thinning cervix

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by haleystar, Jun 29, 2009.

  1. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    how long can you carry while on bedrest with a thinning cervix?? mine was 3cm and is now around 1.5cm. i'm scared!!!!!
    the OB doesn't think i'll make it to 34 weeks. :(
    i'm also on procardia 10mg 3x's a day for contractions.
  2. adebolin

    adebolin Member

    QUOTE(haleystar @ Jun 29 2009, 09:06 AM) [snapback]1373645[/snapback]
    how long can you carry while on bedrest with a thinning cervix?? mine was 3cm and is now around 1.5cm. i'm scared!!!!!
    the OB doesn't think i'll make it to 34 weeks. :(
    i'm also on procardia 10mg 3x's a day for contractions.

    It wasn't a twin pregnancy, but with my son I dialated to a 5 by 30 weeks. I was able to carry him to 35 weeks! I think you can do it! Just take it easy and keep up on your meds!
  3. lilo1225

    lilo1225 Member

    just wanted to say ur in my prayers... i am kind of new at all this ... but i am keeping u in my prayers so that everything turns out really great for u!
  4. sparkle77

    sparkle77 Well-Known Member

    Hi Kristine,

    Sounds like you're working yourself up a bit over this and you really should just try to relax, rest, keep hydrated and keep up the meds. Nobody can really know how far you'll go but you're doing great to have made it this far. Just stick with the program the doctor gave you and try to take it easy and find fun things to pass your time in bed. All you have to do is bake babies for the next few weeks.
  5. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(sparkle77 @ Jun 29 2009, 01:53 PM) [snapback]1373919[/snapback]
    Sounds like you're working yourself up a bit over this and you really should just try to relax, rest, keep hydrated and keep up the meds. Nobody can really know how far you'll go but you're doing great to have made it this far. Just stick with the program the doctor gave you and try to take it easy and find fun things to pass your time in bed. All you have to do is bake babies for the next few weeks.

    :good: Said perfectly. You can't control what is going to happen, just try and help matters as much as you can. You can do this, just take it one day at a time. :hug: :hug: :hug:
  6. Neumsy

    Neumsy Well-Known Member

    Hang in there! I know it's terrifying, but remember, even if you do go early, it'll be ok! I delivered at 33.5 and my girls need no help at all, and had no NICU time! It'll be ok! Try to relax. We're all thinking of you.
  7. kristenlee5

    kristenlee5 Well-Known Member

    Wow, it sounds like our bodies are in sync, other than you are a week ahead of me. I went from 3 to 1.5 last Tuesday and dilated 1 cm by Thursday. I was in the hospital all last week because of this, but everything slowed down and I was still 1 cm when I left Saturday. I am on modified bed rest. The doctor hasn't really given me any idea of how long he thinks I will go. He just says to call him if I feel anything different and we will take it day by day. We talked to a neonatologist Thursday about the issues the babies might have if they come out this week, and I think we are as prepared as we can be. It is nerve racking not to know what is going to happen from one hour to the next, but I am just counting everyday as a blessing that they are still safe and growing. I hope we are on bedrest together for several more weeks.
  8. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Remember when that Dr. said he didn't think you'd make it to 29 weeks?? You've just got to prove them all wrong! I delivered my boys at 33wk 1 day and they spent a month in the NICU. It was a very very hard month, but I was able to take care of myself a little more than I would have been able to if they were home. I'm one of those people who searches for the silver lining in every cloud and although it was difficult to see at the time, it really was for the best. Follow doctors orders to a T and hang in there. Every day those boys are in you is 3 less days they will be in the NICU. :youcandoit:
  9. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    Hi, I had a 6 mm cervix at 24 weeks. I was on strict BR and made it to 36 weeks. I also was on procardia every 4-6 hours. My MFM told me later he never thought I would make it that far. MD's don't know for sure. Just hang in there. Every day you are making progress for your babies!!
  10. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It is so hard to know, hang in there. :hug: I'll be thinking positive thoughts.
  11. ssb2e

    ssb2e Well-Known Member

    Mine was less than 1cm at 26 weeks!! Every single visit they said they would be surprised to see me at the next one, but I made it to 31w6d, and the delivery wasn't even because of the cervix!! So, it's definitely possible to hang in there for a while, but if you do end up delivering early, everything will be fine!! Good luck!
  12. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Well, you know, no more "intimacy in the 3rd trimester" for you (your other thread on the first page).
  13. orlandojennifer

    orlandojennifer Well-Known Member

    My cervix was down to 1.6,and weeks later it was back to 2.93 after Im currently 29.4,and its been almost 5 weeks in bed.Did your doctors give you steriods for the boys lungs?If they were convinced you are going to deliver early they would have by now.I would ask for them if they havent yet I had mine @ 25 weeks(also have mo/di boys)

    Its hot here in Florida girl make sure you are staying hydrated too!

    With my DD I was dialated to 3 @ 32 weeks and never delivered untill 37 weeks with no Bedrest.

    Take it easy ask about the steriods...keep em cooking,but your in a good spot in your pregnancy!
    Try not to worry!
    Hugs J
  14. teafor2

    teafor2 Well-Known Member

    Hi there,

    I just wanted to chime in and let you know that I've had a similar experience - and in 3 days I will have made it to 34 weeks!

    At 26 weeks my cervix suddenly went from 3.2 to 1.5 in length and I was contracting. I was hospitalized for one night, and released on procardia (20 4x a day) for a week and rested and my cervix went back up to 2.5 in length. It stayed closed the whole time. I went off the meds and went back to work.

    At 30 weeks it happened again, but my cervix went down to .8 in length and dilated to 1.5 cm. I was hospitalized again, put back on procardia, and am still on it today and on modified bedrest at home. My cervix did lengthen out again, but never more than 1.5. My doctor says that its inevitable that your cervix will shorten and open. Its just what happens throughout a pregnancy, especially when you've got two inside you. So I've been slowly dilating, last week (33 weeks) I was dilated to about 2.5. We'll see where I am tomorrow at my OB appt. But so far, I'm still pregnant!

    I just wanted to say that starting with that 26 week incident, NO ONE thought I'd still be pregnant today. When I go to my regular OB office now, they all say "they're still in there?" or "aren't you in the hospital?" And each week at the peri, the receptionist laughs at me when I make an appt for the following week. But every week, I'm back there, still pregnant.

    I also wanted to say that even if you don't make it to 34 weeks, EVERY DAY COUNTS. Every day is one more for them to grow and develop, and hopefully everything will be fine. I had one resident tell me that If I could just make it to 32 everything would be okay. Another hospital doctor told me that 33 was ideal. My OB is set on 34, the midwife in her office would be happier with 36. Its all relative and every pregnancy and every baby is different. You're doing everything you can, you're already such a good mommy to your babies. It will work out! Hang in there!

    :hug: :hug:
  15. jvanmourik

    jvanmourik Well-Known Member

    No one ever truly knows when babies will show up regardless of where the signs may point. After 4 1/2 weeks of strict bedrest, positive ffn, short/soft cervix that baby a is resting on, i'm still here cooking, so it can be done. At my appt 1 1/2 weeks ago i was given steroid shots because they dont think i'm going to cook much longer and i bet ya i'll prove em wrong and the boys will have to be evicted. DD tried coming twice at week 32, and after being stopped both times, she made it to week 38 3-4cm dilated 100% effaced the whole time. it can be done!
  16. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    thanks everyone. i talked to my OB and she said the effacement was minimal and that she wasn't worried about it. she mostly concerned with the cramping and contractions that i have been having. so far the procardia is working, not much cramping. if i start to cramp i'm supposed to call her and she may up the dosage to 20mg 4x a day she just doesn't want my blood pressure to drop to low and increase other problems.

    i start twice weekly triage appointments to put me on the monitors and ultrasounds to check everything, the first appointment is on friday.

    the plus side is that my cervix is high and she said it was still pretty long. she's never been all that optimistic about how long i would make it so we are holding out to next week to see the specialist and see what she has to say. she's more experienced with my type of pregnancies.

    and i didn't realize that your cervix could get thicker?!?!?!? really??? i hope that happens.

    also, did you ladies notice extra discharge once this all started to happen to you?

    and yeah, DEFINETLY no intimacy from here on

    THANK YOU SO MUCH for the support!
  17. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    Try not to worry!! You'll make it! You are strong!!! :hug:s
  18. angieb1979

    angieb1979 Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to try to give you some hope... for what it's worth anyway. I had an appt 4 weeks ago (I was almost 28 weeks) where they discovered I was dilated to 1cm and about 50% effaced. I was put on bedrest and home monitoring because I was having so many contractions. I take terbutiline via an iv pump on a continous basis and a bigger dose every 4 hours. It's helped, I've stayed on bedrest and I just got back from my doc appt. I'm still dilated at 1 and I'm still effaced about the same. Of course everyone's bodies are different but I wanted to give you my story. I'm almost 32 weeks and also just recieved a negative ffn test so that's good too. Just stay on bedrest, I know it's hard but it's possible!! Good luck!!
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