They act differently with Daddy

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by debid, Aug 25, 2007.

  1. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    It's so frustrating. I love that they go into "best behavior" mode when their grandparents visit. They're just so excited to show them their tricks. I don't love that they do the same with Daddy. It's not that I want him to have a difficult time but I don't want him to have the impression that they're like this all of the time. For example, he took them outside with him and washed the windows on the lower level. They played nearby while he worked. He then said in a very snippy way, "See? Now why can't you get these things done?" Well, when I take them outside, they are perfectly comfortable wandering out of sight and I don't want them getting lost in the forest, that's why! I can barely get their wading pool emptied before they're off and I have to chase them down. I wash the pool and chase them down twice more in the process. I put the hose in to refill and get them to bring them inside because I've had enough. I guess they know I'll watch and come for them but they're not so sure about Daddy???
  2. Faith00

    Faith00 Well-Known Member

    One of my girlfriends and I just had this conversation. Her husband had been gone for six months and their little girl is nine DH was gone for four months and our boys are almost two yrs old...regardless, same concept. She said it's like opening a pickle jar! You try and try to get the pickles opened and then your husband comes in and pops the lid right open! That's exactly how it feels when DH comes in and makes things look so easy and yes, the kids cooperate very well w/ him. I don't know about your DH but even if it was hard, mine would never show that he was frustrated like I sometimes can. Now, he does say all the time, I don't know how you do it but I always just think he's being nice. lol.

  3. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    :hug99: Thats just the law of nature!
  4. blessedwith3

    blessedwith3 Well-Known Member

    My boys like to play this same game at my house. DH knows that they do this though. They will listen to him, but will ignore me.
  5. leslie

    leslie Active Member

    I completely understand... Just today, DD wouldn't go down for a nap for anything. I tried everything from laying down with her to rocking her. Finally, DH went upstairs and she was asleep in less than 2 minutes. He came down with a big grin on his face like he had really accomplished something. I just laughed! He said he just told her to close her eyes and go to sleep. They will give Mommy a harder time than ANYONE else. Mine are perfect little angels most of the time if other people are around. My husband works 2nd shift and I am on my own with them at night. People just have no idea how hard that can be. There really is no way to get DH to understand how hard it is to get anything done.
  6. valentinetwins

    valentinetwins Well-Known Member

    I could've written your post:)..THEN, we went on a family vacation last month and after 10 days of being with them day and night he totally "got it". He now gives me foot rubs at night without me asking, say's thank you when all the laundry is done and he never even used to notice that stuff. I hope it lasts.........
  7. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Ugh! What is it with daddy's?? Mine listen to him better as well... especially when they go outside with him. They take off running on me, and when they go out with him, they walk along side of him!!

    It is so frustrating!
  8. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I think it's a Daddy thing. Same thing happens here. DH took them to the local zoo (it's really small) and came home proclaiming how good they were. Of course it was followed by the "I don't see why you don't take them out more". Of course with me, they run in opposite directions and don't listen at all. I wish just once that they were as hard with him as they are with me.
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