Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by BBCanadianTwins, Feb 10, 2008.

  1. BBCanadianTwins

    BBCanadianTwins Well-Known Member

    Hey gals!

    Did any of your boys consistantly take their pants, then diapers off??? We don't know why they keep doing this. They won't go on the potty yet but we introduced them and moved into pullups thinking they were ready.

    Now I have to run around watching them all day incase they are peeing on something!!! They even take their clothes off in their cribs and PEE!


    Frat boys born May 1, 06
  2. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I'm sure it will be a quicker process for you since yours are older but just so you know I understand your pain...

    My boys became proficient undressers sometime between 12 and 14 months. By 20 months, they were "naked trained" meaning they would very rarely have an accident on the floor if they took their clothes off -- they would use the potty. In those months between learning to undress and learning to use the potty reliably, I never put the carpet machine away and I changed sheets as often as three times in a day because getting naked and making a mess at naptime was their favorite. It was frustrating to say the least.

    FWIW, they are potty training well right now and we went straight to underwear -- no pullups/trainers.

    Good luck!
  3. buzfar

    buzfar Well-Known Member

    My guys did this! Levi in particular!!!! All I can say is ONSIES! They do make them in larger sizes, or anything that snaps at the crotch!

    Once, of course, at nap time, Levi took it all off, and he has a big mess, stinky mess, in his diaper. He painted his crib, himself, the wall behind him. I was wondering why they were both laughing so hard, I found out when I opened the door.

    I even resorted to duct tape, until they figured out how to undo the tape!
  4. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Oh, yes, I forgot to mention that some kids are deterred by onesies, sleep sacks, one-piece pajamas on backward, or duct tape on diaper tabs. None of these things stopped mine but lots of people said they worked for them when I asked the same question.
  5. Cindy H

    Cindy H Well-Known Member

    I have 2 boys who think it is a fun game to take their diapers off. After replacing them oncew and warning them, I use tape Usually masking...and I wrap it aroudn them so they cannot find the end. It is working for now....mine can take onsies off. We are still a little away from potty training. They only sit before bathtime. After we finally potty train, that is when I get the carpets cleaned. I just spot clean until then.

    Good Luck and I am going through this too, it is not fun!
  6. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    Putting the girls in inside-out footed sleepers at nap with a onesie underneath was what worked for us. They couldn't get at the zippers that way and that kept the diapers on. Good luck!
  7. BBCanadianTwins

    BBCanadianTwins Well-Known Member

    Thanks gals! Glad to hear we're not the only ones!!!

    I totally forgot - I will put them back into onesies and see if that works. They take the one peice PJ's off but maybe the snaps will be too hard - oh now I'm excited!!!! :laughing:

    I am pregnant so if this works I might be able to maintain my sanity.... ooops gotta run.... here comes a naked bum! :)

  8. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Duct tape works for us. We had to put it where it ended in the back so they couldn't get into it. Or we tried putting mitchell in non footed pjs on backwards. Eventually all we had to do was threaten the duct tape and he stopped. Every now and then I still put it on bc he gets it off.
  9. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    We just had to go back to onesies instead of tshirt undershirts this week because of this problem and it solved it for us.
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