things in cribs?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by carir, Mar 14, 2007.

  1. carir

    carir Well-Known Member

    when can they have things in their cribs?? baby blankets, stuffed animals, etc???
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    My two have blankets in their cribs, I am not brave enough to put anything else in there!
  3. shelbyolivia

    shelbyolivia Well-Known Member

    Mine were well over a year old before I got the nerve up to put stuff in there.
  4. RRTwins

    RRTwins Well-Known Member

    We do not put anything in their cribs except pacifiers. We have some toys that are attached to the side but that's it. We do not have any loose objects in the crib and I'll probably still be too scared to give them blankets or anything else until at least 18 months.
  5. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    they each have a crocheted afghan in their cribs - lots of BIG holes in it and each have a toy or 2 - the toys are either a teether or this interesting toy called a Whootzit - its plastic and stiff cloth that couldn't daughter also has an army of binkies!
  6. Shayshay

    Shayshay Well-Known Member

    With my DS I always had blankets in the crib. I had no idea that other people didn't put blankets in their cribs until a friend told me one day. So, with the twins I still have blankets in their cribs and have since day one. They sleep on head positioners and with their blankets on them and pacis. For nap I sometimes give them their "lovies" too.
  7. Kateyes2022

    Kateyes2022 Well-Known Member

    Both twins have blankets in their cribs [​IMG]. I know "bad mommy." I should know better I've done research papers on SIDS but they love their blankets. They will not take a pacifier so I think it’s their only "comfort."
  8. littletwinstars

    littletwinstars Well-Known Member

    We were told that a small stuffed animal/toy is ok as well as sleeping on their stomachs if they are rolling over to their stomachs on their own. The theory behind this is that once they are able to roll over on their own, they have developed the natural instinct to move their face if breathing becomes difficult. Thus our twins have slept with their favorite stuffed animal since 6 months. As an added precaution, I do sneak in their rooms after they are asleep and move the animals to the far corners of their crib.
  9. twinduckmom

    twinduckmom Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by AmynTony:
    they each have a crocheted afghan in their cribs - !

    Same here... no binkies, they don't like them, and so far nothing else. I don't think they need too much when they sleep anyhow!
  10. doubledownmom

    doubledownmom Well-Known Member

    we don't have anything in their cribs yet.
  11. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    Mine have always used blankets but not sure when I will put toys in with them. Not so much for a safety reason but I dont want them to wake at 3am and start playing....
  12. gatormommy

    gatormommy Well-Known Member

    Each of mine have a crochetedblanket in their cribs, as well as a Carters "lovey" and a stuffed animal. I don't want to put any toys in there because I'm afraid they will associate the crib with playing. [​IMG] No way, kiddos. SLEEP!! [​IMG]
  13. Lilpark

    Lilpark Well-Known Member

    we have stuffed animals and a few blankets in their cribs. We always have because when they were little they wouldn't mess with them because they were at the other end and now they are so good with their necks that is doesn't worry me. Its just a personal opinion....whatever your comfortable with.
  14. Beth33

    Beth33 Well-Known Member

    We have blankets, stuffed animals a teething blankie and pacis in their cribs and have for a while. They both link strocking the silk on the teething blankies while they fall asleep.
  15. my2littlebubbas

    my2littlebubbas Well-Known Member

    Our boys each have a blanket, stuffed dog and bear, and thgeir pacifier. MY guys love to sleep with their animals and hold them really close to their face. I'm not worried about any risk as I think they are old enough to realize what is going on. I didn't put the "loveys" in their crib until they were 7 or 8 months old.
  16. Ehansy

    Ehansy Well-Known Member

    They have crocheted blankets that have really big holes. We used to use other blankets until one of my boys tried to suffocate himself. That was scary. They also sleep with a bear that winds up playing a go to sleep song. [​IMG]
  17. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Blankets, a small cloth doll, lighted mobile toy (hung on the side), and a lovey. And a stash of pacis for one of them.
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