This is why I have locks on my cabinets

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by cjk2002, Sep 30, 2009.

  1. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I posted last month about going to my nieces house who has a 2 year old singleton. Except for under the kitchen sink, nothing else is child proofed. When my sister came over a few weeks ago, she joked about how I have locks on everything.

    Well I just got this picture sent to me.

    Who's laughing now???? :rotflmbo: :rotflmbo:

    This is the same nephew who when my niece was in the shower decided to go into the fridge, take out his birthday cake for his party the next day and smear it all over himself and the walls.
  2. faerieprncs

    faerieprncs Well-Known Member

    OMG and it's a SHARPIE!!!! That is NOT going to come out!!!! Looks like she's either in the market for slipcovers or a COUCH! That's a pricey lesson to learn!
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh yikes :faint:
  4. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    :laughing: I shouldn't laugh too hard because I don't have locks on mine, but I lock them out of every place but the living room.
  5. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    At least you lock them out. He can go anywhere in their place so of course he's going to get into things esp. if you don't keep an eye on him. Not sure when this happened. He's in a toddler bed and a lot of times will wake up before his parents.
  6. Brizzy_Twins

    Brizzy_Twins Well-Known Member

    Oh My :mellow: u would have never caught Alisha and i doing that when we were kids. everything was child proofed.. and if we did, u would NEVER hear the end of it. We would of got into sooo much trouble. :woah:
  7. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    OMG! Priceless!!! :rotflmbo:
  8. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    Wow.... Yea, we have locks on the stuff we don't want them in and there are definitely no markers within reach! Yikes! :woah:
  9. irisflower

    irisflower Well-Known Member

    I shouldn't laugh at someone else's expense, BUT.... That is tooooo Funny! :rotflmbo:
    (should have seen the writing on the walls that was coming?? bad joke)
  10. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :rotflmbo: i'm more than willing to laugh! thanks for sharing. ;)
  11. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    Oh, no! You can't blame him, he's just doing what 2 yos will do (and all tuckered out from the effort), but oh, dear! :eek:
  12. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Lol. You'd think they would have learned their lesson the first time!
  13. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

  14. Rach1137

    Rach1137 Well-Known Member

    This is why I don't let my kids out of our childproofed area except for baths and bed.......I guess it's a good lesson about keeping EVERYTHING out of reach
  15. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    OMG, what is she going to do with her sofa now!!!!! :eek:
  16. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Ha, too funny! :lol:

    The best part of that picture is how he's passed out from all the naughtiness... ;)
  17. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :woah: OMG! :rofl: That's hilarious!! (because it didn't happen to me ;) ) I love how he drew what looks like a beard! :laughing:
  18. jenniferkkelly

    jenniferkkelly Well-Known Member

    OMG, I think that picture is hysterical!!! I laughed & then immediately thought, I'm glad that's not my kid! :rotflmbo:
  19. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I personally like the "hobbit feet". :laughing:
  20. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

  21. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I thought I was the only one who locks up everything and has my entire house like a complete gated community. They can only get into the dining room if I'm there, and rarely into the kitchen. I still wish I had my house more child proof. I'd child proof every room in my house if I could. My friend lets her 21 month old roam the house, he can climb out of his crib and last time did it at 1:30 in the AM. Leaves him with her 6 week old baby while she showers. Way different from me, and hard to watch sometimes some of the stuff she allows.
  22. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member

  23. ohjojo

    ohjojo Well-Known Member

    ROFL!![​IMG] he is either passed out from the naughtiness or the sharpie fumes... lol, that poor couch, what did it ever do to deserve that??
  24. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    I am LMFAO right now! :rotflmbo:
  25. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    No kidding... I think it's a bit irresponsible personally... She's really lucky the kid hasn't got into knives, chemical products or whatnot yet...
  26. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    :wacko::rofl: That picture is priceless (well, I guess you could figure the cost of the new couch...)! I closed it...and then had to open it back up again for a second look. He's devilishly adorable, sleeping so peacefully in the middle of his disaster.

    If you find out the whole story (about how they found him), please share. I'm so curious!! Do you think he woke up early, drew all over everything, and then decided to go back for a nap? I just can't imagine how he ended up sleeping like that so perfectly looks like an advertisement or somthing! I'm sure they are upset about the furniture now, but what a funny story to look back on!
  27. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    Well, I don't and never have had anything locked up. And yes, my kids have gotten into some things (OK, the cereal), but know that they are absolutely not allowed to touch the "owies". I don't think it's fair to be so judgemental against people who make different "parenting" choices than you. Even with everything locked up, "things" happen at times.

    As for the picture, I, too, :laughing: ...because what else can you do? Life's lessons are not always fun, but they can almost always be a good story.
  28. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    My niece was sleeping along with her DH and he woke up before everyone else. He's in a toddler bed and shares a room with his brother who is 6.

    He found the sharpie once before; again they were all sleeping, and drew on the walls.

    She thought they were high enough this time but obviously they were not.

    The picture does not show it, but he also drew on the carpet right in front of the couch. They rent so I wonder how they will handle it when they decide to move.
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