They STILL spit up

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Chicklet, Jul 22, 2010.

  1. Chicklet

    Chicklet Well-Known Member

    I thought this would end but yet both my boys (1yr) still spit up occasionally.... maybe once a day or every other day. Is this normal? It's not milk since they did this while on soy formula too. Their asthma has been bad the past few days... do you think it could have something to do w that?
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Both of mine had occasional spit ups after 12 months, eventually it did stop around 14-15 months. I'm not sure if asthma makes that worse, in our case, it would if they ate or drank too fast & got too excited. I still had to do mellow eating times with them around that age. I don't know if you have gone to your 1 year WBV yet, but it is something worth asking your pedi about if you are concerned, especially about asthma aspect. Good luck!
  3. TennesseeMomma

    TennesseeMomma Well-Known Member

    Both of mine still occasionally spit up to this day! (but only maybe once or twice a week) Are they walking yet? Their spit up got so much better once they started walking and were more mobile. I guess something to do with gravity? IDK!
  4. Chicklet

    Chicklet Well-Known Member

    I forgot to ask on Tuesday at their appt :( They're not walking yet so maybe that's it too! Thanks :)
  5. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Nate was a horrific spitter up until the point when he started walking at 13 months, then it just disappeared overnight. I bet when your LOs are more upright they will stop spitting up too! :D
  6. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    Absolutely, yes the spitting up could have something to do with their asthma. In fact, the spitting up could be a sign of minor reflux and could be making their asthma worse (see below). I'd check with their Dr. Again, many 1-year-olds spit up without asthma, but please talk to their doctor.

    Ours were spitting up a bit... and had MINOR reflux, (writhing, groaning when laying down) and asthma. Their Dr. put them on generic zantec because it turns out inflammation from reflux can make asthma worse, and in fact when our boys have asthma flare-ups the inflammation from asthma can push on their tummies and make them spit-up or throw up. Our boys throw up often when they cough if their asthma is flaring up. I don't quite understand the medical reasons why- but the two can influence eachother.

    I'd get it checked out! In the meantime, I think their asthma is a more pressing concern. Are they on a controller? They may need to go 2X a day if they are normally on 1X a day, etc. Check with their doc!
  7. Chicklet

    Chicklet Well-Known Member

    WOW this is VERY interesting! Their asthma is acting up right now and they're back on the nebulizer 4x a day :headbang: I always find their asthma gets worse when they're teething!

    ETA they ARE on singulair, but haven't been for 2 weeks as we ran out and w their bday party and holidays I didn't have time to get more until y'day!

    Anyway I'm going to give the dr a call now, thanks!!
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