Those of you in cold weather states

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by JenniferBrz, Apr 4, 2008.

  1. JenniferBrz

    JenniferBrz Well-Known Member

    Happy Friday- :banana:

    So for those of you in cold weather states what do you do for fun as a family? My kids are 4 and almost 2. The weather is improving however it's not there yet to spend much time outside and the rain is starting for the next month. DH and I work different shifts. Family time is on the weekends- I'm getting stirr crazy staying home or occasionaly the mall.

    Does anyone have any fun ideas??? I thought a indoor waterpark but the twins a still to little to really enjoy it. I took them to a indoor pool and they both wanted ME to carry them. It must have been funny to see. Me plus to monkey's with their legs wrapped around my body- and around each others legs. I'm a little person so they wer intertwinded into each other too!!! Funny.,, I guess that may be why I got so many comments in the locker room. Sorry- I digress-

    What else do you ladies do for fun with the kids and dh out and about???? :umm:

    Jenn B)
  2. JenniferBrz

    JenniferBrz Well-Known Member

    WOW!!! 26 views and 0 posts!! I guess no one has any recommendations for me :) It's a bummer living in a cold state but it is supposed to be 65 and sunny this weekend!! Out to the park we go!!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful and restful :rotflmbo: weekend
  3. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    We live in a cold weather state, but when it is cold outside there is not really all that much to do around here! I wish we had an indoor water park! I have never even heard of that till now! I usually either like you, go to the mall or to my aunt's house!
    boring I know!! I was hoping someone would have a great idea too!
  4. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    Here's what I do:
    Still take them outside and bundle them (and yes, I get glares :rolleyes: )
    Our local gymboree type place has open gym you can go to
    take them out to lunch/dinner
    Go to the museum
    zoo (yup, even when its cold!)

  5. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    -The local toy store/book store both have train tables that they like to play with
    -The library
    -The children's museum
    - Walks, park, riding tricycles (as long as it's not raining or snowing we just bundle up!)
  6. JenniferBrz

    JenniferBrz Well-Known Member

    Hey Thanks girls!!

    I am almost positive our zoo is closed. (I think) hmmm.. I live in MI. I have 3 little ones so I think 1.5 the time I'm just to lazy to take them outside for 10 minutes. 6 pairs of boots 120X putting mittens on :yahoo: FINDING the right coats, hats, mittens for everyone and KEEPING them on...I know next year will be better as far as the twin staying dressed (not pulling their hats off) etc. Right now they can't walk down our steps to the garage very steadly.

    I'm just so glad spring si so close!!! I have not ventured to a museum!!

    Any other ideas?

    Yes an indoor water park- VERY cool. A breeding ground for germs- but lots of fun for the kids. I think probally better 5 and above. I am just going nuts wanting to do something with the family. And even with just me and the kids during the week- I'm at a loss. My first and I went everywhere and did everything. Now I'm SOOOO impressed with myself when I take all three to Target. UGGH I'm so sad! :blush:

    I guess I also get really tired of cleaning my house. If were home I'm cleaning- YKWIM- it's a never ending cycle. I want the twins and my 4 year old the experience fun things and not miss out because there are 3 and it is hard for me... GUILT GUILT GUILT :unsure:

    Gosh- I'm sorry - I'm so tired .

    Everyone have a great weekend
  7. billandginastwins1

    billandginastwins1 Well-Known Member

    -we do the library childrens area
    -our local mall has two really nice kids play areas, plus we just like to stroll the mall. We will let our kids play in toy stores and such.
    -we have a children's museum, regular museum, aviary, zoo..etc in the city, and we will plan stuff like that on the weekends. We will do those things from time to time.
    -we get together with a lot of friends that have kids to hang out and let them play.
    -During the week I take my twins to story hour at our local library and have been doing that since they were one.
    -we go to local mcdonalds with indoor play area
    -i visit a lot of family during the week too, just to get out of the house and get the twins out.
    -i am involved in older daughters PTA, so twins enjoyed going to the elementary school with me a lot to do my volunteer work there.
  8. leticiasnow

    leticiasnow Well-Known Member

    We are in the cold midwest. We had a very cold winter this year. We went to the Children's Museum a lot. We also went an aquarium. Our mall has an indoor playcenter for younger kids. We also do ECFE as a family.
  9. Ange2k25

    Ange2k25 Well-Known Member

    This is what we do in the winter:
    -visit the library(lots of puzzles, blocks and kid friendly furniture)
    -a couple of the local malls have nice play areas with slides and other activities
    -our closest McDonald's has an indoor big toy with a slide that is sized just right for the girls, so we get a milk and apple slice snack and play for an hour
    -a local community center has an open gym time once a week with cozy coupes and other vehicles, slides, and climbers for the little ones to play on
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