those out there with a baby

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by newtothis, Jan 24, 2012.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    i have a twin stroller which we love; however, it will obviously only fit 2 kids in it.
    i was thinking of buying a baby carrier to wear the new baby if we go out OR should i get a single snap-and-go? the new baby will be in an infant carrier but i wasn't sure what the 'best' thing to do would be.

    or do i just purchase both. lol.

    my twins don't spend a lot of time in a stroller but the reality is that they are only 2.5 and they do use it when we go out on walks, through the mall, etc.
  2. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I just have an umbrella stroller for the baby and I sold both of my double strollers. If we are going somewhere that the twins won't walk (a fair, the zoo, etc) then we bring our wagon and I push the baby and DH pulls the wagon. We are thinking about getting the little caboose attachment for the wagon now that the baby is sturdy enough to sit up on his own. It's just not very often that I need to take all 3 out somewhere alone. Most of the time my girls can walk if that happens. They were 3 years 2 months when the baby was born. If I were you I wouldn't purchase anything yet. Just wait and see what you need.
  3. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would wait as well. My boys were 19 months old when Annabella was born. By the time they were 2, I had sold the double stroller. With her in the infant seat of the double stroller, one was always walking. So they got used to walking early-and did great. We kept going places and she was the only one in the stroller.

    So we traded it in and got a single Graco stroller. For me it was easier, as the boys were great at walking. When we go to places and dh is with me, and there's a lot of walking, we've brought the wagon(think big outdoor fair), and Annabella is in the stroller. And now at 2.5 she is just about done with the stroller as well. They've done very well overall walking with me and holding hands, etc.
  4. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    we have a wagon

    i didn't know they sold a caboose for the wagons? id love to see a link for that!! :)

    my stroller was so expensive - i can't see selling it yet, lol. especially when the boys still use it.
    hmm...they do love walking BUT when one walks, the other one wants to walk, etc.
  5. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I can't remember the last time we used a stroller for the girls. And so far I haven't used one with Emmett. Anytime I've gone anywhere with all 3 I've put Emmett in the Moby. I like that because it allows me to still have a hand free for each girl (for parking lots,etc). Also, I don't have to worry about leaving Emmett in the stroller if I have to go after one of the girls quickly.
  6. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    On a quick google search this is the first thing I saw similar to what I was talking about. My IL's have a regular little tykes wagon with that little cart added on for the 3rd child. I'm searching online for that one. ETA: Here's one -
  7. weegus

    weegus Well-Known Member

    When our third came along (twins 17 months), we never purchased a triple. I pushed the twins in the double and carried the baby in a carrier (Beco Butterfly). As the baby got bigger, the carrier was a pain in the butt and I bought a Step2 Choo Choo Wagon. I love it and can even expand with more carts. It is great for strolls around the neighborhood, but it isn't practical for trips to the mall or doctor's office... I still used the carrier for that. Something that someone else referenced on a post here were some handles that attach to a stroller that your twins can hold them while you push the baby. We are expecting #4 and are getting these for our twins and keeping the double. These may work well for you, too.

    As a side note, a previous post referenced the the Step2 Tag Along Trailer for Two Plus... I highly suggest NOT putting your child in the trailer. My husband modified our trailer with a seat belt and we used that for a while. Safe, right? Although my child was within the weight limits of the trailer, the hitch screw assembly stripped (cheap plastic) and the hitch fell off... while I was walking with the kids. The trailer unhitched and I was about 5 houses down before I noticed my son was left behind. A woman came out of her house yelling that I was missing one! It was really embarrassing at the time, but pretty funny looking back at it! The Choo Choo Wagon has a much more secure hitch system!!!
  8. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    those handles are great. going to look at those now.

    so you still think i might need a single stroller then? something to put the new baby in??
    this is so frustrating, lol.

    we have a radio flyer. i wish that one came with a hitch!
  9. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would just use a wrap or sling while babe is wee & then decide on a stroller when s/he gets bigger. But it depends on how you feel about wraps & slings.
  10. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine were 18 months when Hannah was born and I just did the double with a carrier, graduated to an umbrella with boys walking by a little over 2, and we now have the Choo Choo wagon as well and I LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!! As do my kids;)
  11. marijanad

    marijanad Well-Known Member

    My daughters were 2 1/2 when my son was born. They didn't care for their double strollers so I sold them. I bought a single BOB for my son with a car seat adaptor and used that, the girls
    would hold the sides of the stroller when we went places without my husband. I also got an ERGO and used that when my son had more head control, I think around 4 months. Now he's 9 months, so he goes in the stroller the usual way and the girls still hold onto the sides. You probably need some type of stroller to transport the baby anyway, and one which accepts a car seat so you don't wake the baby? I was never one for wraps/slings myself. They make me too nervous and if you have other hands to hold it's hard to keep a hand on the sling or check baby's breathing.
    I say get a single stroller, or just a snap and go to start if you're not sure what type of stroller you'd like. I like the BOB but it's a little bulky and not that necessary, I might sell and replace with an umbrella stroller soon. Good luck :)
  12. scrappycindy

    scrappycindy Well-Known Member

    I have wondered this same question...thanks for the replies!
  13. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    My twins were 2y 4m when Gigi was born. Walking is NOT an option for my crazy, in to everything, boy child! We use the double stroller for them and I currently use the Moby for the baby. I'm planning on getting another carrier once she is big enough to be comfortable in it (thinking ergo or Beco). Eventually we will likely get a single umbrella stroller too but I'm not planning to get a full size single stroller.
  14. shannon713

    shannon713 Active Member

    I had our 3rd child when the boys were just shy of 2 1/2yrs. I personally would not get rid of a double stroller because for me my boys are WILD and love to RUN anywhere and everywhere especially when together. So I did buy a single stroller that I could strap the carseat into for when I was alone or with just one twin (for some reason they tend to behave better without their sidekick around :) ) But if I am out now with all three I will take the double stroller and put both twins in the stroller and carry the baby (I have a wrap and ergo ) or sometimes depending on where we are or their moods I will let them walk with knowing they go straight to the stroller if they dont listen or sometimes I make it sound like a privilege and really cool to sit next to the baby in the stroller (at that point I have both fighting and taking turns to sit next to the baby, go figure) And boy are they all about the baby, get ready for that one! They are constantly touching him!! Good luck hopefully yours will behave better than mine.
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