They have to be the same!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by imlodog, Jun 16, 2008.

  1. imlodog

    imlodog Well-Known Member

    i don't know if this is a phase or what....but no matter what one is doing, or what one has...the other one has to do or have the same thing. two examples from today: 1) zach had a dr. appt. this morning for a weight check...i had to undress him down to the diaper...well mallory was flipping out because she wanted to be undressed....luckily she was happy to just have her shirt off. 2) zach had a boo boo on his finger that needed a band aid...well, mallory had to have a band aid too, so i put it on her hand....but that wasn't where zach's was, so i had to put it in the same place!!!!! this was like a 10 minute flip out session over a friggin' band aid!!

    if one has their shoes on, the other one wants their shoes i playing w/ a tractor, the other one wants it and usually a fight ensues.

    it is pure craziness sometimes and i don't know what to do about it. i mean, do i just give in to the things...granted the above things are big deals...but it can become tiresome after some time....or do i let the child meltdown over it????

    any suggestions are welcome :)
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Lauren used to do this on occasion like when I needed to give Emma meds. I told her that she doesn't need it (doesn't need to do it, etc.). She would get mad, but I just let her get mad. I didn't want her to think throwing a fit will get her whatever she wants.
  3. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    Med were one of the things they HAD to share too. I used to give it to the other with nothing in it but the flavor was still noticeable. :lol:
  4. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    Its a sibling thing .. even my singletons were like that with each other .. its a pain.
  5. shoudeshell

    shoudeshell Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Sarah© @ Jun 16 2008, 08:15 PM) [snapback]830100[/snapback]
    Med were one of the things they HAD to share too. I used to give it to the other with nothing in it but the flavor was still noticeable. :lol:

    I just had to do this with the girls 1-1/2 to 2 weeks ago! And no, yours are not the only ones who do it! However, I do think they'll get better as they get older. The older two say that's not fair b/c the other one got this,got to do this, etc. but usually they don't HAVE to have the same. It won't totally go away, but they'll understand it better when they're older. GL!
  6. rachinoc

    rachinoc Active Member

    We are TOTALLY in that stage and it is driving me CRAZYYYYYYYYYYY!! (Mine are B/G Twins 26 months)

    They have to have the same bowl, the same fork, same color sippy cup, same exact number of chicken nuggets.... on and on. One puts their shoes on, the other one has to have theirs on. I am completely drained by the constant competition/comparison by the end of the day :(

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