This might not be a PC question--No bedrest?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by MarchI, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    Did anyone make it to 36 weeks without bedrest? Did you keep working?

    I am sorry if it isn't PC to ask that question but I was wondering if it does happen.
  2. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    I made it to 39 weeks 2 days with absolutely no bedrest or restrictions, except I stopped working on my own at 7 months. I worked in a law firm and did alot of running around at 7 months I was getting tired and couldn't last the whole day.
  3. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    My doctor didn't do bedrest if it wasn't medically indicated. I had no restrictions (other than not standing on my feet all day) and went 37 weeks. I could've gone longer, but I'm short and I ran out of space for their amnions, so I had to have a c/s. I was nowhere near labor at that point (induction too risky due to prior c/s).
  4. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Sure, tons of women pregnant with twins go full term without bed rest. You might not get many responses here because most of us who already have our twins don't check the Expecting Forum (I clicked on the wrong one this morning; that's why I'm here). But yes, most of us never went on bedrest. You might want to post in the Parents forum and ask this question to get more responses.
  5. hrichards

    hrichards Well-Known Member

    My doctor didn't take me off of work until it was medically necessary, and then once that happened, at 33 weeks, I was on bedrest. She told me it was best to stay active as long as we were healthy.
  6. kdanielleflowers

    kdanielleflowers Well-Known Member

    Sure, it's possible to make it all they way with no bed rest (all though you may be begging for it at the end!). Each prenancy is different and what type of twins you have (di/di, mono/di, mono/mono) has a lot to do with it. I went on modified bedrest at 18 weeks, full bed rest at 22 weeks and hospital bed rest at 26/27 weeks with my mono/di girls. There's no research that "proves" bedrest is necessary in all cases, but it got my girls girls to 33w6d when the peri thought they would have to deliver at 26w5d, so I'm a fan. It just depends on what is best for you and your LOs.

    Good luck! :babyflips:
  7. mrschenoweth

    mrschenoweth Well-Known Member

    I worked (teaching) until 36 weeks with no problems. My dr. told me he doesn't put patients on bedrest unless necessary because of the risk of blood clots forming. I agree with others, it just depends on your situation.
  8. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    I also worked right up until I delivered- with no bed rest, but every pg is different. My doctor would have liked me to stop working sooner, but I'm at a desk all day and I honestly would not have gotten as much "off my feet" time if I had been at home. Good luck!
  9. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I made it to 35 weeks and 6 days...just one day shy...without bed rest. I had no complicatons and was actually technically still working, I was on Christmas break (I'm a teacher) and was going back to work in two days when I went into labor.
  10. Mommy2ATeam

    Mommy2ATeam Well-Known Member

    I was induced at 37 weeks and had never been on bedrest. My OB did make me stop working at 32 weeks (she wanted me to stop at 28 but I convinced her to let me do half-time so I could save some FMLA time). But I was SO ready to stop working at that point.
  11. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I worked 43 hours a week until the day before my scheduled c-section (twin A was breech) at 38 weeks. :) It definitely can happen and all depends on how you are feeling.
  12. jranger05

    jranger05 Well-Known Member

    I've been lucky enough to avoid bedrest. Im now 33 weeks and 6 days and I just take it easy when my body tells me to. My OB explained to me, that because I have a proven competent cervix ( I carried our first to 3 days before his due date), it ups my chances of having a term pregnancy with the twins. It also depends on the type of twins your expecting. I am expecting di/di twins, which is at the low risk end as far as high-risk pregnancies go. As far as work, I have been off since October, when our son passed away, but my OB was thinking I could return to work when I felt ready and would have been able to work up until April 1st. Here in Canada, we are SO lucky to have 52 weeks of maternity leave, and we can start it as early as 8 weeks prior to the due date.
  13. bkpjlp

    bkpjlp Well-Known Member

    I made it 37 w 6 d with no bedrest. He didn't say anything about me not working - but I sit in an office all day.

    I could use a bedrest now though! :p
  14. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    I delivered at 36 week 1 day and had no bedrest. As for working, I worked up until 34 weeks. But the only reason I stopped working was the job that I was doing was under contract and that is when the contract was up.
  15. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(bkpjlp @ Apr 10 2009, 03:56 PM) [snapback]1267814[/snapback]
    I made it 37 w 6 d with no bedrest. He didn't say anything about me not working - but I sit in an office all day.

    I could use a bedrest now though! :p

    I really think there should be option where you get to take a vacation at the end of the first 3 months. I would vote for that.
  16. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    i was induced at 38 weeks and 4 days and was never put on bed rest or had any limitations from my dr.
    i will still cleaning horse stall till 37 weeks with my hubbys help of course he did all the heavy stuff :)
  17. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    Why wouldn't it be PC? I don't get it.

    Many people make all the way through without bedrest. I never had bedrest. I was already a SAHM of 2 and I never stopped. I drove myself to the doc appt at 36 W with my mom and kids. We were going to do some shopping after the appt but then ended up wheeling up up to L&D right from my appt.
  18. MyCrazyLife

    MyCrazyLife Active Member

    My first doctor told me I'd have to go on bedrest starting at 20 weeks... Ridiculous. I was perfectly healthy, and there were no issues with the babes. She treated me like I had a disease. So I found a new doctor, who told me there was no need for bedrest. I was active and busy (working & chasing my toddler) right until I delivered at 37.5 weeks. The babes grew healthy and strong until the last couple of weeks, and then baby b wasn't doing as well (stopped gaining weight) so they did a csection. Both girls were happy, healthy.

    My recommendation, though... I should have planned to rest MORE during the last 8 weeks. I was exhausted and still blame myself for the early delivery. If I'd slowed down a little more...? But bedrest wasn't necessary. I could have just stopped working earlier and spent more time with my feet up.

    Good luck!

    And if you don't agree with your doctor, get a second opinion. Doctor's philosphies regarding bedrest differ.
  19. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I wasn't on bedrest at all and made it to 39 weeks. :good: I stopped working mainly because I couldn't drive myself to work every morning and there were no other options. Good luck!!
  20. sreal02

    sreal02 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(MarchI @ Apr 10 2009, 07:06 AM) [snapback]1267005[/snapback]
    Did anyone make it to 36 weeks without bedrest? Did you keep working?

    I am sorry if it isn't PC to ask that question but I was wondering if it does happen.

    I'm 37 weeks 4 days & have never had a day of bedrest. I was fortunate enough to be able to stay active throughout this pregancy--we also have two girls, ages 4 & 7---and I'm so thankful I didn't have to endure bedrest or major complications. However, I worked in Physical Therapy & stopped working @ 34-35 weeks as it was getting to be too much for me.
  21. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I worked until 34 weeks--I was a teacher and that is when the school year finished. I delivered at 36 weeks with no bedrest.
  22. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    My OB never actually put me on bedrest, BUT by 34 weeks I could barely walk, and almost anything I did walking or standing triggered a ton of Braxton Hicks, so I guess you could say I was functionally on bedrest for those last 4 weeks. Spent most of my time in a recliner!
  23. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    39 weeks, no bedrest, no restrictions at all. I quit my job at 32 weeks because I felt DONE. There wasn't much I could do where I worked anymore and I knew I was going to stay home after having them anyway. I was still up and around and doing stuff at home but in short bursts.
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