They won't sleep in a hotel

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by jentwinmom, Dec 3, 2009.

  1. jentwinmom

    jentwinmom Well-Known Member

    For the last 6 months, my girls have been wonderful sleepers. I am so happy, because Callie was a terrible sleeper before that. However, they will not sleep in a hotel room bed. :( They did fine at Disney 6 months ago because my parents had a connecting room and we put a pack and play in each room and were able to close the door to the area each of them were in. (Seeing people is part of the problem, if they can see you, they are not going to sleep) Since then, we have stayed in a hotel room 3 different nights and each time it has been a total disaster. They will not go to sleep until well after midnight even though they generally go around 8:30. Even then DH has to be a bed with one & I with the other and literally hold them down in the bed to keep them still. This past weekend when we were in a hotel Callie kept waking Carrie up because she could not find her pillow or could not find her Minnie Mouse, so she would start screaming about it. Finally when they were both wide awake and talking from 3:30-4:00, DH put them in a stroller and strolled them around for a couple of hours. Only one of them even went to sleep then and she woke up the moment DH got her back to the room.

    The solution I know is to get two rooms and put a pack and play in each one. However, there is not room for luggage if you have two pack and plays in a vehicle. Plus, it is expensive to get two rooms. We were at the Opryland hotel this weekend and by the time they added tax, parking, resort fee and all their other fees, it was $200. No way in heck could we pay that double, so we would just not go.

    Does anyone have a solution? I was telling a lady at the hotel about this and she said give them Benedryl, but I am just not sure that is the right thing to do to give them a medication just to make them sleep, what do you guys think?
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I guess ask if they have suites? Sometimes they do. Other than that, we have the same problem, if they can see each other, then it's time to play.
  3. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    It's a battle for us as well. What I did though, was buy a cheap DVD player. We pack it when we travel and hook it to the hotel TV and turn on a movie at bedtime. The kids lay in bed with us and watch it while we read a book. It generally settles them down a bit, so when we turn off the lights they are more ready to fall asleep, but it's still no where near as smooth as bed time at home.

    I have never used Benadryl for them to sleep. It just seems wrong.

    I feel your pain and frustration though. You hate to not do these fun things, but you also know sleep is going to be a major issue.
  4. kumphort

    kumphort Well-Known Member

    Ditto about suites, and you can ask if the hotel has pack n plays, so you dont have to bring 2
  5. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We solve that problem by never going anywhere. :rolleyes: The only times we've traveled with the kids, we've either rented a house or stayed with family or friends.

    Even so, when we stay at my parents' house, I have to lie in the room with them while they fall asleep. (We didn't have to do this at my friend's house this summer, or either of the times we rented a house. I think that was because I only take one kid at a time to my parents', and they're so used to being together that they don't like falling asleep in a room by themselves.) But at least if you're in a house instead of a hotel room, you can leave the room after they're out.

    I have never used Benadryl solely to get them to sleep -- but I have to admit that I gave Sarah cough medicine & Benadryl this past weekend when I wasn't absolutely sure she really needed it (she was getting over her cough), because I knew it would help her sleep too.

    Getting them overtired helps too, at least for mine -- though I know some kids have more trouble falling asleep when they're overtired.
  6. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    I second the suites. Either that or rent a condo or a house. We use alot. You can usually find a small house for the same price (or sometimes even less) than a hotel room.

    When we have stayed in suites (living area separate area from bedroom), ours have done fine. Not as well as at home, but not a nightmare either. However, the few times we have stayed in a regular hotel room it was like pulling teeth trying to get them to sleep. Some hotels consider their rooms suites because they have two seperate areas (bedroom and living area) but no door in between. I make sure there is always a door that closes off the bedroom. If they can see us, then they will not go to sleep. Mine are not use to sleeping with each other either. We usually get a suite with 2 queen beds. We always try and put them in one bed and DH and I sleep in the other. Sometimes they do OK sleeping together. It just takes them longer to fall asleep. BUT... a few times DH has ended up sleeping with one and I have slept with the other.
  7. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    We have used PeaPod tents for them to sleep in when we have traveled. They can't see quite as well because of their vie is obstructed by the tent, which helps. Also, we would only ever stay at a place that has suites (with a door connecting the 2 parts). They actually aren't typically any more expensive than any other hotel if you look for a hotel that specializes in suites (Homewood Suites, Embassy Suites, etc.).

    I know the pain and hope future trips go more smoothly for you!!
  8. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    I never sleep in one room with my children for this particular reason! My oldest is now fine, but I am still not sure about the twins. Look at chains like: Residence Inn (Mariott), Homewood Suites (Hilton), Embassy Suites, and other hotels that may have suites. We even had 2-bedroom ones ... and last time in Bangkok, a 3 bedroom one (Mariott Executive Suites), for $175.
  9. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    We only go for the suite type rooms too unless we can get adjoining rooms!

    Yours are old enough to crawl out of a PnP - well, at least soon they will be. We've been in the same room on occasion, but I just keep telling them to put their head on the pillow and close their eyes. "you don't have to sleep, but you have to leave your head on the pillow with your eyes closed".

    Your ticker needs updating, so I don't know exactly how old they are, but it can be done!!!! :hug:
  10. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    I never sleep well in a strange bed myself.

    I guess this is where the family bed at home has the advantage, family bed on the road does not seem strange. My girls do not need quiet, dark, alone to sleep because they've never in their lives had those things.
  11. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I never thought about it that way Melissa! My kids CAN'T Sleep WITH me and I CAN'T Sleep WITH them!
  12. Orestia

    Orestia Well-Known Member

    We use small tents too. That seems to help some. That, and we all are generally night owls.
  13. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    When we sleep in a hotel room for a night, I have one in bed with me and DH has one in bed with him. We don't put them in the same bed in a hotel room for a night. But then again, we don't usually use a hotel for vacations. So we are only there for a night or two.

    When we go to the beach each summer we rent a condo and the kids get one of the rooms to themselves. We make sure it has at least 2 double beds. My oldest DD gets one bed and the twins sleep in the other together. So far this has worked really well.
  14. SnowCraig

    SnowCraig Well-Known Member

    Our new favorite place...Country Inn & Suites! Totally reasonable rates - last time I think we paid $115 per night. We can put the kids in the pack-n-plays in the bedroom. It's a tight fit, but it works. Then we can watch t.v. and hang out in the living area. The ones I have stayed at come with a great continental breakfast and swimming pool. Totally worth it and I will stay at this chain whenever we travel if it is available!

  15. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I also say go for a suite. If the pool has a hotel, go swimming after dinner for a couple hours, that will get them nice and tired! We did this on vacation, and I have to say, the sleeping situation went very well. They slept in the same bed, and we put them to bed a little later than normal, like 8:30-9:00 when they normally go to bed at 7:30. Caleb was even in the same room in a PnP, and he did OK too, and they were fine with him being in there. That was also another reason for them to be quiet, "You don't want to wake Caleb up!" and they took that pretty seriously. We could hear them whispering for a bit, but that was about it. I think the swimming before bed really helped the most.
  16. Lougood

    Lougood Well-Known Member

    Another vote for suites. We usually get suites with pull out sofa beds so the kids get that and we get the room. The only time we shared a room (it was a junior suite, one huge room) was at Disney and we were all so tired we'd all go to bed together at around 9-9:30.
  17. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    This is us too! I would never stay more than a night or 2 in a hotel room with the twins. Maybe when they get older, but not now. We can manage it for a night or 2, but that is the extent. If we are staying longer we will go for a condo or a house.
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