they are ganging up on me!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by jdio33, Mar 3, 2009.

  1. jdio33

    jdio33 Well-Known Member

    Ok the ganging up on me is becoming more frequent. I'm fuming mad right now b/c I'm home alone with them right now and just had the 3rd couch war and a hitting mommy session. The thing with the couch is that they love jumping on it. We have never allowed this because they push each other off, but when they decide they want to jump they WILL NOT give up. I have done time outs which does nothing so now I make them get off the couch and dont let them back on. When I'm alone however it's get one off and by then the other is back know how it goes... Then they both start hitting me in the head. I'v tried EVERYTHING I can think of for this!!!! Time out, showing them nice, ....tonight they both started laughing and kept hitting me. When I walked away b/c I thought about hitting them back :lol: they started hitting themselves in the head and laughing!!!!
    I'm loosing my mind. Anyone have any help?
  2. agolden

    agolden Well-Known Member

    I'd like to see your two and my two together. They sound like peas in a pod.
  3. tdemarco01

    tdemarco01 Well-Known Member

    My kids have free reign on our furniture and it entertains them for many hours a week. Is there any way to lighten your rules on this? I remember, as a kid, jumping all over our couches and making forts, etc. it was an awesome way to explore and burn energy.

    God, I can't imagine saying no to my kids all day, that's a recipe for tantrums and we all hate those. Some things are just not worth getting worked up about.

    it might save you some bonks on the head too! LOL
  4. twins2008

    twins2008 Well-Known Member

    Do they have a bounce house, ball pit, or little trampoline. Maybe if they had something else to jump on they would leave your couch alone. Maybe you could just put the cushions on the floor so they can jump on them if you are worried about them falling off and getting hurt. Other than that I don't know. My older two didn't really do this, but they were in day care all day and my twins haven't gotten to that age yet. GL.

  5. jdio33

    jdio33 Well-Known Member

    The thing is that the jumping isn't a issue all day. They pretty much leave it alone most of the day b/c we have never let them. I sware it's just when they want to drive me crazy!! Like they say "hey we haven't been naughty enough today, lets jump!" And it's usually right before bed and they get all hyper when I'm trying to calm them down for bed. They also don't get upset or have tantrums b/c they are far to busy laughing!!! <_< That is what makes me sooooo mad!
    They have a ball pit I put away b/c they dumped the balls all the time and carried it around, and a bounce house that takes up my whole livingroom. I am going to look into finding something they CAN jump on like the little trampoline is a really good idea or taking the cushions off and letting them jump on those on the floor?
    I pretty much refuse to let them jump on the couch now. I'm not really strick about that many things, but I personally feel like that is better to not allow it now so I don't have to stop them when they are older.
    Any ideas about the hitting? They also hit each other and laugh. That makes it very hard to get the point across that hitting hurts!! :rolleyes:
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I used to let my kids jump on the couch - till they did it at the pedi's office and almost landed on their HEADS!! (It was unusually springy! :eek: ) So, that is when we instituted a "you can jump OFF the couch to the floor, at home only policy" not everyone we visit allows that, so it is a dicey thing. If they aren't understanding that there are rules at other places...not sure you need to give in on that.

    I have the mini-tramp. I put it out for a week then put it away and it keeps it NEW for a LONG LONG time!! It's a great way to learn to take turns and burn energy!!
  7. cricket1

    cricket1 Well-Known Member

    We still sometimes gather all the pillow in the house and throw them in a pile. You just have to be sure to regulate it a bit otherwise lots of bonking of heads. But, just a thought, maybe try moving up bed time. My two, expecially V start to spiral into little whirling dervishes when they are getting beyond tired. its like that last little burst of energy to fight of the tiredness. The other gets really "touchy" anything can set him to tears. when he is tires.

    As far as the hitting, just consistancy. "we do not hit", "Soft hands" we also started to seperate them physically, "if you can not be nice to XYZ you do not get to play with XYZ. essentially you are putting his "play mate" much like a toy that was mistreated in time out. Not as a punishment to the "play mate" but just removing the other. and you put one in a highchair/booster or play yard if you have it or just across the room. They are old enough to start understanding. I understood how much the understood when they were about 18months and after months of telling them we do not stand on the furniture, Vince yelled to the cat "no no kitty, no stand' or something along those lines. Good luck , this really is getting into a fun time. I loved two.

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