This week's accomplishments!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by cohlee, May 19, 2009.

  1. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    Two days ago Maia put her own sandals on, one was on the right foot, the other was not! She is the puzzle master, she got 5 pieces right on her first puzzle, she loves them!

    Sofie says everything, her vocab is around 100 words! She said shoulder last night in the tub! :eek:

    What are your LOs big accomplishment of the week?
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Great thread Cohlee, your girls are doing so well!
    Both of mine started saying "up".
    They know now to hold on to the railing going down the steps (of course, DH and I still accompany them)
    They will give us their shoes to go outside.
    Sophia says "all gone".
    They are starting to identify colors
  3. twins2008

    twins2008 Well-Known Member

    that is great, you have talented little girls.

    Cami figured out how to climb stairs in the house.

    Kyle climbed up the playground stairs and is starting to walk.

    They have both learned to blow kisses. There are so many things they are doing, this is all I can think of right now.

  4. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    Well, it was technically last week... but Hailey is now walking and today she walked in from the car when we got home from daycare! (it's only about 10 feet from car to door but still an accomplishment!) She also "talked" to our neighbor while we were out there, which is good for her considering lately she has become incredibly shy around people she doesn't know well.
    Hannah said "thank you" (more like "ain ooo") tonight when DH gave her something! She also showed me a kitty cat in a book and it sounded like she tried to say kitty cat!

    And last but DEFINITELY not least... tonight they were both in bed with NO fits!
  5. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Wow - it is sooo exciting to hear all of the great accomplishments of everyone's children! They're growing up so fast.

    Jackson had a really wonderful day today and was incredibly snuggly and affectionate in a cool, calm, and collected manner. The fact that I just wrote Jackson's name at the beginning of that sentence is still shocking to me - he has never been like this, EVER, in his entire 23+ months of life. It was soooo sweet. :wub:

    Jacob translated Jackson's screaming tantrum for me while we were in the car, allowing me to get him what he needed. :woo: It was probably the longest sentence he has ever said, too... which was really great! :)
  6. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    Mitchell surprised me today by getting on my nephews toy motorcycle. He barley touches the ground when sitting on it but he just walked over to it and swung his leg up and climbed on. Then he preceeded to make vroom vroom was just so cute! Oh and another big accomplishment for them today was when we went outside to play they actually kept their hats on!!
  7. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    They are both, finally, not just walking inside but now they are walking OUTSIDE!!!

    Saying many new words like: backpack, bubble, dirty, want that, door, outside, - to name a few.

    They figured out how to go down the stairs!

    They can get off of the couch!

    Drinking out of straw cups now (the dentist will be so proud! :lol: )

    There are more, but that's what I can think of off the top of my head!
  8. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Hmmmm. . .new this week.

    Alice is doing drive by pointings. I'll ask Royce where something is in a book, Alice will come running by, point to the item (and they're weird items, like spiders (which she did say "pi-duh"), scarf, watermelon, anteater) and run off towards the kitchen. And she's doing the "Get the Wiggles out" dance from Yo-Gabba-Gabba, (hoooooooooooold stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill, wiggle wiggle wiggle stop), which means that she's shaking her tush during the wiggle part, and then holding her arms out for the hold still part.)

    Royce is pointing things out a lot better in the books. I asked him to find all of the birds in a page and he found all of them.
  9. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yikes! My boys STILL don't have any words...But EI should be starting next week or so... So let's see...

    Not sure if it's this past week or not-but most is fairly new and about all I can come up with! LOL!

    I think they are BOTH starting to talk to each other in their own way...SO CUTE!

    They have both mastered getting ON and OFF the couch. Joy.

    Nicholas almost has the hang of the stairs. He can do it alone with you right there, but sometimes he doesn't pay close attention...Overall though-I think he does really well! Anthony is almost there too-his legs are just a bit shorter!

    They BOTH within the last week have learned to pick up their toys! :D And in the playroom, with supervision-they will put them in the RIGHT bin!

    Nicholas has been a jargoning fool which is good to see-seeing how he didn't do it at the eval and they said he was at a 8 month old level...

    They point to everything in books/tv and know them all...

    Yo Gabba, Gabba has become a hit and they are transfixed on it. It's pretty bad when they scream at the TV before bedtime because they want to watch it! And yes-the Holdddddd Stillllllllll is their favorite episode!
  10. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(becasquared @ May 20 2009, 08:24 AM) [snapback]1321012[/snapback]
    And she's doing the "Get the Wiggles out" dance from Yo-Gabba-Gabba, (hoooooooooooold stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill, wiggle wiggle wiggle stop), which means that she's shaking her tush during the wiggle part, and then holding her arms out for the hold still part.)

    Thanks. Now I will be singing that in my head ALL.DAY! :p Mine love the wiggle dance too!

    I know mine are a little older, but I'll play anyway :D Mine are becoming much more kind to each other. Instead of screaming and hitting when someone steals a toy, they now say "A/M I was playing with that" and then the other will give the toy back... not every time obviously, but we are definitely making progress!
  11. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine still aren't talking either...but we have successfully transitioned to toddler beds! (knock on wood)

    Last night DH and I sat in their room for a few minutes but then we left and told both girls to stay in bed and go to sleep. We didn't hear anything, so we ate dinner and went to check on them about 30 minutes later. They were both on the floor next to Amelia's bed. Lily was face-down, sleeping, and Amelia was sitting next to her, reading a book. We put them back in their beds and didn't hear another peep all night. :wub:
  12. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Kaylyn figured out how to jump and get both feet off the ground!! She has been working on this for weeks, and she finally mastered it!

    The talking is crazy! Their vocabulary grows immensely each day, and they each have over 100 words that they use on their own and in the correct context! Kylee will finally respond with her name when you ask her what her name is. They can also both identify their "sissy" by her name now. They can both count to 5, then 8,9,10!! (we are still working on 6 & 7) :)

    They can put together 3-4 word sentences

    They can correctly identify the colors Yellow, Pink, Purple, Blue and Green.

    Both of my girls love Puzzles as well, and can get all the pieces in correctly.

    They both can follow 2-3 step commands

    The Love to Kick the ball

    They can get their shorts on and off all by themselves and they can take their shoes on and off by themselves (sometimes its the correct feet, sometimes not)

    They can put their toys back in the correct place when they are done playing with them.

    They both can Twirl (complete with their hands over their heads), do a "Shuffle-Step" and an Arabesque.

    They can do the motions for "Itsy-Bitsy Spider", "Head and Shoulders, Knee's and Toes", "I'm a little Tea Pot", "5 little Monkey's Jumping on the bed", "the Hokey Pokey" and "If your happy and you know it clap your hands". They can also hold hands and do "Ring around the Rosie", by themselves, complete with falling down at the end.

    They can go up and down stairs themselves by holding on to the hand rail

    Not all of that is new this week, but has been perfected over the last couple of weeks....

    CROSSTWINS Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(aimeethomp @ May 20 2009, 09:08 AM) [snapback]1321205[/snapback]
    Mine still aren't talking either...but we have successfully transitioned to toddler beds! (knock on wood)

    Last night DH and I sat in their room for a few minutes but then we left and told both girls to stay in bed and go to sleep. We didn't hear anything, so we ate dinner and went to check on them about 30 minutes later. They were both on the floor next to Amelia's bed. Lily was face-down, sleeping, and Amelia was sitting next to her, reading a book. We put them back in their beds and didn't hear another peep all night. :wub:

    Aimee that is just adorable.

    They have started blaming each other for things. It is very funny. If I ask them who has pooped they will blame each other.

    They can climb on the couch by themselves.

    They are very efficeint with their utensils now.

    Hope can put her shoes on. Grace could care less about that one. She doesn't always get them on the right feet but she tries.

    Hope is very independent now. She says "No me's do it".

    They both can say everyone's name in the family.

    When people ask them their name they will tell them who they are. That is if they are not being bashful.

    They are growing up so fast now. They are doing so much new stuff and talking so much more it is crazy. I am having so much fun with this age. Of course there is special moments about all ages but this one seems like a lot of fun. I love to sit and watch them as they discover new things. I am totally amazed by them.
  14. maurahursh

    maurahursh Well-Known Member

    What a great thread! My boys can....

    Walk both inside and outside
    Go up and down the stairs (they slide down on their tummies feet first)
    Climb up the ladder of the slide cube, sit and slide down (I have to remind them to go feet first)
    They are starting to point and gesture to things they want. This is huge for us. They only scored 20 points out of 60 on an EI eval for communication/language.

    That is it for know. It is great to see all of the progress our little ones are making!
  15. 4kidsmomexpectingtwins

    4kidsmomexpectingtwins Well-Known Member

    Wow! Sounds like everyone's little ones are doing great and accomplishing so much

    Molly stood up by herself with no help or pulling up today!!! She is also taking a couple of steps, but still prefers the safety of holding on while crusin around the furniture. Molly is also saying bye and dog now! She is going to be quite the talker. She babbles all the time. It's funny when she is in the highchair she calls the dog over and drops him some food. Stefan thinks it's funny, so he drops some, too!

    Stefan is still pulling himself up on things to stand up, but he is now walking across the floor without help! (As long as he doesn't realize he is doing it! LOL) Once he realizes what he is doing he usually does a quick step and sits!
  16. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    They are both climbing a lot on the jungle gyms at the park :eek: . Many people are impressed with these skills! They're sitting in chairs a lot more and it's so adorable. Nikola is stringing together sentences and it's neat to hear. Annalise is pretty adept at charming people and instantly making friends :).
  17. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh one more accomplishment!

    Alice did a belly flop off of the couch last night onto the tile floor! :blink:
  18. Boni

    Boni Well-Known Member

    Awwww all your kids sounds so cute and clever. I got home to the girls singing along to the song "Pokerface". (Thanks Boys)!!!!

    Athena vocab has now picked up a lot, she refused to talk. A and Victoria can count till 10 and got the words to twinkle star right. it use to be ... up above the SKY so high instead of WORLD....
  19. ghanigirl

    ghanigirl Well-Known Member

    DS started taking steps last weekend. DD made a really low and quiet "roar" sound two days ago (while holding a lion toy) and a really quiet "quack, quack, quack" (while looking at a book with a duck). They are just getting SO MUCH FUN!!!
  20. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    So I have finally come to the conclusion that my boys have three words....And I am going to share them!


    Hot is so funny! They know stuff on the stove is hot-so they do not touch it. They both say, "Hah! Hah!" Or whatever-definitely no 'T' sound-but they know what it means. Also with their food-they know it's hot. Or-when Anthony needs to put his hand on the house to walk down the stairs and it's hot, he'll move his hands away and start flapping them going, "Hah! Hah!" Yes-HOT!

    And dog/duck-sound exactly the same-but they go crazy when they see either!

    On a side note....

    Nicholas saw that I was sad(ok...miserably crying today). He looked at me for a bit, then climbed in my lap and hugged me. It's what motherhood is all about!
  21. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    Aiden went pee pee in the potty ALL BY HIMSELF today! After bath, I was getting Conner in his diaper/pjs while Aiden was running around & I heard the potty sing (we have the Fisher Price one that sings when they pee in it). I went running in & he said "Pee Pee Potty! No pee pee floor...naughty pee pee floor...pee pee potty!" I gues my constant reminder of NO PEEING ON THE FLOOR kicked in!

    Aiden is trying to count. With prompting, he can usually get the next number (although he seems to totally drop 7). Conner just always yells "1, 2, 3, go!". I think the poor kid thinks that "go" is a number!

    They're starting to read out loud & MAKE SENSE! I overheard them in their room reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, saying "Boom Boom! Coco Tree! Skoodle doo flee!" Then trying the alphabet at the end..."A, E, X, Z!" I'm glad to know they're listening.

    Conner's become more social & less 'stuck to my leg' around strangers. Today he told the lady we walked past on our walk that he got a hair cut. Just randomly. I thought that was cute.

    Aiden saw a garbage truck from the car today & didn't CRY! This is a HUGE accomplishment in our house! He's deathly afraid of the garbage truck....

    There's more, but I'm too tired to think!
  22. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Ryder will show you his belly button when you ask where it is.
    Reese has mastered climbing up and down the ladder up to the playset in our backyard.
    They both are doing really well with using a fork.

    Not too many words yet.
  23. sjohnson813

    sjohnson813 Well-Known Member

    This has been a busy couple of weeks for them. They can both stand independently. Cooper took two steps at daycare on Tuesday and Clay took one step last night at home. They both walk all over the house with push toys. They both say dog, yay-ya (our dog is Laila), no no and stop (the last two with fingers pointing). Clay learned to either blow kisses or say "thank you " in sign language, we are not sure which it is. If I ask them where's their belly they will pull up my shirt and try to blow MY belly!
  24. twinmuffin

    twinmuffin Well-Known Member

    Biggest accomplishment in the past week is that Hailey is finally walking more than crawling. I didn't think this day would ever come!
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