Things are progressing!Baies may be here sooner than we thought!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by dallasm, Dec 14, 2008.

  1. dallasm

    dallasm Well-Known Member

    I am 34 weeks and 4 days (34 wks 3 days if you ask the dr) today and things sure have changed drastically in these past 5 days! I was at 1cm 70% effaced since around 28 weeks up until when I went to l and d yesterday for unidentified leaking from the vagina. Well the vaginal leakage was increased discharge
    (as if there wasnt enough already) but then it made since as I was now 3cm dilated! Then when they hooked me up the monitors I was having painless contractions (was having them since wed. but wasnt sure if they were to be of any concern). The blood pressure was up so they observed me from 3pm to 730 pm and I was having some painful contractions like i have never felt before by 6pm. I didnt have any changes in my cervix so they sent me home. My bpp went back down and my lab results showed no preecamplsia. they thought maybe the other bpp cuff wasnt the right fit. Anyway I went home in tremendous pain and tightening. By 2am the contractions stopped and I was able to sleep (minus the heartburn from the late tacobell run). Then this morning the cramps in the back came back and now I am contracting yet again. I was always questioning the contractions and cramping that i was feeling before but now I can tell the difference that is for sure! there is tightening in the whole uterus with pain and there is pressure in my bottom, if that makes since. it sure makes one go..hey thats definetly a contraction! And the doctor seemed to say that if they babies were born now they wouldnt stop them. they didnt give me any shots to make them go away. i guess they figure they will be in there little longer. I am hoping not as i am in pain with these contracttions and have been having back pain and cramping everyday since last wednesday. I am defiently ready to have them! They should be over 5.5lbs each according to the last ultrasound so that is comforting!
    Does anyone know how much longer this may be????
  2. niftywriter

    niftywriter Well-Known Member

    Stay alert. I'm thinking early on December 15 sounds like a wonderful birthdate! :D Good luck to you!
  3. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    Drink lots of water!!! I hope everything goes well. Put your feet up. Once those little ones are born your gonna be busy. Oh and you can take some tylenol too if you need to.
  4. dallasm

    dallasm Well-Known Member

    sounds great! thanks
  5. kryscline

    kryscline Well-Known Member

    Congratulations, you're almost there. Definately pressure on the bottom :unsure: is a good sign too. Water and of luck! :laughing:
  6. MeghanHen

    MeghanHen Active Member

    Drink lots of water and rest. ;) Sounds like they are ready to come, but I hope you can hold out a little longer. 34 weeks is a good week to get to. Good luck!
  7. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    Hang in there & get some rest :hug:!!!
  8. Carols3boysplus2

    Carols3boysplus2 Well-Known Member

    Hang in there & get lots of water and rest. I canĀ“t believe we are almost there, we have the same due date! Good luck and try to keep us posted!
  9. WaterGuzzler

    WaterGuzzler Well-Known Member

    Good luck and I'll be waiting for an update!
  10. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Hang in there and Good Luck!! :hug:
  11. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    Rest and drink lots of water :) Hope all goes well!! Looking forward to your birth story!
  12. dallasm

    dallasm Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the advice! I am still prego and contractions still come and go irregularly during the day. Sometimes I get excited when they are stronger or in a "regular" pattern for an hour than, WHAMO they stop!I keep thinking my water will break at any moment! I research online woemn whl were stuck at this latent phase for weeks on end until they deliver! I cant take weeks of this!I know its for the best every day they are in there but this is really frustrating being on the verge of labor and nothing is happening. I go in for my NST test tomorrow so we will see what the doc says how things are progressing. I was hoping for xmas babies so we still have a week left for that! Christmas would be a good time for them, but they will come when they are ready whether its nw, xmas or their scheduled day Jan 8!
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