THey won't nap

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by eandelander, Jun 11, 2009.

  1. eandelander

    eandelander Well-Known Member

    My dds are refusing to nap lately.... I know they still need one, because when they don't nap, they are demons that evening... It has made dinner impossible, sometimes one will fall asleep at the dinner table, or on the couch, or in the corner somewhere, but only after they spent the past 3 hours screaming, whining, begging and on and on and on and on

    what am I doing wrong... we haven't changed out routine, we haven't changed our food (well we are eating more organic, but it is still the same food). I do the best I can to keep them in bed but after about 2 hours I can't lay them down or it will be midnight before they go to bed....

    Someone please give me advice my kids are driving me nuts..... they end up fighting and crying, then I end up crying... I feel like I have middle of the night newborn twin again!!!
  2. 4EverHis

    4EverHis Well-Known Member

    I would continute to lay them down and keep being consistent. I have one that it takes awhile to fall asleep (he has some sensory problems though) and he didn't for months. Now he finally will do it but it just takes him longer to unwind. I feel your pain and it is tough.....
  3. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I know a lot don't do this BUT the only way I could get mine to without complaints was to put a cartoon on and they would watch it and fall asleep.
  4. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    I have no advice, just wanted to let you know you're not alone. Piper and Cricket refused to nap for several days last week and now spend at least an hour falling asleep at night. They're tired and whiny and cranky all of the time and I'm pulling my hair out. I'm hoping it's just a phase and that things will get back to normal SOON!
  5. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    So, I am assuming they are still in the 2's... (time to update the ticker :winking: Please :D)

    I would continue, but perhaps alter the time by about 15 min. or so. Sometimes small adjustments help. Now that the weather should be getting better...take them outside an hour before you want them to calm down and let them run around and wear themselves out! Take a walk and look for dandelions and sticks and leaves. Then bring them back. Give them a cool drink and read a book. Then try to lie them down.

    When mine turned 3, I took their naps and let them watch a movie and lay on the couch or my bed. They HAD to stay ON the couch or bed. They weren't allowed off. Many many times they fell asleep. I had movies that produced that result more than others!! For us Jungle Book and Cars induced sleep because they had seen them SO MUCH. So the more they knew the movie, the easier it was for them to fall asleep!

    Good luck! They are TESTING YOU!! :hug: MOMMY WINS!!!
  6. leticiasnow

    leticiasnow Well-Known Member

    Mine stopped napping around that age if I remember.
  7. PetiteFleur

    PetiteFleur Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(dfaut @ Jun 12 2009, 09:35 AM) [snapback]1351725[/snapback]
    So, I am assuming they are still in the 2's... (time to update the ticker :winking: Please :D)

    I would continue, but perhaps alter the time by about 15 min. or so. Sometimes small adjustments help. Now that the weather should be getting better...take them outside an hour before you want them to calm down and let them run around and wear themselves out! Take a walk and look for dandelions and sticks and leaves. Then bring them back. Give them a cool drink and read a book. Then try to lie them down.

    When mine turned 3, I took their naps and let them watch a movie and lay on the couch or my bed. They HAD to stay ON the couch or bed. They weren't allowed off. Many many times they fell asleep. I had movies that produced that result more than others!! For us Jungle Book and Cars induced sleep because they had seen them SO MUCH. So the more they knew the movie, the easier it was for them to fall asleep!

    Good luck! They are TESTING YOU!! :hug: MOMMY WINS!!!

    Great advice. I am dreading this happening here. Mine have always been good nappers. Sometimes they nap 3 hrs (including the wind down singing, reading to babies, etc.), sometimes only 1 (usually when I'm counting on at least 2).

    I second the advise about routine and consistency. It doesn't occur to my kids yet that there is a no napping option. :D Sometimes they fall asleep right away, other times they talk to themselves for an hour or so, but they always nap. Do yours share a room? Mine do and several months ago, I had to separate them b/c they were having a full blown party in there instead of sleeping. Now, DD sleeps in the guest room in a PNP and DS sleeps in his room (mine are still in cribs at 2 1/2). DS will even help DD bring her blanket and pillow to the other room, turn her noise machine on and gives her hugs and kisses. :blush: They're still in the same room at night b/c it doesn't seem to be as much of a problem.

    Hope it works out.
  8. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Mine stopped napping around that age as well for several months, but have since started napping again. We went to a later naptime (around 1:30) and I had to separate for naps (one in their room, and one in my room). Now, maybe one or two days out of the week they won't nap. I also notice they will not nap if there is no outside time, so if it's raining outside and we don't go outside to play, or they don't get enough exercise (errands day and we're in the car the majority of the time), that will usually be a no nap day.

    I also agree with pp's, when mine went through the spells of no napping, I still put them down for a "nap". It was at least some time for me and even though they didn't sleep, they still were in their room for some down time.
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