Those of you with Boy/Girl Twins

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by [email protected], Apr 8, 2010.


    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    So, recently I have been have a lot of problems getting DS to want to wear his own cloths. I had to explain the difference between a boy and a girl the other day when he had a fit because he wanted to wear a dress like mommy and sissy. Now the new fight has been bathing suits. I do give in to some things. He has been wearing DD's mini mouse pjs to bed but I am having a real problem getting him to understand the whole bathing suit thing. Have any of you been through this?? Do I have a little girl trapped in a boys I assume this is a pretty normal thing to go through especially since he always wants what his sister has but some things I can not let him have his own way with. He can not wear her pink shoes, besides the fact they are too small for him!
  2. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I don't have boy/girl twins, but I had a son that went through this phase..and it was a phase. My son always wanted his fingernails and toenails painted, and I did paint them. Of course, when my husband got home that was a whole different story, but he was tickled to death to look like mommy. I think that some things are fine, but I think that if there is a particular article of clothing that you don't want him to wear, I would just say, no, you can't wear that because that is sister's special outfit for sister only. And just be consistent with that. I don't see the big deal in it personally...I say take lots of pictures and then when he gets older you can pull them out and embarrass the heck out of him when he brings his sweeties over.
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  3. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    oh heck yeah, take pictures!

    Royce doesn't want to wear Alice's clothes (yet). . .But he does like to play with her dress up dolls. And he wants to wear pajamas to school. Alice wants to wear his clothes, and I let her sometimes but if it's a special outfit, I don't let her.
  4. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Do they each have cups/toys/stuffed animals/blankets/whatever that they don't have to share? If so, I'd explain that it's like that, that Emma's clothes belong to Emma.

    Kevan loves to play dress-up with his sisters, and is often walking around the house in crowns and and a tutu and princess heels. I think it's funny, and no big deal. But, I also wouldn't let him leave the house wearing his sister's dress or bathing suit. Thankfully he hasn't insisted on that!
  5. skybluepink02

    skybluepink02 Well-Known Member

    It's normal for kids this age to experiment with pretending to be different genders. The idea of gender isn't very firm for young kids, so they just want to wear what mommy/sissy gets to wear. If it were me, I'd probably indulge him a bit. Of course, I believe that if someone is going to by homosexual, they will be homosexual regardless of the influences in their early lives (barring abuse or something). So I don't take the view that my boy wearing a dress occasionally will "turn" him any more than making him wear pants will prevent it.

    But, if it makes you very uncomfortable, then tell him dresses are for home and pants are for out. Kids are smart and know that there are different rules for different places. You may have to be firm the first few times, but he'll give it up pretty easily.
  6. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    My daughter went through a phase of having to wear everything her brother had - BEFORE he got a chance to wear it! They are not twins, he's 18 months younger but wears the same size, and boy clothes are bigger anyways so they fit her quite well..

    that was a phase, though she does still like to wear his flip-flops, his sunglasses, etc....

    The only thing my son does, is he INSISTS on me fixing his hair every day like I do his sisters. If I don't put him up on the toilet and spray and brush his hair, he has a fit. Of course, afterwards, he's good for taking his hand and messing it all up again, but that's not the point.... at least to him it's not! LOL

    I'd let him do what he wants to a point. He's a toddler. They don't know gender difference like we do. My daycare tells me all the time my son plays dress-up with dresses and heels everyday....
  7. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    I have g/b twins and they have both gone through this phase. actually ds wanted to wear dd's clothes then ds wanted dd to wear his cothes.

    It is a phase and I believe that just going with it gets through it more quickly than trying to stop it and telling him he can't wear something because he is of a certain gender.
  8. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    My DS does like to wear some girls clothes, and I do let him do it around the house (tutus, skirts, mommys heels). What I have found that helps, is to get really excited about his "cute" clothes as well, so I make a big fuss over him putting on a "fancy, collared shirt" and now whenever DD wears her "fancy dresses" he gets to wear something fancy as well.
    And, DS likes to have his hair done as well, just like DD. So, there have been many times where DD and DS both go out in public wearing ponytails. DD looks like an actual pony tail, and DS is just a tiny, tiny little rooster tail. We do get a lot of looks, but mostly people just think its adorable that they both have a pony tail. We have been doing this for about 7 months, now, but he is finally growing out of needing a pony tail - yah!
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