (I had a really bad chest cold in the midst of it and coughed hard for about 3 weeks....not good on a c/s recovery), but it was still easy. I was back to my normal self by about 4 weeks after and picking up the twins (30 lbs. each) by about 6 weeks.

    I never had any problems/complications with either c/s. They were easy. Now, I'm sure a vag birth has a much speedier recovery, but I don't have anything to compare it to
  23. aprillh

    aprillh Member

    With my oldest, I had a vaginal delivery and it was uneventful. With the twins, they were both head down the entire pg so we attempted a vaginal delivery. Kirby was born first with no problems, but Blake was face up and got stuck in the birth canal. She was having late decels and after an hour of pushing, I had to have a c-section. By that point, I didn't care, I was SO tired!! The recovery was not bad at all. I was definitely sore but my OB made sure I had enough pain medicine to take care of that. Nursing the girls wasn't even a problem either. Maybe I was just fortunate.

    I was the same as you - I *really* didn't want to have a c-section. But when it comes down to it, you just do what's safest and best for your babies. For me, it wasn't a terrible experience though.
  24. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i had a planned c/s at 36 weeks....what was good about this was:
    no labor
    knew exactly when the kids would be born

    from the moment i found out it was twins, I knew this decision was 'out of my hands.'

    my recovery was not too bad at all. I agree with the pp who said usually the horror stories are unplanned c/s. also, since i knew i was unlikely to go into labor on my own, i didn't want to go through the pain of being induced, only to have a c/s. these are our only there is no issue with having additional kids and going through another c/s or attempting a VBAC.

    i don't remember much about my recovery, i delivered on thursday and i know friday afternoon and saturday were bad (i didn't take my pain meds)...i went home on day 3, even though you can stay 4...(it was new years eve), i was walking at 2 weeks pp (dr. cleared me)...of course a walking route that
    normally took me 15 minutes, took me was awhile before my 'pace' caught back up.

    the worst thing was my abdominal muscles, you don't realize how much you use them. i was able to get in and out of bed ok, but i know people who weren't. i would say i started to feel like myself around 6-8 scar is really small (my dr does a c/s almost every day, so she is quite good at them). And i b/f Becca in recovery (Jake was in the NICU).

    G/ really is individual..i know people whose vaginal deliveries were 10x worse than my c/s.
  25. Terrebeth1

    Terrebeth1 Well-Known Member

    Now that I had a c-section yesterday, I can answer your question! Ok, vaginal is way harder going through labor and delivery. C-section, at least for me, is more difficult recovery. I will not lie and say that there is no pain. There is. However, that's what drugs are for! If you need a c-section, like I did, then you will be fine. If you have a choice then have them vaginally. I knew and still know that my daughter would most likely of not made it through a vaginal birth. there was no choice! You do what is best for your little ones!
  26. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    I've only had a c/s as well, but it was a good experience. I'm a control freak and was actually kinda glad it was going to be a c/s because then the doctors had complete control with fewer unknowns. I was up and moving the next day (had to wait 24 hrs because I was on mag sulfate). Yeah it hurt bad to get up that first time, but it was easier every time after that. Within a few days I was going back and forth from home to the NICU twice a day. You are moving slow but it wasn't too horrible. By the time the boys came home at 2.5 weeks I was doing pretty well and at 6 weeks was fine other than the spot where the stitches were tied hurting a little. Definitely take your pain meds both while in the hospital and after. It will make it easier for you to get around and that will make it feel better faster.
  27. the4bears

    the4bears Member

    I too had a c-section and was terrified!!! But it was not bad at all. I had the catheder out and was on my feet less than 12 hours after having the boys. And was more mobile a week after having the c-section than before ( I wasn't as I didn't take any pain relievers at home, except just regular tylenol and that was it!! The only "bad" part was the spinal, I am terrified of needles, especially ones going into my spine.. but that wasn't nearly as bad as everyone made it out to be!!!
    Good Luck... and you will do fine!!!
  28. ferfischer

    ferfischer Well-Known Member

    I had a vaginal birth with DS - went well, recovery very fast.

    I had a c-sec with the twins - both breech - no choice. The first week was hard, I stayed in the hospital as long as I could and took advantage of the nursery at night. I got a spinal headache, which most people don't get. I had no problems with the incision or pain. The recovery is no joke. That said, 10 days post partum, I went to Target, and begain going up/down stairs and lifting my 2yo - no problem. After 3 weeks, I was pretty much back to normal. The thing I remember that I was bummed out about was the fact that I couldn't have real food after surgery, only "clear liquids" - I was HUNGRY!

    In hindsight, I would have taken vaginal birth any day. That said, the c-sec wasn't that bad overall, either - just more "surgical"

  29. mar66rus2

    mar66rus2 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Twins08 @ May 23 2008, 06:12 AM) [snapback]789111[/snapback]
    I'm fearing that I'll have a c-section with the twins.

    I need to hear some positive things about having a c-section.

    Has anyone here had both a vaginal delivery and a c-section? Dd you prefer a c-section? If so, howcome?

    My nurse says it wasn't so bad for her sister who had one, and the recovery time is about the same. She says c-sections have many posiitives cause you can have sex earlier, and can go to the bathroom easier after birth...I have a feeling some of this is different for everyone, lol!!

    I just need to hear that it's not so bad to have a c-section I guess. I am so afraid of needing one.


    I had a vag delivery with my oldest DD. It was a fairly quick labor (5hrs), but my epi didn't work, and I was so exhausted that I didn't really get to enjoy it all.

    When trying for #2, I wanted to labor in water, etc...

    Well, when I found out it was twins, I knew that was out the door. A vag delivery was very possible according to my OB, but I had a gut feeling it would c/s. I was right. I was scared to death, but very prepared. Though it ended up being an emergency c/s (bloodflow problems), it went great. Though I was a mess (DH almost missed the birth due to him being stuck in traffic), my pre-op went great, the spiral went in just fine, I had no clue that they had even started the surgery. I asked when they were going to start, and the nurse said that the first baby was about to be born. I had the shakes, and bled a little more than normal, but that was it. The rest was great!

    I had stitches in my uterus, and derma-bond and sterile strips at my incision. I stayed up on my pain meds, got up and moving as quickly as possible and as much as possilbe, and did not drink anything carbonated for a week. By the time I got home, I was just on Motrin 800. It was not as bad as I nearly thought it would be!

    I even told my OB the other day when there for something else that I would a c/s all over again if I had anymore.

  30. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I had a c/section and I was so scared of the spinal.. wow it didn't hurt at all !! I did get nauseated a bit but then they gave me something for that. After I held the girls I went back to my room and I was a bit out of it. It took me 12 hours before I was able to get down to special care to see them. I had a bit more bleeding than usual and was a bit dizzy. They were both there waiting for me wondering where I was. I was a bit silly after they were born and I was putting out heavy stroller in and out of the car instead of our lighter stroller. I wish I had been more careful that way. It was no problem lifting the girls though.

  31. tx3smith

    tx3smith Member

    I have only had a c-section but it wasn't really painful and I only felt yucky for a couple of days. I was able to walk about 18 hours after ward, not far but it was a lot easier recovery then I thought it would be.
    If there is a chance that you will have a c-section there is a really good book that will explain everything to you. it is called the essential c-section guide. It will answer all of your questions better then anyone or anything else that I have found.
    Try not to worry, it isn't that bad.
  32. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    Well I've only had a c-section and I was absolutely petrified of having to have one. But after trying to induce me for 48 hours I had to have one.

    Honestly it was fine, I hardly felt the epidural had slight nausea, but nothing bad. I had the babies friday 9.45 and 9.46pm and could have gone home Monday but I managed to stretch it to Tuesday haha,, I had no help at home and I managed fine, just took pain meds for a couple of days.

    No matter what we say you'll still be nervous, but it will be fine. Good luck to you.
  33. HT

    HT Well-Known Member

    I had an induced vaginal birth with my oldest child. I didn't have any complications and was only in labor for 9 1/2 hours. I burned like heck down there for several days afterwards. The worst part is it took atleast 6-12 months before the burning stopped when having sex. I had a c-section with the twins and it was awesome! I was at the hospital at 6:30 and they were born 1 hour later so I wasn't exhausted from all day labor. Sure it hurts, but I was up walking the next day and was climbing stairs when I came home Wednesday morning. I felt great, ESPECIALLY DOWN THERE!
  34. littletwinstars

    littletwinstars Well-Known Member

    I had a scheduled C-section at 35 weeks with our DD and DS. This was my first and only experience with childbirth so unfortunately, I don't have anything it compare it to. I've had numerous major knee surgeries and I do believe that the C-section was "easier." The discomfort only lasted about 2 days. I recovered very quickly and had no complications. My only caution is that to rest as much as you can because your body needs it. I felt pretty good and moved around a little too much at the beginning. It didn't cause more discomfort...I was just really tired at the end of the day. Good luck and I wish you the very best.
  35. Twins08

    Twins08 Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone for posting about your experiences. I'm sure glad to hear there are positives to having a c-section, lol!
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