They say they WANT diapers

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by excitedk, Jan 1, 2009.

  1. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    Mine are 2 1/2 and I feel like we may have missed the "window". Before we went on vacation over Thanksgiving they both wanted to go to the potty, they pee'd maybe 1-2 times each. We did undies for a day or two and they had accidents but no freakouts. But then I told dh we should stop because I don't want to have to worry about doing all that on vacation for two weeks.
    Then we get back and ever since then they barely will sit on the potty and will NOT wear underware, they WANT thier diapers they say. I tell them that mommy and daddy and so on wear underwear, they say they WANT diapers.

    What to do?
  2. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    let 'em have diapers and try again in a few weeks or a month...mine are 2 yrs 8 months and the window for DS hasn't even cracked yet! You could always try pullups so they can get them up and down (mine have been in pullups for a while which is a different story)...

    they'll train when they're good and ready and not a minute before (I'm learning this the hard way)...
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I agree with Amy. Emma has been trained for awhile, but I have just gotten Jake trained over the past couple of weeks, and before then I would ask him every morning if he wanted to wear undies....he always said no. And then one day, much to my surprise(!), he said he wanted undies, and we never looked back! They will come around again, and probably be even more ready than the first time you tried. Good luck!
  4. jakeandpeytonsmommy

    jakeandpeytonsmommy Well-Known Member

    Sounds like my Peyton! He would say he wanted to be a baby, wanted to wear diapers etc...

    Jake was trained since 2 1/2...Peyton since 3 weeks ago! :) It is totally true that they will do it when they are ready. He is so stubborn and finally I guess something just clicked!
  5. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    Sounds like I should just continue offering underwear and using the potty, one day they will want to, hopefully!!
  6. ginagwen

    ginagwen Well-Known Member

    lol. My DD is still going back and forth about big girl panties/ baby diapers. When I change a poopy diaper/dirty undies, I say "Ewww, stinky, Do you want to put that yucky stuff in the potty?" and she replies, "No, I lub it."
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