They're having too much fun together

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by dtomecko, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    I'm glad that they get along so well, but when I put them down for a nap or for bed lately, all they want to do is jump and play, and talk back and forth to each other (they're still in cribs, I can only imagine what switching them to toddler beds would do!). It takes them forever to fall asleep (like at least an hour). And when one finally does, the other one is yelling their name out to try to wake them back up. I've experimented with later and earlier nap and bed times. It's 3:00 and they're still not sleeping. How late am I supposed to put them down?? Or maybe I should put them down earlier, so they can get all the jumping and playing out of their systems, since it seems they're going to do it no matter what??

    Is this a phase, a twin thing (because they're in the same room - and I don't want to separate them.), or are they outgrowing their nap?

    They also do this at meals and it drives me crazy. They distract each other, and laugh like crazy so they forget all about eating.

    Anyone else going through this as you get closer to age 2?
  2. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    No advice here as mine are younger but to me there is nothing sweeter than sibling love :wub:
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We spent the day at my Mom's house and there, the kids share a room. I tried putting them down for a nap and they played and chatted the whole hour and half before I gave up :wacko:
    I am thinking it is a twin thing. What time do you put them down for a nap? I would try for a half hour earlier with some quiet time before that...or you sit in the room with them for 20 minutes and that might encourage some quiet in there and maybe they will settle to sleep?
  4. abrinka

    abrinka Well-Known Member

    So call "twin thing" does not effect their sleeping time yet(!), but when it comes to eating, oh boy they have so much fun. Eating in my house is disaster, they already bad eaters, so I don't know where they get energy to make eating like a playroom.Deep breath.
    I know what I have to look forward, since my twins a bit younger.
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