They love their veggies!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by katzmeaow, Nov 26, 2009.

  1. katzmeaow

    katzmeaow Well-Known Member

    I read a post a while back from people having issues with their LOs eating vegetables. Some loved them and would eat them however you served them and others would only eat them in puree form. Mine are the pureed vegetable eaters. I think it's a texture thing and also that they still have quite a few teeth left to grow! Well, I took the genius advice from someone that used regular vanilla yogurt and added pureed vegetable to it. They LOVE it! After that post I saw that they have the 3 Meals in One containers in the yogurt aisle at the grocery store. It's yogurt (dairy), squash (veggie) and peaches (fruit). They also had pear and green beans combo and apple and sweet potato. I decided to buy all these fruits and veggies myself and puree them and add them to the vanilla yogurt. I give them this when they are being extremely picky or even as a sweet treat. I can make a big batch and they eat every bit of it. Good money saver and you can go organic if you like! Thanks for those that posted such a wonderful idea, I feel better knowing they are getting the nutrients they need!
  2. abrinka

    abrinka Well-Known Member

    My twins not into veggies also. So I hide them by making soups and grinding everything together. As for yogurt I add avocados and bananas to it. The only veggie puree I buy is peas since I find it somewhat difficult to puree since pea skin is tougher.
    As I say whatever works for all of us as long as kids get some nutrition.
    I get so many great ideas on how to feed picky eaters on this site as I find if you ask advise from doctors they go by the book which most of the time in our case does not work.
    GL to you and me and all on this one.
  3. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    Here in Australia they have these great squeezeable things that have pea, spinach and apple -- note that about 60 % is apple but hey every little bit counts. They have a carrot, sweet potato and apple one as well. The girls now can just suck the stuff out of them and they are so much neater when we are out. I think the great thing is the girls do not "see" the colour of the food inside the container.

    I think it is a survival technique.... kids tend to eat more ripe colours like orange and red as compared to green colours. They will eat off your plate since they know "it must be safe" to eat. Plus in our society (at least in my house) things from a can or jar tend to be a safer bet. Surprisingly they will eat anything off the floor still. (ok that throws that scientific idea out the window....)

    A easy option would be to buy baby food and just add it to canned spagetti or canned beans, etc. Buy some baby food squash and add it to mac & cheese, etc. I got that "deceptively delicious book" and used the cauliflower in the mac & cheese ---- WOW is all I can say.

  4. katzmeaow

    katzmeaow Well-Known Member

    It's amazing the tricks we have to have up our sleeve just so they will eat! I want to try the avocado in the yogurt. Also, the spinach thing is a great idea. I forget how many vegetables there are out there I can sneak in! Tonight they had peach and carrots in their yogurt and ate a huge bowl. I tasted it and was surprised how good it was. Definitely going for more greens tomorrow, but the combination with the yogurt sounds gross to me. So glad to see everyone's suggestions- sure breaks the boring daily routine. Thanks!!
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My kids love the Stonyfield 3 in 1 yogurt meals. Great ideas ladies :good:
  6. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    What a Wonderful idea! I might have to try that too! Thanks for sharing :D
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