they're sick!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by *Sully*, Feb 1, 2008.

  1. *Sully*

    *Sully* Well-Known Member

    It started with DD and she was really congested with a little cough. DS was a little stuffy. DH took them to the ped and he said that DD has an upper resp infection. Wrote rx for albuterol and said to make sure they keep eating. That was Tues.

    Since then DS has gotten much worse. He has a raspy cough and lots of phlem. I've been giving them both breathing tx and suctioning their nose every 4-5 hours. DD hardly has any mucus coming out, but DS has tons. I feel awful for him. Anyway, he started running a fever last night so I gave him tylenol. I check dd's temp and her's was borderline, so I went ahead and gave her a dose too.

    So now it's morning. Both woke up smiley and active. They ate well and have wet diapers. DS keeps coughing and spits up sometimes when he coughs. Fever is down, but I gave tylenol again for aches and to keep it at bay. He naps a lot. Breathing tx continue every 4 hours.

    Am I doing everything I can to help them get better? DD seems so much better, but DS seems worse than DD ever was and not feeling much better today. I guess I need to give it more time. How long does it usually take for a cold to run its course?

    BTW the doc said it's not RSV, but he didn't do a swab test or anything. How does he know? They're getting the synegis shots. I'm a very worried first time mom with all kinds of guilt since I know they got this stupid thing at daycare.
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    :hug99: I've been there with my girls picking up all kinds of germs from daycare when they went.

    Sounds like you are doing everything you can for your kiddos, but if you feel like DS isn't getting better or is getting worse, call the doctor and check with her/him about it and see if there is anything else you can do for him. I think if they are eating and making wet diapers then there isn't probably much left to do except wait it out.

    Also, at least with my girls, Ana will get sick first and then Meara will get it worse. I don't know why... and it takes her longer to get over respiratory things. Maybe its because her lungs were a little less developed at birth (was on CPAP and oxygen in the beginning). Not sure, but maybe. However, she's always recovered fine and even though she is a snotty mess, she is usually in a pretty good mood about it.

    Hope your kiddos feel better soon, Leighann
  3. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Mine have a mild cold right now too. I woke up to Ryan choking on his snot! It was so scary. My DH got the cold first and then I got it with the boys getting it a day later. The seem to be feeling a little better today.

    Hope you guys feel better soon!
  4. fluffhead

    fluffhead Well-Known Member

    Sorry your babies are sick.... My DS has bronchiolitis, too. It started Monday and he has been very congested and has an awful cough. He's wheezy and rattly in his chest. He is only able to eat about half the volume he usually would (if that), but still making wet diapers and tears. Despite all this, he's smiley and happy and playful most of the time. Unfortunately, there's not much else to do but let it run its course. There are a lot of other viruses out there besdies RSV that can cause the same symptoms, and the treatment is exactly the same.

    Mine are in daycare, too, and I work in pediatrics, so they were bound to get something sooner or later. We were just at the pedi for our 4 month check-up today, and he said DS should start getting better in the next few days. Since it's been about 5 days since the sypmtoms started, the pedi didn't think it would get much worse than it is now. The cough will probably stick around longer than the congestion, from my experience. Just try to feed them smaller amounts at more frequent intervals, and if they're not making a lot of wet diapers or seem lethargic, call your pedi again.

    I have no idea how my DD has avoided this so far -- I'm just waiting for her symptoms to start any day now......

    Hope you are all feeling well soon.......
  5. idtwinstx

    idtwinstx Well-Known Member

    We are sick here too. No RSV here either, but we took the test. I amdoing the same things you are, albuterol breathing treatments, nose suctioning, elevating their crib mattress. It is super scary, but I think they are finally getting better. Hope yours get better soon.
  6. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the wonderful world of parenthood! I wish I could tell you that it gets easier when they get sick, but I don't think it does. My twins just turned four and I still worry like crazy when they get sick. I'm sorry that your babies are sick- hope they feel better soon! Try not to feel guilty about them etting sick from daycare. Honestly, babies/kids get sick A LOT , and if it's not at daycare, it's from the grocery store, playgroup, library, somethin Dad/ older siblings bring home, even from a visit at the doctor's office! Remind yourself that they didn't get sick just becasue they go to daycare.

    Colds can last for a really long time. Our ped. recomomends a cool mist humidifier and elevating the crib mattress. Have you tried Vicks baby vapor rub? Not sure how old they can be to use it, so check first. I hope the little munchkins feel better soon!
  7. *Sully*

    *Sully* Well-Known Member

    Thank you all for the kind words of support and commiseration.

    DS wasn't sounding good today after I posted. He was coughing a lot. I decided to call the doc and he wanted to see him. I took Clara too since I had no other option. They tested DS for RSV and he's positive. :( The Ped said that they are a great case study of how differently RSV can affect two babies. DD is doing good and isn't coughing or all wheezy. Ped said that DS's wheeze is in his head and upper resp, but the cough worries him (me too). So DS had a chest x-ray. We didn't get the results though because it was so late in the day.

    Taking two babies to the doctor (I wore DD and carried DS in his seat) and then to the hospital for the x-ray (I used the sng) all alone, freaked out about my sick babies was NO FUN. To top it all off I got AF for the first time in a year today. :angry:

    The whole thing has me so anxious and overwhelmed. I'm trying not to be hard on myself about the daycare thing, but I feel guilty nonetheless. I hope they get better soon. DD has had it since last Sunday and DS wasn't really sick until Wed night.
  8. Flutterbymama

    Flutterbymama Well-Known Member

    First off, you have no reason to feel guilty. You are providing for your children the best way you can. If that means you have to work, there's no shame in that.

    I have a 5 y/o who was a daycare baby. He started daycare at 15 weeks and was diagnosed with bronchilitis at 16 weeks. That set the stage for the next 2 years. It seems like he was home sick once a month from 4 months to 2 maybe 2 1/2 years. But the pot of gold at the end of that twisted rainbow is he hasn't been sick enough to stay home since then. My twins will start daycare Wednesday and I am dreading it...mainly because it won't be me taking care of them. I know they should be fine but I sure will miss them. But I know at this time that's what I have to do to provide for them.

    I've also heard the same virus can affect people differently. I hope that means your dd has a strong constitution. I hope they both heal very quickly. Good luck and keep us posted.
  9. *Sully*

    *Sully* Well-Known Member

    Thank you Flutterbymama. All the moms that have given me support on the daycare front are priceless. Those that have gone before me and done it. This morning I was leaving for work (I run the place one Sat every 6 weeks), DH was sitting with DD on the floor and she was watching me. I stopped and told her that yes momma is leaving for work at at good job with excellent pay in a profession that she worked hard to get educated for and enjoys. That women do this stuff and it is a wonderful part of my life. :) Might as well start early on the girl. ;)

    Ped called this morning with the results of DS's chest x-ray. Everything looks fine. He is less congested this morning, but still has the cough. DD is much better. I talked to my brother last night (MD) and he said as long as the can breathe to eat, they're fine. They're eating like champs!

    I am trying to make changes for us that will be lasting. I want to move toward a different path in my profession and I am on the hunt with much promise for a better position soon. We will relocate and I am going to put extended effort into finding us a more ideal childcare situation. I would really like someone in the home or an in-home daycare. I just couldn't find it and/or ran out of time (a bit overwhelmed too with twinfants and PP).
  10. dhubof

    dhubof Well-Known Member

    I'm a SAHM and my 9 month olds have been sick on and off since Thanksgiving. took them to the doc and he said he expects them to get , on the average, 2 colds a month, each lasting 7-21 days. Basically, they will be sick until spring. He said it is normal because I have a Kindergartner. He said it is good for their immune system.
  11. fluffhead

    fluffhead Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(*Sully* @ Feb 2 2008, 09:53 AM) [snapback]601934[/snapback]
    Thank you Flutterbymama. All the moms that have given me support on the daycare front are priceless. Those that have gone before me and done it. This morning I was leaving for work (I run the place one Sat every 6 weeks), DH was sitting with DD on the floor and she was watching me. I stopped and told her that yes momma is leaving for work at at good job with excellent pay in a profession that she worked hard to get educated for and enjoys. That women do this stuff and it is a wonderful part of my life. :) Might as well start early on the girl. ;)

    Ped called this morning with the results of DS's chest x-ray. Everything looks fine. He is less congested this morning, but still has the cough. DD is much better. I talked to my brother last night (MD) and he said as long as the can breathe to eat, they're fine. They're eating like champs!

    I am trying to make changes for us that will be lasting. I want to move toward a different path in my profession and I am on the hunt with much promise for a better position soon. We will relocate and I am going to put extended effort into finding us a more ideal childcare situation. I would really like someone in the home or an in-home daycare. I just couldn't find it and/or ran out of time (a bit overwhelmed too with twinfants and PP).

    Glad to hear your they are feeling a little better. As long as they are eating OK, they will be fine, but it will take several days. Unfortunately, just as I feared, DD started coughing today and she is running a fever -- nto sure if it's form her sots yesterday or the virus, but either way, she is not feeling well at all. I feel so bad for her :( On the plus side, DS is finally able to eat more, so hopefully he is on the mend.....

    I feel so guilty about daycare, too, but there was just no other choice. I have 6 months left of my fellowship and then we will be relocating and I'll have a real job ;) I defintely think we're going to get a nanny, once we're able to afford it....
  12. JennaPa

    JennaPa Well-Known Member

    Please don't beat yourself up about daycare. My twins were home for the first 17 months with a nanny and they got their first cold at day 3 home. They've had a cold ever since - I kid you not. My older DD is Typhoid Mary - she was in daycare and now in Kindergarten. There is NO way to stop germs from coming into the house.

    Good thing you're getting the Synagis - it probably kept your babies from getting a bad case of RSV. We did them last year and avoided it but this year both twins got it right before Christmas. Anna was in the hospital for 4 days, we were able to manage Jilly at home. It's a nasty, ugly disease.

    Keep doing the treatments. Also, my Dr told us that supsequent colds will be worse this winter because the RSV causes inflamation in the lungs that takes a long time to go down. We can't WAIT for SPRING!

    Good for you trying to better your position. My mom always worked and she inspired me to reach higher. She raised 3 kids, had a happy marriage and loved her work. I want the same and will work very hard to attain my dreams, both at work and at home. So far so good.
  13. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    My little one isn't even in daycare, and she has the cold right now... she is so congested... can't suck her bottle because she can't breath from her nose... its so pittiful, her eyes are watering...
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