That's what my son Eli says all the time as he points! Everything is this, so I tell him what it is. I hope he gets another word soon. With Trent it was Is it blue? or Is it bird? Peyton always says mom (more) for everything. If they still are using little words in October I will be contacting the birth to 3 program again to get them reevaluated before December.
Pretty effective at communicating though, huh? Our two's language TOOK OFF at 18 mos., so if you don't see improvement it's worth it to call! You don't want to wait too long and if they are fine then nothing was hurt by them being evaluated. WIN WIN! :hug99:
our girls are learning lots of new words @ 18 months too. they point and "grunt" alot. at books, pictures, body parts, everything. They hold up toys wanting us to repeat "duck" or "starfish" a bunch of times. They are learning. It's pretty cool. Give them time. Just keep saying and repeating the correct word for things. They'll pick it up. They certainly are curious! Right now, Syd runs around saying "happy" repeatedly. She learned it from a leapfrog interactive book. Nothing better than a happy child telling you how happy she is!
Another thought? Are you teaching Sign language. Try Signing Times (PBS airs it on wknds). It's awsome. Our girls have learned alot of signs and alot of words watching it. And it's definetly helped our communication.
I do use signs, but they don't. For awhile they would sign more and all done and now they refuse too. I see when that show is on and try watching it with them.