This can't be normal, can it?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ssb2e, Oct 31, 2010.

  1. ssb2e

    ssb2e Well-Known Member

    Sorry if this ends up being kind of long. My DD has recently been extremely clingy to me lately. She had a cold recently and don't know if was from that or just a stage. It gets old her always wanting to be held, but I can deal with the being clingy. However, she has started a very weird sleep (or lack there of) habit. I don't know if it could be normal or something to worry about. First, I will say that she is my really good sleeper. Always sleeps 12 hours at night and usually a 3 hr nap during the day. She never wakes up at night - until this week. She has started taking a really long time to lay down and she wakes up and stays awake for hours. The really weird part is that she just stands in the corner of her crib looking at the door.
    The first night she was crying for me until I went in and got her, I rocked her because she seemed so upset and put her down after she fell asleep.
    The second night, the same thing, she cried for me like crazy so I went in to get her only to have her lay really still with me, but refusing to close her eyes. After 2 hours, she finally fell asleep.
    Night 3, awake for almost 2 hours, basically the same as night 2.
    Last night was rediculous!! This is when I actually became very concerned. We put them to bed by 7:30 and after taking a while to lay down, she did go to sleep within about 30 minutes. Well, at 12:45 she wakes up and cries for me for just a minute and stopped. I had a peek at her on the monitor to see if she laying back down, but she was just standing in the corner of her crib watching the door. I thought I'd watch her until she went to sleep. 2 1/2 hours later, at 3:15 she was literally still standing in the corner of her crib, not making a peep and not laying down! I finally thought that was enough and decided to try and lay with her. I took her to the sofa and we laid there for about another hour and a half. She was very still laying with me, but refusing to close her eyes. at 5 I took her in to rock her again and she finally fell asleep at 5:30, almost 5 hours later. I tried to lay her down and she woke right up crying. Finally at 6 I actually crawled in her crib with her and we slept until 7 when her brother woke us up.
    It's like she's just really wanting me, but not crying or anything. I thought for sure she would just lay down, but after 2 and a half hours of standing, I gave in. I feel so bad and am really worried. Anyone experience anything like this. If I didn't have a video monitor I would never even know she was awake.

    Sorry this was so long, but wanted to give all the details.

  2. bekkiz

    bekkiz Well-Known Member

    Is it possible she has an ear infection? I only ask because laying down can make the pain much worse, and it sounds like she's the most upset laying down. Other than that, I'm of no help.
  3. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    I was wondering the same thing...maybe ear infection? Maybe take her into see the dr, just to get her checked out.

    The other thing I was wondering is, if she is getting too much sleep? Maybe if you tried shortening her nap to 1.5 or 2hrs, nighttime sleep might get better? Mine used to sleep quite a bit when they were the age of your kids (usually 11-12 hrs at night) and then another 2-3hr nap. But, potentially with 12hrs sleep at night, and then 3 more for naps, perhaps your kids are just getting too much sleep during the day? Just a thought.
  4. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    if she's standing very still or laying very still it is possible she's asleep with her eyes open...does she want to play or talk and babble with you when you go in to get her? she could be in a dream like or even asleep - much like sleepwalking but since she can't get out of her crib she just stands there...
  5. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I would take her to the ped to rule out an ear infection and to talk to them to see what they think. I would have done the same thing you did and be worried as well :hug: I hope you all are able to get some sleep soon!
  6. ssb2e

    ssb2e Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the help. I was also thinking possible ear infection. I called the pedi and they said if she isn't crying she is probably fine and to leave her. I think I may schedule an appt to rule it out, I'd rather know. She doesn't typically show normal signs of an ear infection and in the past I never knew she had one. She had tubes, but at her 2 yr appt, the Dr said one was out. Last night was no better, so I'm starting to lose it after 5 nights of no sleep!!
  7. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    :hug: Sleepless nights are so hard. I agree a dr appt to rule out ear infection is best.

    I also tend to think that too much technology is a bad thing. If my child was in bed awake but quiet I would never have known. I would be weary that if it's not an ear infection, she is now getting used to 1 on 1 time with mommy in the middle of the night. If she is not crying, I would not go in.
  8. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Or night terrors. I know Alice's started right before she turned 2.

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    My girls were championship sleepers until this past spring when we had a string of colds and ear infections. Ever since then, they've been extremely clingy to me and we've had bouts of night-wakings. I always take them to get their ears checked as they never run a fever or show normal symptoms for ear infections. It's like mine have realized that we can actually get up in the middle of the night and they want to do that now. They also wake up earlier than they ever did before this past spring.

    Once I rule out an ear infection/illness, I do CIO to get us back on track and that usually just takes one night. I talk to them in advance about how they have to stay in their bed until 6am and if they do wake up crying, I'll go to them once and lay them down and rub their back for 30 seconds and remind them that I won't come back in until 6am, and I don't go back in.

    I'm also considering shortening their naps to see how that helps. I've tried later bed times and they still get up at 5:30-ish, so we still do a 7pm bedtime.

    Good luck!
  10. dezmitch

    dezmitch Well-Known Member

    I'm not a doctor, but I would say that it's not night terrors because my 11 year old had those and it was horrible. It's very obvious when they have night terrors, you are scared, and so are they...

    I'm guessing the same as others -- ear infection OR two year molars. My little ones who are just a few months older than yours just started cutting their molars...but the weeks prior to them coming in were very hard. Especially nap time. My daughter skipped a few naps because in hindsight I realized she was in pain.

    The other option is a night light. I know they say not to do this, but I had one when I was little and I'm fine. We call it their special light. I just started it a few motnhs back because it was clearly obvious that my daughter was scared of the dark. Could it be that? Doesn't hurt to try to roll it out.
  11. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    so sad to see our little ones in pain or just plain being clingy and crying!

    I hope you can at least rule out anything medical. as for a teething pain... does she have anything in her crib to chew on? something that might help her alleviate the pain she's feeling?

    and then the other thing I was going to mention was the many of the books say it takes 3 days to break a habit... OR to start a new one... if there isn't anything new going on medically... then it sounds like maybe she's started a new habit - ugh!

    I know I'm glad that all our twins' teeth are all in, that was a long year!

    sleeplessness is no fun. I hope you get sleep soon!
  12. ssb2e

    ssb2e Well-Known Member

    I took DD to the pedi yesterday and she doesn't have an ear infection and doesn't show signs of 2 year molars, but is getting her incisors (later teether). I really don't think it's night terrors or anything because she isn't crying. We're on night 6 now and she has pretty much stopped crying all together. She just stands there, it's so weird. I put her to bed last night at 7:20 and at 10:45, she was still standing! She was so tired! Her eyes would close for a while, but she would shake it off. Finally, I gave in and just went and laid her down and patter her back. Two minutes and she was out. The pedi said as long as she wasn't crying to leave her, but 3.5 hours is a LONG time. Guess she just wants me there for her to go to sleep. I do think it's just a phase now, and hopefully it passes soon. Thanks for all of the help.
  13. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    Hi, My DD does something similar. I put her to bed (between 8 and 8:30, depending on naps). She stays up for a long time, but doesn't cry. I'll check the monitor and sometimes she still awake at 9:30 or later. She is sitting up and staring off into space. If it goes on for a while, I go in and tuck her in bed and she goes to sleep quickly. She already looks like she is 90% asleep and I'm not sure why she doesn't go to bed.
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