They won't hold our hands! ANyone else with this prob

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by TWINS_SAN PEDRO, Mar 28, 2007.

    Hello All...

    PLEASE give some advice if you can.

    Our 18 mo. old twin boys refuse to hold our hands for more than a few minutes when we are going for walks in the neighborhood. If we don't go the way they want to go they will cry and scream and throw themselves on the ground!

    I don't always want to use the stoller for our toddlers and would rather walk with them sometimes, but can't chase after two toddlers running in two different directions at the same time!

    ANY advice or help is much appreciated.

  1. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    I know this is a hard age. But u just have to keep insisting, "you hold mommies hand or u to in the stroller. If they drop to the floor then they get put in the stroller or go home. They will get the message eventually, u just can't have them both running off in different directions its too dangerous.

    Good luck

    amanda (jessica and jorja 3)
  2. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Actually, I kept mine in the stroller, except for walks in the neighborhood until they were 3. 18 month olds will try and run away--it isn't bad with one, but near impossible to chase 2 in 2 different directions. I would work on it when you have 2 adults available, and keep them in the stroller when by yourself--for your sanity, and their safety.
  3. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    In the stroller or on a leash is all I can say. Mine are this way and getting very independent. I rarely go places by myself though.
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    This sounds pretty normal to me. I only let mine walk on their own in a controlled environment (like from the car to their classroom at daycare), and they almost never go straight from point A to point B. You can practice having them hold hands (and putting them in the stroller if they won't), but I think it's also just the age -- they are just driven by their need to explore and assert their independence.
  5. toddlertwins

    toddlertwins Well-Known Member

    My 2 get the choice of in the stroller, holding each others hands and 1 holds mine or they can walk beside the stroller hanging on to it. I do the same thing in the grocery store if they keep a hand on the stroller and walk with me it's ok.

    Yours are still younger than mine but you could try it.
  6. Mia D

    Mia D Well-Known Member

    Mine will hold each other's hands, but cross their arms to keep me from holding theirs. I like their independence, so as long as we're somewhere they can't run into traffic or something, I let them go for now (I dress them alike in a bright color so they're easier to keep an eye on). In parking lots or on the street, etc., I do as suggested by the previous poster - they can hold my hand or sit in the stroller. Sometimes giving them the choice makes them feel more independent.

  7. jxnsmama

    jxnsmama Well-Known Member

    For safety reasons, our rule was they were either sitting in the stroller/wagon/cart or holding our hands. There were no other options. If they wouldn't hold hands or cried about it, they were put back in the stroller. Now, in a parking lot, all I have to do is says "Hands, please" and they both grab them immediately. It's a habit they have to be taught.
  8. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    Agree with Amy -- our rule is also that they either have to hold hands or be in the stroller. Or if we're, fo example, in a parking lot and trying to walk from the car to the building, if they didn't want to hold my hand, well, they got carried! They weren't big fans of this rule at first, as you can imagine, but I was persisitent, and now they are very good about it. Sometimes they even hold up their hand and say, "Hands! Hands!" when we first get out of the car. It really didn't take all that many times of me just sticking to it and picking them up/putting them in the stroller until they figured out I meant business.
  9. Jennie-OH

    Jennie-OH Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by BettiePage:
    Agree with Amy -- our rule is also that they either have to hold hands or be in the stroller. Or if we're, fo example, in a parking lot and trying to walk from the car to the building, if they didn't want to hold my hand, well, they got carried! They weren't big fans of this rule at first, as you can imagine, but I was persisitent, and now they are very good about it. Sometimes they even hold up their hand and say, "Hands! Hands!" when we first get out of the car. It really didn't take all that many times of me just sticking to it and picking them up/putting them in the stroller until they figured out I meant business.

    Exact same thing here. We followed the same rules and processes and the girls are usually VERY good about it now. They really like being allowed to walk on their own so we've made it a privilege that they earn. Not something to be taken for granted. Now they LOVE to hold each other's hand and walk into the building. I usually am behind them holding their collars! LOL!
  10. tarajh

    tarajh Well-Known Member

    I will ditto Amy & Bettiepage's responses. We started around 15-18 months & like anything you are trying to teach them the main thing is just be very consistent. It really didn't take long at all for them to realize they either held my hand or went in the stroller (strapped in) or got carried. Since the age of 2 it's just a habit, they both automatically just reach for my hands wherever we are to this day [​IMG]
  11. crazybabies

    crazybabies Well-Known Member

    We lovingly call this "herding cats"!!
    I agree with the consistancy. Mine still try to revolt & try not to hold hands, but we stand firm, which sometimes means a public melt down [​IMG]!!
  12. Smartycat

    Smartycat Well-Known Member

    I just bought the Eddie Bauer bear and doggie toddler leashes at Target and that solved my problem for short neighborhood walks. J&R are not interested in the stroller and getting them in and out in order to teach them to hold my hand was a pain. So I bought the leashes and they LOVE them. So much more freedom for them, no more worry for me.
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