They don't sleep well anymore

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AmberG, Nov 5, 2010.

  1. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    My kids are on one nap a day. They go to bed between 7 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. They usually sleep about 12 hours at night. They fall asleep on their own and usually go down pretty easily. They eat pretty well and seem healthy. They are happy most of the time.

    Our issues:

    Shorter, inconsistent naps
    For a few months they were taking 2-3 hour naps. They usually go down okay, but now they are only napping 1-1.5 hours on most days. Today they woke up every 45 minutes, but I was able to get them to go back down. Why would they be napping less?

    Nightwaking: One or both of them wake up almost every night, often multiple times a night. We get one night every week or two where they both sleep through. When they wake I go to them and they usually go back to sleep right away. DD often wakes for water, which we keep in her crib, but she can't seem to find it on her own. What is with all the nightwaking? I suppose it could be their 2nd year molars coming, but I have no way of knowing that.

    This has been a problem for a month or so, basically since our new baby was born. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it. They seem to be adjusting to her arrival pretty well. So with all of the nightwaking, plus waking to feed a newborn at night, I am pretty tired. Any ideas?
  2. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    I was just reading that this age is notorious for bad sleeping habits. They are just so curious and want to play all the time. I'm dealing with one of my girls who actually has been sleeping walking and having night terrors. She does it during naps as well.

    Not sure what's going on, but both usually wake a few times a week during the night now. Last night it was because they both had full diapers and wanted to be changed. They didn't wake up again once they were changed. One night it was because their cups were empty. I wish I had some good advice, but I just wanted to tell you that you're not alone. This age is hard when it comes to sleeping. Have you tried CIO?

    I know that the other one of my girls is cutting her 2nd year can actually see the whites of her teeth coming through. This has been going on for months now. At first, they were swollen and that was a few weeks of that and now she is actually cutting them. You might want to take a peek inside their mouths to see if you see/feel any swelling or teeth coming through. Then maybe some tylenol before bedtime might help. Good luck!
  3. cboland

    cboland Member

    The twinks are 22.5mths old and at the moment DS is going through something similar. DD is still pretty much the same with the exception of taking a little longer to fall asleep at night and waking a tad bit earlier in the morning but nothing major. DS however is fighting naps big time (although he always has to some degree)and is missing 1-2 a week lately. Plus he is taking a lot longer to fall asleep at night (mostly if he naps) and waking up at night for his nummy which he has never done before. Hopefully just a phase..... Gl :rolleyes:
  4. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    No clue how to fix it. We are going through similar issues with our DS. I'd love to hear any words of wisdom!
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