those 35 weeks and up - What's your fundal measurement?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Netty, May 12, 2007.

  1. Netty

    Netty Well-Known Member

    I'm 36 weeks 3 days and I'm measuring 37.5 cm. I'm measuring small, but all is well. Just curious to know what everyone else is measuring around this stage.

  2. Kymy

    Kymy Well-Known Member

    well at 31 weeks I was measuring 36... I have been 4-5 weeks 'bigger' the entire time. I am 33.5 weeks now & am probably measuring 37.5-38.5 weeks. I will find out on Tues! All that matters is the little beans are growing :D I think every women is different... I know some on here are measuring at between 40-48 weeks... while others barely measure ahead at all. If your doc isn't concerned I wouldn't be either.
  3. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    I was measuing 10 weeks ahead. You are right on with the key point though as long as all is well that is all that matters!
  4. Cabbyk82

    Cabbyk82 Well-Known Member

    At my last apt at 35 and 4 days I was measuring 39. I've stayed pretty consistantly 4 weeks ahead.
  5. 64Mustang

    64Mustang Member

    For some reason I am obsessed with this topic!!! At my 24w appt I was measuring 32w but had only gained 14 pounds. I expect when I go back for the 28w appt I will be about 40w with a couple more pounds gained. Time will tell. I guess I am still in awe that I am carrying twins and am curious about just how big I'm going to get. When they say pregnancy is different for every woman it most certainly is. You'd think it would be more standardized but everyone is different.

    With my singleton DS I only gained 20 pounds total and thought I was having a tiny baby. He was a whopping 9 pounds. I measured on track exactly the whole time.
  6. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    The last time that they took my fundal measurement was at 34 weeks and I was measuring 43!
  7. 2kidsplus2

    2kidsplus2 Active Member

    I had been 4 wks again, then 5, but now I've jumped - at 35 wks I was 44!!!! I didn't even ask this week - I'm scared too know :)
  8. Twin-kle Twin-kle little stars

    Twin-kle Twin-kle little stars Well-Known Member

    Well..I hope it has something to do with how I am carrying....because last week I measured 46 weeks and was only 33.5 weeks along! ( It seems like my babies are growing straight out the front of me) I am getting frightened as to how big i might still goodness! The babies better be BIG....or I will have alot of work to loose the "extra" inches off my waist line.

  9. TTTSMiracleMom

    TTTSMiracleMom Well-Known Member


    Don't feel bad -- at 20 weeks 5 days I was measuring 40 weeks (my twins has TTTS and there was severe polyhydramnios in my recipients sac). I am ALMOST back to my prepregnancy weight -- about 10 pounds to go. And only one size bigger. You will lose it, it just takes a little time.
  10. Angelmommy

    Angelmommy Well-Known Member

    At my last actual measurment i was 34wks and measured 43 weeks. m They didnt measure my fundal height after that anymore- i started getting BPPs and NSTs untill i had them at 37wks :)
  11. jennycam

    jennycam Member

    I am only 27 weeks now but at my 25 week appointment i measured 31 weeks and i've definitely grown since then.
  12. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    I measured 38 weeks at my 35 week appt.

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