This week's Appointments July 16-20

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by summerfun, Jul 16, 2012.

  1. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    This is our weekly appointment thread for the week of July 16-20. Please reply here and let us know any appointments you have this week. Don't forget to come back and update us on how the appointment went. Good luck at all appointments. :)
  2. msterling

    msterling Active Member

    Hi there! Start of Week 12 for me. Had our 1st OB appt this AM but it really was an orientation with the nurse to go thru questions. I see the doc on Wed for monitoring. I was so deflated to hear they won't do a u/s until weeks 16-18. UGH!! We were soooo spoiled at our Fertility doc's office. But, the doc will listen for the heartbeats on Wed. We go in tomorrow for another 1st OB appt at another nearby hospital. We want to determine who we feel most comfortable with and know their stats before we make an ultimate decision who we decide will deliver our baby and follow us during this process. The nurse was very impressed with questions I asked. I wrote a list, so if anyone wants any tips, please let me know. :)

    After much diliberation the past few days we ultimately decided not to have the NT scan done. I just feel it is inevitable that they would want me to continue tests in the future b/c I am high-risk with 1) my age and 2) I'm carrying twins. I just fear the false-positive reports! So, we are happy with our decision. At the point, we know it is in God's hands.

    God bless everyone this week.
  3. rayceryin12

    rayceryin12 Well-Known Member

    Glad things are going well! That's exactly the reason I decided against the NT tests - I'm a worrier and I didn't want to worry the whole time!
  4. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    Sweetprego -- So glad things went well. My OB doc did my first ultra sound when I first went to see him (8 weeks) and I've had ones done every time I've gone in, even if it's just to see the heartbeats.

    I have a follow up with my OB regarding the pre-e tomorrow. I'm hoping it's not happening, my BP has been good but I'm starting to swell pretty bad in my feet and hands, but I'm not far from delivery so maybe it's just that.
  5. AKilburn

    AKilburn Well-Known Member

    My follow up went well, no hospitalization for me anytime soon :woot: However I am now on weekly appts with my OB and weekly NST's. I have a follow up with my MFM next wednesday, we'll see how much more often I got to see them. Kind of feeling like all I do is deal with doctors, lol! Luckily I love my OB and his staff so I don't mind seeing them every week!
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