They nap like crap together.

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by marleigh, May 21, 2010.

  1. marleigh

    marleigh Well-Known Member

    So my twins share a room (not a crib) because of space issues. They sleep great at night together...rarely any fussing or waking the other, but naps is a whole different story. WTH??

    Today...put them down for their afternoon nap, as usual, routine is always the same. They cried for like 30 minutes...then daughter fell asleep...then son started wailing (and he's fricken loud), so as to not jeopardize her sleep, I went in and swooped him up and moved him to the pack and play set up in our room for "emergencies". Not a peep. Out like a light. WTH????

    This has been going on for at least a month or so (the crappy naps). But when I separate in the "emergency" pack and play...not a sound.

    I know they have to get use to napping together, but I HATE to jeopardize one's sleep for the other. About 50% of the time, I have to swoop in and make a quick separation. I KNOW they are working me, but how can I let them mess with the other's rest? I'm the one who's gonna pay the price later that evening when the are miserable.

  2. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    Sorry you are so frustrated! :( Our boys also sleep great at night in the nursery together (separate cribs). But we decided early on to nap them in separate rooms. I feel like at night they get in very deep sleeps so if one wakes up and cries it doesn't usually bother the other baby. But these little stinkers have been mostly taking 30-45 minute cat naps for over two months now, and I figure the slightest noise would likely wake the other baby. We still have the minicrib in our bedroom from when they came home from the NICU so that is where Colin naps, while Brandon naps in his crib in the nursery. It sucks that we can't get rid of the minicrib, but I sure like being able to nap them separately for the reasons you mentioned! However, they just started daycare 3 days ago, so I'm hoping maybe they will learn to nap in side-by-side cribs. If not at least its the daycare workers that have to deal with them :lol:

    GL and hope your babies start napping better soon!
  3. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Napping...Part of me loves them and wishes they will never go away, the other part of me despises them and trying to figure them out! My boys share a room, and have from the get go(not cribs though either). Nicholas has always been my napper. Anthony, has always been hit or miss. I never took them out at naptime if they cried for extended periods. Anthony started taking 30 minute naps when I was pregnant, I was so tired I just wanted him to sleep-so I did try the pnp deal downstairs, and that didn't work. He ended up sleeping on me most days.

    I just let them cio in the same room. They now rarely, if ever, wake if one cries. Naptime can be hit or miss though still. Sometimes if Anthony cries-Nicholas gets up, othertimes he sleep for two more hours...

    I say-if it works in the pnp and they are both napping, and you have the room for it-then do it that way. I'm all for getting sleep! What if you put your son down first? Could you try that? Or, you may just have to let him cio(not sure on age). I knew the cries of the kids-the cry where they were still tired and would eventually go back to sleep, and then the cry where they were DONE with nap. Can you distinguish?

    Good luck and I hope he starts napping for you!
  4. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think if it works & they will nap separately, then just go with it! I would keep putting them down in the same room together, but separate them if & when it becomes necessary like you've been doing. Hopefully, they will learn to sleep through the other's crying. I know mine did. When we were ready for CIO, I did CIO with them together in the same crib & had no problems. They just adjusted & learned to sleep through the noise.
  5. mwarner

    mwarner Active Member

    I have the same problem. We just gave up and put one in a PNP in the spare bedroom. At first we only did it at night, when we started CIO, but then we started it for naps as well because I got frustrated running in to scoop out the one who woke super-early. Most times, she had already woken the other one so I had 2 cranky babies by the evening. Now, because they are separated, I can actually leave the early-waker to cry, and a few times now she has put herself back to sleep within 10 minutes! When they were together, she never would have done that because they both would have been up and at 'em by the 10 minute mark! So, it's worth my peace of mind to keep them separate, at least for awhile.
  6. Chicklet

    Chicklet Well-Known Member

    My boys tend to be light sleepers and I do home daycare so their morning nap was always cut short. I like to get the other kids outside during their nap so it bothered me. I now put a sleep cd on for them and it works like a charm! Even if one wakes up the other one still sleeps b/c there's constant noise in the room!!
  7. Cristina

    Cristina Well-Known Member

    I went through the same thing. I can't believe it was so long ago now! For their sake and mine, I separated them for naps. Connor always slept in the pack n play in our room while Aaron slept in the crib. It was the only way they wouldn't wake each other up. I am pretty sure they did that even after they were out of their cribs, Connor slept on our bed. They did start to nap together again when we moved, but their room is designed so they each have their own little private area.
  8. lillysmom

    lillysmom Well-Known Member

    I am separating them for now on. The morning nap goes ok, but the afternoon nap is a mess. I just put the pnp in our room today! I say, "do what you have to do!"
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