Third C/S with Tubal Ligation Question

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Jillianstwins, Jan 23, 2008.

  1. Jillianstwins

    Jillianstwins Well-Known Member

    Hi Ladies!

    Well after my first two c/s's, I bounced back really quickly. I just had my third c/s with the twins and had my tubes tied as well. I am finding at almost 4 weeks postpartum that my recovery is somewhat slower. Slower in terms of the fact that I still hurt if I dont take the Motrin 800 once a day and BOY am I physically tired and sore. The Motrin is giving me "bathroom issues" and am taking a laxative....lovely, sorry tmi!

    I am a total health nut and get my 5 fruits/veggies daily, eat lots of whole grains/fiber, we do all organic foods for the most part and I drink TONS of water daily. And I am a distance runner and was looking forward to bouncing back like I did from my previous c-sections. Oh and I am STILLLLLLL bleeding, yuck. Not fun.

    I am listening to my body and resting a lot and my dh is awesome,hugely hands on with the babies and our two older children. He wont let me lift a finger.....and we have friends and family bringing us meals at least twice a week.

    SO with all this help, support, resting, eating tons of healthy food/fiber.....why am I NOT bouncing back as quickly??? Frustrated and feel like I have been in my bed for the last year of my life and just want to get on with it and be FULL ON mom to my four great kids.

    When will I feel more like my old self again??? Sorry to whine, I am just really frustrated with my body, especially after taking such good care of it. I just want to be the healthy, strong gal I was before my twin pregnancy!

    Thanks for listening! ~jillian
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I delivered my first 3 kids vaginally, and had a c-section/tubal with the twins, so I cannot really compare. The vaginal births for me were SO much easier.

    Do you hurt all over, or just in the c-section area?
  3. Jillianstwins

    Jillianstwins Well-Known Member

    Thanks for being so nice to reply. I am having a big old pity party for myself tonight. I feel like I spent the past year of my life in my bed resting and now that the babies are here I just so want to get on with life! Back to normal or back to my functioning self, I should say. I am sore and tired and weepy. I cant exercise, I cant run, I feel so beat up. (I guess my biggest character flaw is showing right now....patience is something I lack)

    I long for the day when I feel strong and not so wiped out physically. Plus I am 38, I am sure that doesnt help speed up my healing :) !

    My incision is still really sore, extra strength Tylenol is not cutting it and I dont want to take Percosets or the 800mg Motrin prescribed as it constipates me.

    So boo hoo for me :( Tomorrow is a new day and I am deeply happy and grateful to have 4 healthy children, so I need to quit my whining and suck it up right??? ~jillian
  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    :hug99: s!

    A few things...

    #1 Jillian! Your babies are only a month old!
    #2 I would go and have your iron tested, you might be anemic, which can add to your tiredness!
    #3 Even though you think you are taking it easy, chances are you aren't, having 4 kids. Sure you might not be doing as much as you usually do, but it all still adds up and your body is telling you that you aren't ready for more yet. I know it's hard, but you will get there.
    #4 Some weepiness is normal, but if you feel it's more than that(PPD), please talk to your doc.

    I was on bedrest for 9 weeks with the twins, and I will tell you that once I had them and could get up, it took a long time to get my stamina back. Twin pregnancies are hard on your body! Take care of yourself, and we are all allowed to whine sometimes!! :hug99:
  5. Jillianstwins

    Jillianstwins Well-Known Member

    Becky, thanks for the support. I am calling my ob this morning.....I think what is going on is that I have a bladder infection. I have had bladder type pain since I came home and I have been passing it off as incision pain/gas pain/uterus shrinking pain. And as of last night, (when I melted down bawling to my husband) and after a trip to the bathroom, I realized that I was having a hard time peeing...and afterwards I was having bladder pain for minutes after going. (wow we get SO personal here on twinstuff dont we??)

    So maybe a bladder infection is what is going on. Will post later what I find out from the doctor. I dont know what I would do without this message board, you all are so nice, so helpful and make me feel so much better! :bow2:

    Hope you have a nice far so good in our house this morning! :)

    :hug99: ~jillian
  6. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    You know I saw your post yesterday and skipped it because I haven't had a tubal (and recovery is why I didn't). But after reading it today I can completely relate to your situation. The twins were my 3rd c/s. After being on bedrest for 14 wks and having them over 6 wks early, I am just now starting to get a little energy back. My incision just started looking and feeling healed this month! But internally I'm definitely not healed yet. My stamina is really low still. I think its due to the bedrest more than anything. Maybe having 4 kids too. ;) After your followup you should start to rebound some, because your hormone levels should be more normal. I hope you start feeling back to normal very soon. I wouldn't wish this recovery on anyone. It's been awful this time. Hang in there!!!
    UTI's are just awful. Feel better real soon!!!!
  7. Chase&Parker's Mommy

    Chase&Parker's Mommy Well-Known Member

    I had my first (and only) c-section in Sept. and have not fully healed yet. I didn't have any help at home after the boys were born except for DH, and I returned to work just 6 weeks after (had to go back ‘cause I was on bedrest for 6 weeks before and had used up all my disability). There are days when I leave the house @ 7:00 am and by the time I drop off the boys with our friends, drive an hour and a half to work, get in my 8 or 9 hours and drive home, its usually 7:30 or 8:00 before I get home. I feel like I still haven’t and won’t ever heal properly. Of course I have good, fair and bad (mostly fair/bad though). Everyone asks me “How do you do it,” all I can say with a smile is “What other choice do I have”. I am extremely grateful for my children and love them with all my soul, but some days I feel I’m aging 10 days for each day that I survive :D However, I do have to admit that now they are sleeping thru the night, things are steadily getting better.
  8. Chase&Parker's Mommy

    Chase&Parker's Mommy Well-Known Member

    P.S. and I had the tubal procedure as well :)
  9. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    QUOTE(Jillianstwins @ Jan 24 2008, 08:59 AM) [snapback]587142[/snapback]
    Becky, thanks for the support. I am calling my ob this morning.....I think what is going on is that I have a bladder infection. I have had bladder type pain since I came home and I have been passing it off as incision pain/gas pain/uterus shrinking pain. And as of last night, (when I melted down bawling to my husband) and after a trip to the bathroom, I realized that I was having a hard time peeing...and afterwards I was having bladder pain for minutes after going. (wow we get SO personal here on twinstuff dont we??)

    So maybe a bladder infection is what is going on. Will post later what I find out from the doctor. I dont know what I would do without this message board, you all are so nice, so helpful and make me feel so much better! :bow2:

    Hope you have a nice far so good in our house this morning! :)

    :hug99: ~jillian

    Oh, definitely call! I had UTI's after all of my deliveries, and a couple of them took a few rounds of antibiotics to get rid of! Very stubborn infections! They can definitely make you feel awful. :hug99:
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