they won't nap! help!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by mooshie, Mar 4, 2007.

  1. mooshie

    mooshie Well-Known Member

    my boys have this terrible habit of waking up when we put them down. they often fall asleep while eating, or burping. so we lay them down, and they seem to wake up almost every time! I know sometimes they may not need the sleep, but a lot of the time they really are tired and need a nap. but it seems they wake up every time we put them down even if they need sleep. It's driving me crazy! I can't hold them all the time. but they would stay asleep if we just held them all the time and never put them down. but I realistically can't hold them all the time. I have 3 other kids, and a house to take care of.

    so does anyone have any sugguestions on getting them to actually sleep when they need to? w/o being held? I'll try just about anything at least once. so, any sugguestions you have please share.
  2. Laura in Alaska

    Laura in Alaska Well-Known Member

    No advce here, just hugs [​IMG] in solidariity. We're dealing with the same thing. And its new... just within the last few days.
  3. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    My first suggestion would be to put them down before they are asleep, even if you have to wake them a bit. Also, when they wake, are they crying or just fussy? If they are just fussy, I would wrap them up tight in a recieving blanket and put them back down. They are probably waking from the change from warm cuddle to flat bed, a swaddle will do wonders in keeping them comfy at that age. Also, at at that age, mine would fall asleep in their bouncies, and anywhere else. Get them used to playing and then sleeping, or just hanging out, then sleeping, and they will learn to go to sleep on their own.
  4. tdemarco01

    tdemarco01 Well-Known Member

    Are you using a pacifier?

    We added a soothies pacifier at 5 weeks and life became much easier.

    We also started swaddling for bed at that time and it really helped. Are you still swaddling? My boys are still swaddled and they are almost 7 months (of course their arms are left out now adays) but it really works.

    Teri D
  5. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    At that age, mine did it as well. The only way I could get them to take a good nap, was to put them in swing, usually the motion put them right out. I had the cradle swing with the spinning mobile, and sometimes starring at the mobile mesmerized them to sleep.
  6. crazybabies

    crazybabies Well-Known Member

    Ok, let me preface this, I know they aren't supposed to sleep with blankets etc.....
    But, I swaddled mine & placed them in a boppy & put another blanket over. Mine needed to be wrapped tight and kept warm to sleep. When they were really small, I put them in 1 boppy together.
  7. mooshie

    mooshie Well-Known Member

    thanks for the sugguestions. I'll give them a try. [​IMG]
  8. Trillian

    Trillian Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by KYsweetheart:
    At that age, mine did it as well. The only way I could get them to take a good nap, was to put them in swing, usually the motion put them right out. I had the cradle swing with the spinning mobile, and sometimes starring at the mobile mesmerized them to sleep.

    This always worked for us too. Be careful about relying on it too much though. Right now mine will only nap in the swings and it's become a bad habit. They're going to be too big for them soon and trying to get them to nap in their cribs has become a scream fest, no nap and messing up the rest of the day (and night)
  9. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    This is what happens once they get a little older and won't fall asleep whenever you want them too. This is also the time when I started to teach them how to sooth themselves to sleep in their cribs. I think at this age, you have to put them down 45 min - 1 hour after they wake up, which is soon (we're currently up between 1 1/2 - 2 hours at a little over 3 months) and put them down and walk out. Once they start crying (if they do), leave them for a few minutes, go back in, comfort them and walk out again (maybe you have a music mobile or something else that's soothing, paci, etc.). Personally I wouldn't even pick them up. At around 4 weeks they had it down and they've been soothing themselves to sleep ever since. Sometimes they cry for 5 minutes, sometimes not. I am so happy I did this. No sleeping in our arms, in swings, just in their cribs. Start early, it will be worth it. Just watch their cues very carefully.
  10. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    At that age, mine napped in their car seats in the house a lot! They felt snug in there with the side wrapped around and a blanket over their legs (sorta swaddled)....
  11. Cindy123

    Cindy123 Well-Known Member

    Like pp said swaddles worked for us, also sometimes after swaddling we would turn them on their sides (with wedges to keep them from moving). I wouldn't leave them to cry even for minute at that age though.
  12. threetobe

    threetobe Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by Trillian:
    Originally posted by KYsweetheart:
    At that age, mine did it as well. The only way I could get them to take a good nap, was to put them in swing, usually the motion put them right out. I had the cradle swing with the spinning mobile, and sometimes starring at the mobile mesmerized them to sleep.

    This always worked for us too. Be careful about relying on it too much though. Right now mine will only nap in the swings and it's become a bad habit. They're going to be too big for them soon and trying to get them to nap in their cribs has become a scream fest, no nap and messing up the rest of the day (and night)

    Trillian, I'm afraid we're heading down that road as well. My twins only sleep in their bouncy seats or swings. Any words of advice for breaking this habit? I feel like we need to get them into the routine of normal crib sleeping now rather than wait, but I'm not really sure how to transition at this point.
  13. Jude Rose

    Jude Rose Active Member

    I too recommend swaddling. Their startle reflex is what is probably jolting them awake when they get set down. I have two large Kiddopotomus swaddlers and we thank our friend who bought them for us everytime we talk on the phone.
  14. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    We started putting them in their cribs at 4 months old for their naps. At first, they were totally startled, since they were only used to seeing the crib at bedtime. Within 2 days though, they had it down. They knew crib meant sleep. They didn't always LIKE it, but they knew what it meant. You'll get yours used to it too. You just have to put them in and IMHO walk out.
  15. Megan H.

    Megan H. Well-Known Member

    My friend told me a great trick she learned from her pedi. Get a heating pad, lay it in the crib (can put the swaddling blanket over if you are using one) and heat the mattress a bit before putting them down. It totally works!
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