This Week's Appointments April 18-22

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by summerfun, Apr 18, 2011.

  1. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    This is our weekly appointment thread for the week of April 18-22. Please reply here and let us know any appointments you have this week. Don't forget to come back and update us on how the appointment went. Good luck at all appointments. :)
  2. Henderson

    Henderson Well-Known Member

    well we start out today with NST, then BPP on thursday! Hopefully we all cooperate and no more scares for mommy and daddy! I've been on edge all weekend!
  3. gizmodad

    gizmodad Member

    our twins are due october 16th. we go to Dr. today and get our 2nd ultrasound we just completed 14 weeks. Sure hope they can see gender this early!!!
  4. ward

    ward Well-Known Member

    have a regular OB appointment this Thursday. We will be discussing me going back to work for just a month. But due to the fact that i can't really sit up for too long with out being uncomfortable im gonna see if she will okay just part time for the month and then i will be off work until the babies come =)
  5. Henderson

    Henderson Well-Known Member

    goodluck gizmodad, we could tell at 13.5 weeks one was most likely a girl but we had a very squirley baby # that did not cooperate so you might! I thought ok I'll drink some juice before I go so we would have a better chance of seeing, well in my case it backfired! Lol! And sebastians mommy that would be nice to get out of the house while you still can but would really suck if you are uncomfortable :( I had two cooperative babies on their NST's today we just wait now for growth check thursday! Grow baby A grow!!
  6. Twinkerbelle

    Twinkerbelle Member

    Lets see. Tomorrow a visit to the peri to go over delivery options and timing. Looking at a c section since I want my tubes done too. Also have been looking at 35 weeks since they are id and I had pre term before. Wed I meet with my OB to get my P17 and weekly biophysical done. Followed by a visit to a neonatoligist just to make sure I have all my bases covered. Oh and the dentist. All on my birthday, woo hoo
  7. gizmodad

    gizmodad Member

    well my wife had a 14 week ultrasound yesterday. Everything is looking GREAT so far. We did get a peek at the gender and Both are girls. Sure hope one is a boy i just don't know what i am going to do with girls. we go back in 2 weeks. the ultrasound tech siad she is like 100% sure both are girls but DR said he would not put any faith in it until 16 weeks.
  8. ~Christine~

    ~Christine~ Well-Known Member

    I had my checkup with the doctor since I was in the hospital last week. Everything looked good, still no further dilation. I am now going to be going in 2x week for NST and biophysical 1x week. We are hoping to make it to 35weeks! Bed rest is going ok, and it definitely helps that I am allowed to get up and move around every 6hours for 10minutes. :)
  9. FormerNoCalGirl

    FormerNoCalGirl Well-Known Member

    Had my first appointment with my OB yesterday. Both babies are measuring 9 weeks 3 days, which is exactly how far along I am. Heartbeats of 158 and 162. We are so excited. Next step is genetic testing. I'm 35. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? My husband wants to do CVS but I'm wondering if that is really necessary at 35. I think the NT testing would be fine.
  10. sjkar

    sjkar Member

    Appointment yesterday at 17w2d still showed a slightly abnormal doppler reading for Twin B. They are going to recheck the doppler reading this Friday, then I go in on Monday for them to test for IUGR. Prayers please!
  11. lilybay

    lilybay Well-Known Member

    Regular office visit tomorrow. This is my first appointment after the 12 week ultrasound where we discovered it was twins, so I have half a page of questions to ask! Hope she has time to talk! :)
  12. Henderson

    Henderson Well-Known Member

    ok BPP went well today! Everyone cooperated! We are still watching baby A's fluid closely though. Dopler on her um cord still good :) we now have theirdisc down from 26% to 17%!! Baby A is about 4 lb 11 oz and Baby B is 5lb 10 oz!! My peri said plan for ultrasound next week and c section at 37! I meet her partner next week because turns out she is having surgery and will be out when I am to deliver. I know who he is though and is the twin expert according to my old office manager who used to work for him.
  13. ~Christine~

    ~Christine~ Well-Known Member

    I am younger than you, but I would recommend doing the genetic testing (doesn't hurt to have all the information possible!) - NT and the blood tests/biophysical scans...I don't know how I would feel about the CVS - did you ask your doctor what they recommend? Do you have any family history of any genetic defects/issues?

    Good luck! :)
  14. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If you post about this topic in the general Expecting Forum you may get more responses. :)

    As to your question, I did not do the genetic testing. I was 24 with no family history of abnormality, however. Some of the tests (I believe CVS?) have been known to be off b/c of multiple babies throwing the results out of whack, which can create unnecessary worry and further testing.
  15. ward

    ward Well-Known Member

    Had my doctors appointment today. Both babies look good. Talked to midwife about going back to work only part time since its hard for me to sit up for too long she agreed. Although i wont be going back to work for a full month most likely only 2-3 weeks. Oh and they are thinking of changing my due date to August 24th instead of September 1st. They are going based on the babies meassurments. So if they do that then that would make me 22 weeks and a day as of today instead of 21 weeks as of today will have to change my ticker if they do that lol. They also went over my second glucose test and the fasting result came back high again only 105 and she said it needed to be under 95. So they are making me stick myself three times a day still not sure about medicine.
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