This was a new one

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Rollergiraffe, Oct 23, 2010.

  1. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was at the mall today with the kids eating lunch and the boys started flirting with two ladies at the next table over, so of course the questions started "are they twins?" "how old?".. etc. It was a really nice conversation and the boys were having fun chatting to the ladies. I didn't mind one bit as the kiddos were quite entertained.

    Then one of the women pipes up: "are they identical? they're not identical".
    Me, "yes, they're identical"
    Woman, "no, they're not"
    Me, "well, identical only means genetically identical, there can be a lot of variation though"
    Woman, "no, those kids are not identical"
    Me, :blink:
    Woman, "Their noses are different"
    Me, :blink:
    Woman, "there is NO way that those kids are identical, your doctor screwed up."
    Me, :blink:
    Woman, "that one is smaller"
    Me, :blink:
    Woman carries on pointing out differences between them for a while..
    Finally, I just said, "you know, gosh, you're right, I can see how a dozen medical professionals could be totally wrong about that."

    Just for the record, here's a picture of my non-identical twins.
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Ugh, the things people say! Your boys look pretty identical to me and extremely cute :wub:
  3. silver_stardust

    silver_stardust Well-Known Member

    LOL! This made me chuckle. The things people say leave me shaking my head. I love your last comment! I wish I was quick witted enough to say things like that! :laughing: And your boys are super cute and look ID to me!
  4. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    People who don't have multiples have no clue. I usually get real snarky when someone questions me on the genetics of MY babies. LOL
  5. tundrababy

    tundrababy Well-Known Member

    Bahaha!! Some people! She must have been related to the woman who told me identical twins can have different color of hair (referring my blond and brunette twins).
  6. Shohenadel

    Shohenadel Well-Known Member

    Unbelievable!!! Some people just think they know everything! Imagine, arguing with YOU over whether they are identical!!! I'll have to share this with my sister who also has twins (My twins are 20 months old and hers are 10 months old.) Her twins are boy/girl and some guy was trying to convince her that they were identical. "How many minutes were they apart?" he asked her. When she answered, "Five" He said, "See they must be identical because they are only 5 minutes apart!

  7. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    I had a woman tell me once that my twins couldn't be identical because they had different shirts on. I thought she was just being funny so I laughed... she was serious. Crazy people out there!

    I get a lot of people who tell me all the similarities between my two and argue that they are identical. I just keep repeating "One is BLONDE and the other has DARK BROWN hair." :laughing:
  8. kumphort

    kumphort Well-Known Member

    I love the people who ask if they were identical when they were born..........since it's obvious that now they are not...
  9. tri159

    tri159 Well-Known Member

    Oh the things people say! Your boys are totally identical, and SOOOO cute!!

    BTW - this is totally off topic but....what kind of gate do you have set up in the picture? The long one with brown bars? It looks like something that might work at our house too..
  10. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    Too funny. Obviously, you, as their mom, would be the LAST person on earth to know if they are identical or not. Someone informed me on Saturday that Jacob was too pretty to be a boy. Well, last time I changed a diaper, nothing had fallen off so yes, he was still a boy. Gotta love people.
  11. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    oh, people who don't know what you are talking about - you are so...amusing? annoying? ridiculous? :pardon:

    i had one women comment about how busy i must be having two kids less than a year apart. i said they were twins. she said she thought they were different ages because Danika is taller (by a 1/4" :huh:). what do you do?
  12. MeredithMM

    MeredithMM Well-Known Member


    I have people sometimes tell me that mine are not ID. They will study their faces really hard, and then point out some very minor difference and claim they aren't! :laughing: Which is hilarious because most of the time people ask me how I tell them apart.

    I've realized that some people think "identical" really literally means identical. I've gotten to where I just say, "You think so?" :laughing:
  13. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I have the most unidentical Id twins around here I think. They are 6lbs 1 1/2 in different in size and one has curly hair and one straight. I've been asked whats their age difference, it's fun to say 3 min when people think it's a year
  14. Username

    Username Well-Known Member

    Too funny! I've had strangers tell me my twins aren't twins and probably aren't even siblings. I've come to respond that they are correct- they are simply friends who have the same parents and were conceived and gestated at the same time, not twins.
  15. Chicklet

    Chicklet Well-Known Member

    Your boys are SO cute and SO ID LOL Glad you were able to come up w a come back for her ;)
  16. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    That comment makes me CRAZY!!! As if I don't know my own children???!!!! My girls are faternal and look very similar, but are not. And I get the "are they identical?" and I say, "No, faternal." and people will ask me, "are you sure?" Um no I am not sure- I think the stranger who has glanced at them for two seconds knows EXACTLY what they are over their own MOM! jerks.
  17. Lynn76

    Lynn76 Well-Known Member

    Some one must have forgotten to put on their glasses! Great comeback tho!

    I had a lady at Sams club the other day insist that my two are identical except for the color of their hair, one is blond and the other is a red head. They are fraternal. Oh well!
  18. efmolly

    efmolly Well-Known Member

    I have very un-identical identicals but surprisingly everyone asks "how do you tell them apart?" A family in our church has a set of 8 year old boys. Obviously, I'm not going to argue with the parents when they say they are fraternal, but DANG! I have never seen two siblings look so much alike in my life! I have never even seen ID twins who look this much alike, but Mom says they are frat. :pardon:
  19. jajajayme

    jajajayme Active Member

    Wow! Some people...... Your boys are adorable! And look very much alike! Of course there are differences! But they're clearly not fraternal!

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