This has really gotten hard lately! What happened?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by HT, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. HT

    HT Well-Known Member

    I have loved having twins, barely a complaint the 1st year. Oh my gosh, has it gotten harder the last few months! I thought it was supposed to get easier! The girls just turned 16 months and they are into EVERYTHING! With 3 kids under 4, one room after another is ripped apart. I feel like I'm under seige all day long! Plus they have gotten little minds of their own all of a sudden. They have horrible tantrums when told no. They know what they want, but they aren't talking so I have no clue most of the time. They have also gotten tall enough now to climb on chairs and furniture so I'm constantly grabbing them before someone falls off. To top it off, all 3 of the kids are fighting constantly. They are all driving me nuts! Anyone else notice it getting harder instead of easier?
  2. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    On some days...absolutely!

    I was actually just venting to DH about this the other day when he asked what I was so grumpy about.

    I'd asked him if we could all go to the park and he wasn't up for it and I wasn't up for chasing the two of them by myself.

    I apologized but said it almost seems harder now. At least when they were little you could just pack them up and go and they were usually content to be somewhat contained. Now...the second the stroller stops, 'Down, down, down...' And one's going one way, the other's going the other way and usually climbing on something!

    I feel your pain!

    Oh, and the girls actually discovered the word 'No' today. They've been defiant at times for a while now, but actually learned the word today....sigh...
  3. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah! When they first started getting into everything and being so curious it got crazy. But now at 19 months it has evened out again. So, I am sure that I am in for another change at some point.
  4. emmyshannon

    emmyshannon Well-Known Member

    Isn't like a switch went off? Things are all come and quiet and then boom.

    We just started going through a rough patch again. My boys know how to say no and also grunt at me when they want something. They refuse to listen to me and DH. I know that it will get better in few weeks.

    Hang in there!
  5. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    I found 1 - 2 yrs much harder than 0 - 12 mths.

    They are soooooooooooo busy at that age.
  6. Rachel P

    Rachel P Well-Known Member

    Actually, we went through the 2's with very few tantrums. The 3's have been much worse, I'm sorry to say, with lots of tantrums, constant fighting, and toys everywhere. The adorable things they say make up for a lot of it though :)
  7. jakeandpeytonsmommy

    jakeandpeytonsmommy Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Rachel P @ Jul 21 2008, 07:13 AM) [snapback]886678[/snapback]
    Actually, we went through the 2's with very few tantrums. The 3's have been much worse, I'm sorry to say, with lots of tantrums, constant fighting, and toys everywhere. The adorable things they say make up for a lot of it though :)

    Same here. The twos weren't as "terrible" as you hear...the three's, my god, they are insane!
  8. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    :hug99: All I know is I am right there with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can barely stand the tantrums I feel like they are just bratty lately. We had a picnic to go to on Saturday and as soon as I set James down he started crying and wouldn't stop for close to an hour :eek: . I am just constantly picking up after them and pulling them off of furnature (Jack was on the kitchen table yesterday when I cam out of the bathroom. They don't eat what I make them and if they don't like it they throw it at me or on the floor. I wish I had some words of encouragement but I just wanted to let you know that I feel the exact same way.
  9. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I agree w/ PP so far as we close in on 3 it is getting harder!

    Mine were not bigh movers and shakers and one did not walk until 18 months so once they slept through the night- it was fairly calm.

    Now at 2 1/2 they dont want to be in the stroller, they want to touch things, and they are fairly agile on destroying things....they also fight MORE now than they ever did as toddler/infants!

  10. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Personally, I found 12-18 months to be EXTREMELY trying. The constant frustration of them understanding more but not being able to communicate would put them into constant tantrums and meltdowns. They were starting to climb EVERYTHING and so I felt like I was in a constant state of panic and ready to have a heart attack at every given moment. To the day they turned 18 months, I started time outs and they have been extremely effective for my girls I don't have to give them too often because my girls are older now and understand consequences. All I have to say is "do you want a time out?" and they say "no." and they stop what they are doing. I completely know what you are going through and sympathize but felt that it started to get a lot easier after 18 months.
  11. Cathmar

    Cathmar Well-Known Member

    Oh, MAN, do I know what you're talking about. This place is like a bomb hit it three point two seconds after they wake up. And the climbing! I've resorted to putting them in one crib together, putting on that Laurie Berkner song My Energy, and letting them jump around like literal lunatics! And do they ever.

    I think the terrible two's have hit six months early.

    I just feel bad when they so desperately want something and they don't have the words yet to say it. And I end up spending ten minutes grabbing stuff in the general direction they're pointing in and saying, "this?", "this?" to which they just keep saying, "NO!" So frustrating...for everyone!
  12. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I definitely can tell you, for me, it was harder until about 3 months ago. Hang in there. :hug99:
  13. Hananielsgirl

    Hananielsgirl Well-Known Member

    Akkkk! this is not what I wanted to hear! My twins will be 15 months old when the new baby gets here!

    Akkkk! this is not what I wanted to hear! My twins will be 15 months old when the new baby gets here!

    Akkkk! this is not what I wanted to hear! My twins will be 15 months old when the new baby gets here!
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