they gotta eat something!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by rebekahj, May 1, 2009.

  1. rebekahj

    rebekahj Well-Known Member

    The day I've been dreading may have arrived - where my boys are now eating more than my BM supply from pumping. I'm already giving them 2 formula feedings per day, though they hate it and spit half of it back up. I've been pumping regularly, at least 6 times a day, and the boys eat every 2-4 hrs. They aren't nursing atm - with their gassiness they writhe and complain so that it's hard enough to give them a bottle. They're eating 4-1/2 oz and 5-1/2 oz each feeding, and I'm pumping perhaps 8 oz a time, as low as 5 oz and as high as 11 oz. I've been barely keeping in front of demand for their entire 3 months, and maybe they're finally outpacing me. :eek: I'm not really sure where we'll go from here.
  2. jnholman

    jnholman Well-Known Member

    I am in the same boat that you are in. Unfortunately, I have never been able to get good amounts from pumping. I have been mixing BM with the FF. My bottles are about 1/2-3/4 BM and the rest is FF.

    Maybe you need to find a formula that they like and that will not give them gas and make them fussy.

    I have to admit, I cried because I felt that I could not give "the best" for my boys. But they have to eat. Unfortunately, it is most FF here. My body is only making so much.

  3. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    well judging by your ticker they are the PERFECT age to be going through a growth spurt!
    You said your pumping 6x a day. Can you increase that too 8?
    How long are you pumping? what type of pump are you using?
    Have you thought about taking a supplement for YOU?? something like Mothers milk tea, or fenugreek?

    What would you say your total BM output is in a 24 hour period?

    You have to remember too its MUCH easier for a baby to suck down a bottle then it is to breastfeed so its possible they are a little overfull as well. Sorry for all the questions! I think you'll get some great advice from us ladies here if you can give us just a little more info!!!
    Hang in there, YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!
  4. rebekahj

    rebekahj Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(E&Msmom @ May 1 2009, 08:58 PM) [snapback]1297131[/snapback]
    well judging by your ticker they are the PERFECT age to be going through a growth spurt!
    You said your pumping 6x a day. Can you increase that too 8?
    How long are you pumping? what type of pump are you using?
    Have you thought about taking a supplement for YOU?? something like Mothers milk tea, or fenugreek?

    What would you say your total BM output is in a 24 hour period?

    You have to remember too its MUCH easier for a baby to suck down a bottle then it is to breastfeed so its possible they are a little overfull as well. Sorry for all the questions! I think you'll get some great advice from us ladies here if you can give us just a little more info!!!
    Hang in there, YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!

    Don't mind questions at all. :) I try to pump every three hours, i.e. 8x a day but something always stretches out the time so I usually only get in 6x. I'm pumping for 30 minutes both breasts, using the Freestyle. I drink about a pitcher of Mother's Milk tea a day and take the pill supplement occasionally. I'd say my total output for a day is 42 to 54 ounces. We recently moved the boys from a slow-flow nipple to a medium-flow, but that didn't cause a jump in their intake, just took less time for the same amount.
  5. rebekahj

    rebekahj Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Jenn Bland @ May 1 2009, 06:54 PM) [snapback]1297024[/snapback]
    I am in the same boat that you are in. Unfortunately, I have never been able to get good amounts from pumping. I have been mixing BM with the FF. My bottles are about 1/2-3/4 BM and the rest is FF.

    Maybe you need to find a formula that they like and that will not give them gas and make them fussy.

    I have to admit, I cried because I felt that I could not give "the best" for my boys. But they have to eat. Unfortunately, it is most FF here. My body is only making so much.


    You're just 3 weeks into it, your body could well catch up!

    We're giving them the premie formula that the doctors told us to use until they're 4 months old, but we may try them on something new sooner than that. Our big boy certainly doesn't need the extra-calorie formula!
  6. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    I would do as PP said and increase pumping. Keep trying to nurse as a baby can get more than a pump and will also boost supply better than a pump. Tandem feeding is also a great way to boost supply. It does sound like a classic growth spurt. During growth spurts a baby almost never seems satisfied and everything they are getting in formula is the amount your body is not getting the message to make. It's frustrating, but they pass in a few days and then mine always gave me a break by sleeping more after a growth spurt :) Best wishes!
  7. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Are you trying to transition them to the breast or do you want to keep pumping and bottlefeeding? Nursing them would be a great way to increase your supply. I agree that it's probably a growth spurt and would try to increase your pumping for the next week or so to try to catch up. I hope your supply increases!
  8. rebekahj

    rebekahj Well-Known Member

    To be honest, I'd be perfectly happy if I never tried nursing again - it's so stressful! It's been a bad few weeks for us anyway, with everyone getting a nasty cold, having to put one of my cats to sleep, and the other one going into the emergency vet hospital last night. Pumping is so much easier ...
  9. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Rebekah J @ May 3 2009, 09:28 AM) [snapback]1298265[/snapback]
    To be honest, I'd be perfectly happy if I never tried nursing again - it's so stressful! It's been a bad few weeks for us anyway, with everyone getting a nasty cold, having to put one of my cats to sleep, and the other one going into the emergency vet hospital last night. Pumping is so much easier ...

    Hey Rebekah, I don't want to push you on the nursing too much, but I can say from my own experience that as long as I was pumping I was never ever to get the my supply up to what the boys ate. I understand why pumping seems easier sometimes--I was doing a lot of pumping at that point too (mainly because of nipple pain). If you don't have latch problems or other issues getting them to nurse--even just getting them to the breast a few times a day will help boost supply a lot.

    If nursing is not an option, my main suggestions would be to pump more often. My guys ate 8 times a day at that point, and maybe try some fenugreek.

    You are doing good. Keep it up! I know those illnesses are totally exhausting especially with two babies :)
  10. slr814

    slr814 Well-Known Member

    Your little tykes must eat more than mine :) , what your pumping would be adequate for us. my LOs are just coming out of a growth spurt, and even though my babies nurse for only half their feedings, it seemed like they weren't getting enough from the breast. After a couple of days my supply picked up, but I know it's different when you pump. You have my respect for doing that; I hated pumping. I would try different formula; mine don't like the premixed stuff, but do fine with the powder of the same brand.
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