They don't talk much!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twin struck, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. twin struck

    twin struck Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone,

    It's been awhile since I have been on here but I thought I would come on and say hello and ask the million dollar question.

    Now Justin and Vincent turned 2 on January 27, and they are thriving! Big boys they have become. They understand clearly, follow directions, but say very few words. I mean they say mama, papa, Lola (our dog),cookie...make a few animal sounds and choo choo for trains, but dont talk more than that. They have their own lingo when they talk to one another that seems to make all the sense in the world to them but then they look at me as if to say, "hello?? didn't you understand what I asked you???"

    I am just asking wondering how your little raggamuffins are doing with the language development. Is there a different milstone for language development for twins? I haven't been able to get any clear understanding online, I just thought I would put it out there and ask you ladies if you are experiencing similar situations.

    I mean when is it time to realize this isn't baby jargon anymore and it's time to see a language specialist?

    Thanks everyone!

  2. twin struck

    twin struck Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone,

    It's been awhile since I have been on here but I thought I would come on and say hello and ask the million dollar question.

    Now Justin and Vincent turned 2 on January 27, and they are thriving! Big boys they have become. They understand clearly, follow directions, but say very few words. I mean they say mama, papa, Lola (our dog),cookie...make a few animal sounds and choo choo for trains, but dont talk more than that. They have their own lingo when they talk to one another that seems to make all the sense in the world to them but then they look at me as if to say, "hello?? didn't you understand what I asked you???"

    I am just asking wondering how your little raggamuffins are doing with the language development. Is there a different milstone for language development for twins? I haven't been able to get any clear understanding online, I just thought I would put it out there and ask you ladies if you are experiencing similar situations.

    I mean when is it time to realize this isn't baby jargon anymore and it's time to see a language specialist?

    Thanks everyone!

  3. michellerdh

    michellerdh Well-Known Member

    My girls will be 22 months next week and say about 60 words. They are just starting to put two words together. I am not an expert, but I bought my girls flash cards for christmas. I will do it with them everyday. They repeat what I say over and over and I guess it just finally clicks. I kow boys are a little slower. My cousin's son is 27 months and is not talking as much as my girls. He is really more interested in trains. I guess everyday just keep talking to them. I don't really think there is a time line for this it will happen when it happens. I really wouldn't worry!!!

  4. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I would get an EI consult and see if you can get them evaluated by a speech therapist. I think at 2 they should have more words. You might call your pedi as well and see if they have any suggestions.
  5. Sue1968

    Sue1968 Well-Known Member

    That's all my boys did when they turned two. I talked to the doctor at their two-year check-up and he said that was fine. He asked me a couple of questions to rule out hearing problems or severe developmental problems (such as autism) and he said as long as they seem to hear well and understand what we're saying to them, then that was fine.

    Three months after their second birthday, I started them in a part-time preschool to try to ramp up the language and that made a significant difference. There's nothing like putting them in a classroom full of talking kids to get them going. The class is for two-year-olds but most of the kids were about 6 months older. Anyway, Ben is practically using sentences now and Adam is makeing 2-3 word phrases. For what it's worth, boys tend to talk much later than girls and it's not unusual for boys to have little or no language at their second birthday.
  6. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Ryan has about 40 words and so far most of his communication is 1 word at a time. Sofia probably has over 60 and is starting to speak in word combinations and sentences. They both comprehend very well and are great at following instructions. I would talk to your pedi and see what his opinion is and like Melissa mentioned you can get an EI evaluation.
  7. OneBoy&TwinBoys

    OneBoy&TwinBoys Active Member


    I say trust your gut and get them evaluated. My oldest son wasn't talking at 2 and I just blew it off to him being a boy and I had heard that boys talk later sometimes. Well, by the time he was 2 1/2 he said maybe 10 words and I decided that he needed to be tested. Like your boys, he understood everything, great at following directions, and making animal sounds. He could say "baby" but couldn't say "ball" or "bubbles". I am so glad that I had him evaluated. He was diagnosed with developmental apraxia. After just a few weeks of therapy he started making great progress. At 3 he was given a language usage test and he scored that of a 6 year old. Basically his language skills and understanding of how grammar works was way advanced for his age. Now after a year of therapy strangers can understand most of what he says. There are still sounds that he can't make yet, but he has made great progress.

    Now, compare him to my twins who are 18 months, I can see that he definitely had a problem. They are saying at least 60 words and starting to say 2 words phrase. All things that my oldest didn't start until he was almost 3! My twins do seem to have their own little language with each other, but for the most part we can understand what they are trying to say to us.

    So, long story short - trust your instinct. What will it hurt to get them tested? If there isn't a problem, then great. If there is, then you can get them help early before they start school.

  8. twin struck

    twin struck Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone for your thoughts and suggestions. I think I will go with my gut and have them followed up with a specialist. Oh by the way what is "EI" abbreviated for? [​IMG]

    Thanks again!

  9. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    EI = Early Intervention. Depending on your location it may have another name. Here it is called the WV Birth to Three Program.
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