Those on Soy Formula

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Kate1587, Aug 30, 2008.

  1. Kate1587

    Kate1587 Well-Known Member

    Have you ever heard anything bad about Soy Formula? We just switched our girls to the Similac Isomil Advanced Soy.
    We've tried the Sensitive, but this soy has really made a difference. The only problem is that I started wondering if it was
    as healthy as regular formula so I researched it. I came across some pretty negative things about soy formula. Everything
    from developmental issues to things like vitamins/mineral absorption problems. There were other things mentioned but I'm just
    naming a couple.

    Anyone hear of this or taken your babies off of it because of it?

  2. jamiandkyle2002

    jamiandkyle2002 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Kate1587 @ Aug 30 2008, 10:10 PM) [snapback]955475[/snapback]
    Have you ever heard anything bad about Soy Formula? We just switched our girls to the Similac Isomil Advanced Soy.
    We've tried the Sensitive, but this soy has really made a difference. The only problem is that I started wondering if it was
    as healthy as regular formula so I researched it. I came across some pretty negative things about soy formula. Everything
    from developmental issues to things like vitamins/mineral absorption problems. There were other things mentioned but I'm just
    naming a couple.

    Anyone hear of this or taken your babies off of it because of it?


    Soy is all I could give me 3.5 year old. Once he started it he never had anymore stomache issues. He has always been SOOO healthy. Really he has never been sick. So don't worry so much. Really all that formula is so regulated that I don't think you should worry.
  3. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    I have been using Isomil Advance since the girls were about 2 months old & they *LOVE* it. It has worked really well for them & their little tummies seem to agree with it :)
  4. HinSD

    HinSD Well-Known Member

    I won't put mine on it (even when it was recommended by the nurse for diarrhea) because of the phyto estrogens in soy. But as for other nutrients, it is the same as other formula.
  5. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    My oldest was on soy and he thrived. There was some concern about vitamin absorption but it never was a problem with him. I was also concerned about the estrogens in soy but I chose to continue because I figured a happier regular weight baby that may possibly someday have fertility problems (maybe, there was never any conclusive evidence at the time) was better than an underweight baby who had a hard time keeping food down and was miserable because of it.
  6. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    I used it for a while and it seemed to help their tummy problems at first but then after a few months it was back and also found it to be constipating. As soon as a switched them back to a lactose reduced milk formula they haven't been constipated anymore.
  7. wymomoftwins

    wymomoftwins Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(blended6 @ Aug 30 2008, 11:26 PM) [snapback]955630[/snapback]
    I used it for a while and it seemed to help their tummy problems at first but then after a few months it was back and also found it to be constipating. As soon as a switched them back to a lactose reduced milk formula they haven't been constipated anymore.

    I had one of my twins on it from birth to about 4 months. It helped his gas problems but I agree it was constipating so I had to give him lactalose in his bottles which causes gas/cramping too! It was a rough first 3 months for him. I ended up using the Walmart brand that says its comparable to the isomil and it worked just fine and cost A LOT less. They are both on the Sams Club brand of formula now-I think I switched Casey off of soy at about 5 months as his stomache was stonger and more able to tolerate regular formula by then. It is sooooo much easier making bottles now that they are on the same formula so we don't have to label everything :)
  8. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    My 2 cents:

    I think on the net you can find “bad” info on everything if you look hard enough, w/ that said mine are on soy and big old healthy babies (95% in height and 90% weight)… my husband was a soy baby and he is the healthiest person I have ever meet… in the 15 years I have known him he has been sick 3x maybe 4… and for fertility… I was on bc when I conceived the twins… so his guys are fine (I was also on a different bc when I conceived my first pregnancy that I lost)
  9. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    DD was on it for 3 months... and I decided to switch because of what I read, especially concerning estrogen. Then I saw the AAP update on soy formula, saying that the only babies that should be on soy should be for very good reasons... it was enough for me. We switched at first because we called the nurse at our pediatrician office about her bad reflux and she said to switch to soy... but frankly I'm sure Similac Sensitive or Gentle Ease would have worked as well... we switched her to Gentle Ease at 6 months with no problem whatsoever.

    I think it's probably fine... but again, even Asians who use soy a lot never give it to children under 4, from what I read... so you're never too cautious, IMO.
  10. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    4/5 of my kids were all on Soy(Hannah was on Nutramigen) and it really helped with their tummy/reflux issues. We were able to go to regular whole milk with all of them between 9 and 18 months.
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