They don't know who they are

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Beth*J, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    I just recently figured out that my girls don't know their own names and I'm starting to suspect they think they are the same person. Anyone else have this issue? When I ask Annelise where Karina is, she always can point to her and Karina can always point to Annelise. However, last week I asked Annelise, "Where's Annelise?" and she pointed to Karina. I tested it out several more times and each child always pointed to the other regardless of the name used. Then I started noticing that they both answer (by looking or coming to me, not verbally) when I say one girl's name. Is it common with twins? Any idea when this will straighten out and they'll know they have their own identity?
  2. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    I guess my impression was that it does take them a little longer. The pedi suggested that as well. I think mine have just really gotten it in the last few months, and now really enjoy looking at pictures of themselves and pointing out who is who. And mine are b/g fraternals, so I'd think it would be easier for them.
  3. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    My two went through a phase like that, but I don't remember the age exactly. :blush: I know for a while they thought they were the same person and my son, especially, would even tell us his name was Angie. :lol:
  4. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I'll have to pay attention. I know they both can mumble each name... but now I'll have to test them... I was just going to joke that at least they don't call themselves "boy" or "girl"... I'm always afraid that they'll go to kindergarten and say that's their names... :wacko:
  5. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    I noticed that with the pointing as well. They always point at the other when asked both names. But the right one does turn around when I call their names and they can usually point to the right person in pictures.
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine went through that briefly. I thought that they would not be confused since they are b/g. Right now they do know who is who. Both can say my son's name, DD cannot say her name and my DS calls her "Gaga" or "Buggy".
  7. Rach1137

    Rach1137 Well-Known Member

    Our boys will answer to their own name most of the time. If I ask them where the other one is by name they look at me like I'm nuts, but if I ask them where their brother is they will point at him. They will not say each others names (i've heard Jack try to say James just a few times) but they call each other Budda and I'm guessing that is because we are always saying something like, where is your brother, be nice to your brother, don't hit your brother, love on brother etc. so I think they think each other ones name is brother.
    I think they also get confused because we don't always call them by their names either, DH and I call them both Bubba or Buddy, especially to say things like come on buddy lets go or good climbing bubba etc. My parents have started the worst though since they refer to them as Fred and George and it has rubbed off on DH and I.
  8. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I know I read about this in one of the 700,000 twins books that I have, but I can't remember which one. This book said that identity confusion was really common with young twins, but I don't know when it said they get over it.

    If I find the book, I'll look it up and let you know what it says!
  9. jenniferkkelly

    jenniferkkelly Well-Known Member

    Our NICU doctor had told us that it's typical for twins to take longer to really know their own name.
  10. reggs55

    reggs55 Well-Known Member

    For us it was right around their second birthday that they could point to themselves when asked, "Where's ______?" Now they have just learned to say their own and each other's names and it's really cute :) Also, my daughter that is 18 months older than the twins couldn't tell them apart (and they're not identical) until after they were two! She would come to me and say, "the baby in the pink hit the baby in the purple!"
  11. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    that is hysterical! I love it!!
  12. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    Give them time and try not to worry.
    Mine would look in the mirror and say their sister's name.
    They would identify both babies in photos with their sister's name.
    They will get it. This is not even in the baby books as milestones because the majority of the babies don't have to deal with looking at their own reflection and seeing their sister. Your girls sound perfectly normal to me.
  13. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    we've just recently started having them spend some time apart, and it's made a big difference. we've always wanted to do this, but found it hard to find the time. now i split them up sometimes when the babysitter is here--which is hard for me cuz it's supposed to be "my" time, but it seems to really benefit them! and yes, they did used to answer to each others' names, btw. or point to the wrong one in pictures. i just asked them now and they both could tell me who each guy was..... also, i know it's a personal choice and every twin parent has to make these decisions, but i've read where it's more difficult for them to find their own identities when they are always dressed the same, spend all day togehter, are given everything exactly the same things, etc. if there's no difference in how others treat them then they might have a harder time distinguishing themselves from their twin..... we've always strived to keep ours as distinct as possible. now, in my case not dressing them the same is really easy--i'm not organized enough to do so! each of mine is lucky if he has two matching socks, lol;).

  14. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I agree that it is very normal. For the longest time when you asked either one of my girls they would respond by saying, "My namie is KyleeKaylyn". :D They also to some degree still identify their reflection's as their sister, and same with pictures at times. I know its hard, but try not to stress about it. :hug:
  15. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    Mine are doing something like this now too. (glad to know we're not alone either!) They will both answer to their names and point to each other and say names, like "Hi, Hailey" and so on but they won't tell us their own names. Sometimes Hailey looks at pictures and calls all of them Hannah (which is understandable, sometimes I forget who is who in the pictures!) and sometimes they will look in the mirror and say "sissy" or each other's names, not their own.

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