they hate solids!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by fuchsiagroan, Oct 22, 2007.

  1. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    We introduced solids right on their 6 month birthday (from due date). On the first try, they loved rice cereal, and I thought we were in for smooth sailing. Second try was also pretty good.

    But then they got less and less interested. I tried butternut squash, and they hated it. Since they enjoy playing with big slices of apple whenever I'm eating one, I offered them applesauce, thinking the familiar taste would go over well, but they hated it. I've played around with timing - offering solids right after nursing, so they're not too hungry and frustrated; waiting a little longer, so they'll be hungrier and more interested; late in the day, when they are bottomless pits; earlier in the day, when they're less cranky... And it's always a no go. I've tried offering every day, giving them a break for a few days - nada. I've tried spoon feeding, feeding off my finger, just letting them play with a spoon covered with food, and they just wrinkle up their faces like "MOM, what the #*&% are you trying to pull here?!"

    On the one hand, it makes me feel good that they love nursing so much and are getting all they need from me. But should I be worried that they are just not into "real" food yet?

    (I have an app't to have them weighed at the pedi on Thursday, just to make sure they're still gaining ok.)
  2. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    it just takes time!! Keep at it.
    I've ready it takes 10 times or more of the same food for babies to like it.

    It's hard but they will get the hang of it!
  3. kim j

    kim j Well-Known Member

    Welcome!!!!! Sounds like you are doing everything right!! Sometimes it just takes awhile - just keep trying and one day they'll be receptive!! Talk to your ped - and as long as the babes are gaining - just consider solids as practice right now as opposed to nutritional. Before you'll know it they'll be fussing for you to move faster!!! gimme another bite!! Good luck!!!
  4. caba

    caba Banned

    I can only speak for myself, but our pedi actually wanted us to do a month of cereals before starting the fruits and veggies. We started with rice cereal at 4months, and quickly moved to oatmeal because of constipation isseus. But it really took that whole month for them to really be good at eating. Then we introduced fruits and veggies which they are better at, but still don't feel like eating it sometimes and just blow raspberries and spit it at me!

    Hang in there ... they will get better at it ... Mine LOVE applesauce and have had it like 10 times, but still everytime i give it to them, for the first bite or two they look at me like i'm pouring motor oil into their mouths. Then once they swallow it a couple times, they are like "hey, pretty good!!"

    Your doing great ... just keep at it.
  5. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(fuchsiagroan @ Oct 22 2007, 01:54 PM) [snapback]461384[/snapback]
    We introduced solids right on their 6 month birthday (from due date). On the first try, they loved rice cereal, and I thought we were in for smooth sailing. Second try was also pretty good.

    But then they got less and less interested. I tried butternut squash, and they hated it. Since they enjoy playing with big slices of apple whenever I'm eating one, I offered them applesauce, thinking the familiar taste would go over well, but they hated it. I've played around with timing - offering solids right after nursing, so they're not too hungry and frustrated; waiting a little longer, so they'll be hungrier and more interested; late in the day, when they are bottomless pits; earlier in the day, when they're less cranky... And it's always a no go. I've tried offering every day, giving them a break for a few days - nada. I've tried spoon feeding, feeding off my finger, just letting them play with a spoon covered with food, and they just wrinkle up their faces like "MOM, what the #*&% are you trying to pull here?!"

    On the one hand, it makes me feel good that they love nursing so much and are getting all they need from me. But should I be worried that they are just not into "real" food yet?

    (I have an app't to have them weighed at the pedi on Thursday, just to make sure they're still gaining ok.)

    Have you tried having DH feed them some solids? I know when we first started solids, that they ate much better for my mom and DH (who they were used to getting bottles from). Anytime I tried to feed them solids, they looked at me like what the heck is this?!?! They were not impressed. I really think/thought that it was related to the nursing, they got confused and then mad :lol:

    But I just kept trying, and they now eat for me like champs!

  6. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    Give it time :) Ds wouldn't even open his mouth for them until around 7.5 months, dd always loved them. They both do fine with everything now :) You could either continue offering daily or wait a week or two and try again.

  7. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    It's all for practice at this point so don't stress yourself out over it.

    If they're refusing foods they've accepted before, then play around with thickness. My guys much preferred a mashed consistency to watery purees pretty early. If they're refusing all foods, they might be refusing because they associate you with nursing or they might be teething. I think they're too young for it yet but later on they'll refuse just because they want to exercise their independence. Anyway, if they're only refusing new stuff, that's totally normal. Keep offering and one day they'll decide they like it.
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