thinning question

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by madhouse, Sep 28, 2008.

  1. madhouse

    madhouse Well-Known Member everytime i have had my cervical length checkups i have always been around 4.35 or so. well when i went into PTL they said i was at a 3.6. i went in 3 days later and got it measured again and i am now at a 2. What is the bad zone? i am hoping that the meds are working but when should i be worried? i go to the dr on thursday to have my regular chekup and i am sure she will go through all of this with me, its just i have never known what is normal range for cervix length. should i be worried that it is getting shorter or is it still ok?
  2. AlisaDelice

    AlisaDelice Active Member

    Not sure, I know cervical thinning can be a sign of preterm labor. I am 34-weeks and my cervix was 3.5cm as of last Friday. My doctor is always amazed however at how long my cervix is, I have no idea what the "norm" is or what the danger zone is. I know with my singletons I actually went into labor with a pretty long cervical length so I dont know first hand what the correlation is. I realize I have been no help, sorry :(
  3. liza11

    liza11 Member

    How far along are you? I am on bed rest with cervix length that went from 4.5 to 2.5 . My advice would be to take it easy, stay off you feet as much as you can and if anything feels funny don't wait for your appointment just go in and see the doctor. Good luck mama !!!!!! :)
  4. jroberts

    jroberts Well-Known Member

    My Doctor put me on bedrest at 26 weeks because i had gone from 4.5 to 2.5, From what i've heard and read i think 2.5 is about the threshold the DR's will put up with if your not near term. I'm not over 36 weeks and have finally been taken off bed rest, and go figure my cervix is still the same length, so we have no idea when they will be here.
  5. bdhtwins

    bdhtwins Active Member

    My doctor told me he didn't want me to go under 2.5 cm. I still continue to measure above that. I forgot to ask the other Dr. what I measured this past Tuesday, but it must have been okay b/c she didn't say anything.
  6. madhouse

    madhouse Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(liza11 @ Sep 28 2008, 10:52 PM) [snapback]1002274[/snapback]
    How far along are you? I am on bed rest with cervix length that went from 4.5 to 2.5 . My advice would be to take it easy, stay off you feet as much as you can and if anything feels funny don't wait for your appointment just go in and see the doctor. Good luck mama !!!!!! :)

    25 weeks..... :( I am also dialated. I am just supposed to stay away from cervical work like...pushing, pulling, sex, tampons, so forth. and just drink drink drink. they didnt say anything about actual RESTING....i guee i will find out more thursday. it just sux cuz i am still having braxton hicks (which is what got me here) and i am afraid things are going to happen FAST and me not even know it. so i guess i should be prepared for the worst since it is kinda too short.... but it can grow longer again i hear. right?!?!? maybe if i just keep my feet up and drink as much as possible, i will have a better outcome?!?! its goingto be soooooo hard with two little girls and my fiance to take care of. but worth it at the same time! :) thank you all! ;)
  7. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member 2cm I believe you should be on strict bedrest, particularly if you are dilated. Get off your feet now and from my understanding, if you are dilated, your cervix won't close back up (but cervical length can fluctuate up and down itself).
  8. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(JESS6626 @ Sep 29 2008, 01:15 PM) [snapback]1003000[/snapback]
    25 weeks..... :( I am also dialated. I am just supposed to stay away from cervical work like...pushing, pulling, sex, tampons, so forth. and just drink drink drink. they didnt say anything about actual RESTING....i guee i will find out more thursday. it just sux cuz i am still having braxton hicks (which is what got me here) and i am afraid things are going to happen FAST and me not even know it. so i guess i should be prepared for the worst since it is kinda too short.... but it can grow longer again i hear. right?!?!? maybe if i just keep my feet up and drink as much as possible, i will have a better outcome?!?! its goingto be soooooo hard with two little girls and my fiance to take care of. but worth it at the same time! :) thank you all! ;)

    I would put yourself on bedrest. Did you Dr. do this? I would also ask for the steroid shots since your cervix is shortening and dilating already.

    Not to scare you, but things did happen fast for me. At 20w, I was over 4cm. When I went back at 23w6d, I was at 1 and dilated to 2. :eek: I felt absolutely great and had no idea things were going so wrong. I got the steroid shots that night and had an emergency cerclage the next day at 24w.

    Yes, your cervix can get longer with bedrest. Hang in there. :hug:
  9. momoftheforest

    momoftheforest Well-Known Member

    You definetly need to be on strict bedrest. Anything shorter than 2.5 is dangerous, and since you are over 21 weeks, they usually wont do a cerclage to keep your cervix closed. Whether your OB says it or not, stay in bed.
  10. liza11

    liza11 Member

    I agree put yourself on bedrest. If you are having contractions there is medication to help stop them. Some doctors tend to be more proactive than others..........
  11. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    I agree with the bedrest. My Dr told me he didnt want me to be anything under 2.5.. You are also dialated!!! Stay off you feet woman!! Keep them cooking!
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