Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by brianamurnion, Mar 5, 2007.

  1. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    Okay we are 34 weeks and 3 days (g/g twins) I had my apt. today and my BP is up a little and I am starting to spill a little protien. Also baby A is 5lbs 8oz and B is only 4lbs 14oz (is this a big diff) they have their own placentas too. Okay AND the placentas are starting to calcify (sp?) so the doc actually said this is a good thing because they did their best to prepare to come early and got all the "goodie" out of their placentas. I was sent home with kits to test my own urine and am to go to check my BP everyday.... as long as I dont become preeclamptic We are scheduled for a csection on Friday morning!! I am very nervous I will be exactally 35 weeks, but he said they really seem to be ahead of schedule and gave me a 1 in 10 chance they may need a little help with their breathing when they come.... at least they seem to be good sized!! Pray for us and send me all the advice and info you can please!!! Pray we make it to Friday (my mom is on her way tomorrow and all the church ladies gave us so much food we willnever starve, but I am still nervous and feel I need to be "preparing") Thanks ladies!!
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Good luck, Briana...sending prayers that you will have 2 healthy babies in your arms on Friday! [​IMG]
  3. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    I am SO excited for you! It sounds like the little girlies are anxious to make their debut---so bring it on! This is so exciting....can't wait to hear all about it!!

  4. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear all you are going through Briana but 35 weeks is great! You might have some feeders and growers on your hands but you might also be able to take them home with you!

    My thoughts are with you, I hope you are able to make it to Friday with no more major concerns.
  5. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    35 weeks is a good milestone... I was 35 weeks and 3 days when I delivered my guys. They had no problems, came home with me 4 days later [​IMG]
  6. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    Whoo hoo! can't wait to hear your birth story. I am sure they will be fine, just focus on the fact that in four days you will SEE and hold them!

    and - HOORAY for the church ladies!!!!!
  7. Marie_B

    Marie_B Well-Known Member

    Hi Briana!

    Wishing you the best of luck on Friday and praying for a safe delivery for you and your babies! You'll be in my thoughts and prayers!
  8. amily1974

    amily1974 Well-Known Member

    Great news! I will be thinking of you as well! Can't wait to read the birth story! Best wishes!

    Caleb 6/30/04
    Aidan 2/22/06

    c-section scheduled for 3/27
  9. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies.... amily1974 you look like you will be next huh!? Keep all the advice coming I will take whatever I can get here!! Csection advice, nursing, Pre-e experience... ANYTHING! Thanks again soooo sooso so much!
  10. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    Forgive me if Ive already gave you my whole pre-e talk before, I have a terrible memory [​IMG] Do watch how you feel, if your bp is over 140/90 call into the doc or L&D. Dont put it off, its really a bad thing to do. Watch for headache, severe swelling, visual problems, pain under your right breast, basically anything that seems different. Lay on your left side as much as possible. Keep track of your bp readings on a piece of paper. Do your kick counts alot.

    As for the c-section, expect that you may start to get really nauseas or even throw up after the spinal, there is something they use that drops your bp drastically and can make you sick. Just tell the anethesiologist and he can give you something immediately in your iv and suck out the possible barf out of your mouth...gross huh. Your bp may also drop as soon as the babies and placentas are out, it may not though. it can also skyrocket after delivery. You need to watch for pree symptoms up to 6 weeks postpartum. Docs will tell you that the only cure is delivery but it is rare but does happen that people can develope pree after delivery, even if they didnt have it while pregnant. Expect to be put on mag, the stuff makes you feel aweful, hot flashes, dizzyness, just randomly falling asleep, this would be given in case your bp continues to stay high to keep you from having a siezure. most people come off after 24 hours, some a few days, just depends on what your body is up to.

    As soon as you are off mag (or if you are never on it) get up, you will need help but get moving, it helps the blood to circulate and you will recover faster. Have your dh or mom stay the nights with you in the hospital, you will need help especially to get to the NICU, if your babies go there. If you plan to bf, ask for a breast pump before your c-section so they can get one for you, while in the hospital you can use one for free. Pump as soon as you can, it will help your supply, do it every 2-3 hours. You will not get much, but no one does in the beginning, so dont worry. Some people have problems getting their milk up after mag as well, but keep at it. They can give your babies any milk, even if its a drop or two, the first bits are the best for the babies.

    Ok that is all I can think of right now [​IMG]

    I will keep you all in prayer!
  11. Tina Ross

    Tina Ross Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] Congrats

    cant wait to here ur birth story!In a strange way i envy u [​IMG]!! I cant wait to have these babies!!
  12. traci_roo

    traci_roo Well-Known Member

    Wow only a few more days. You and your babies are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep cooking a few more days babies! [​IMG]
  13. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    Just thought of another thing, dont try to be superwoman, keep up on your meds, even if you think you are starting to feel ok, just finish them all up, its much harder to catch up on the pain
  14. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    Congrats!!! Your girls will have the same birthday as mine! My girls will be 1 on March 9th. Good luck to you and those babies!
  15. boogerkw

    boogerkw Well-Known Member

    Good Luck!!!!
  16. t_a_l_i

    t_a_l_i Active Member

    Good luck!
  17. Michelle B

    Michelle B Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] Best of Luck to you on Friday! Please keep us informed on how you are all doing after the delivery!
  18. momlissa

    momlissa Well-Known Member

    Best wishes and good luck!! [​IMG]
  19. debby12766

    debby12766 Well-Known Member

    Goodness! You are in my thoughts! All good things!
  20. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    A quick update. My BP was up 145/91 tonight but my urine was still good. So if it is still up or higher in the Morning my bet is we will be delivering tomorrow and not Friday. Again keep us in your prayers. I will let everyone know!
  21. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    Briana, you already know what Im going to careful, very careful. As for the growth difference, with preeclampsia many babies end up with IUGR, preeclampsia is considered a disease of the placenta. Many of the women who suffer from this have aged or bizarre placentas...I did too. Could also be that one of your babies umbilical cords placed wierd, that happened with ds and one of the twins as well, their umbilical cords were more off to the side than in the middle where they should be...dont really know how to explain that right. But anyways, many researchers for preeclampsia believe that something went wrong in the beginning when the placenta was forming that causes pre-eclampsia to show itself later on in pregnancy.

    Please Im going to say it again, be careful, even if you have to run to the hospital tonight, its better safe than sorry. Did you at least call your doc with that bp?
  22. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    I knew I could count on you! [​IMG] okay dumb question but what is IUGR?? I have really never heard of it. Anyway I am checking my BP right away in the morning and if it is still up 140/90 we will be having babies tomorrow and not Fri. I am feeling a little better just knowing the day is approching... and my mom is still here so if I have to leave in the middle of the night we can! Thanks Cassie!
  23. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    PS... yes I called the doc and he said wait until morning... or of course if I started feeling way worse. I called right before the office closed so he has the most up to date info that I have.
  24. Cassie05

    Cassie05 Well-Known Member

    Definatly not a dumb question, alot of people never have to deal with it, so most dont know about it...I forget these things, being a 4 time preemie mom sometimes. IUGR, is Intrauterine growth restriction, basically the babies start to slow in growth or stop growing all together, there are alot of different causes of this, one being preeclampsia [​IMG]

    Well make sure your mom or someone has your login info so we know what is up if you end up in the hosptial tomorrow [​IMG]
  25. mommyinmay

    mommyinmay Member

    Good luck Briana!!! Can't wait to hear the details! Sounds like everything will go just fine so don't be too worried!! I'm so jealous - you'll get to hold your two girls sooo soon! i'm so excited for you!
  26. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies! I know ya all will be thinking and praying for us tomorrow! My BP is up tonight 146/108 but the doc is keeping the csection scheduled for the AM! At least I get one last "peaceful" night at home! Haha! My mom is here and taking complete care of me. Hopefully we wont have to go in the middle of the night but we are prepared if that is the case... either way by tomorrow afternoon I will have my babies! I think we will all be healthy! Thanks again ladies!
  27. hallewood*n*twins

    hallewood*n*twins Well-Known Member

    Good luck tomorrow...try your best to sleep tonight!! It'll be the last night you sleep in a long time [​IMG]

    All the best to you and the little princesses about to meet their Mommy & Daddy.

  28. momoften

    momoften Well-Known Member

    Thinking of you today. Looking forward to your birth story as well. [​IMG]

  29. You will probably read this as an afterthought, because hopefully you made it till today for the csection!
    My ultrasounds said both babies were over 6lbs and that their breathing was developed. When they were born, they were both in the 5lb range and the bigger one needed breathing support. At 36 weeks, they spent exactly one week in NICU. I dont think there is a way to tell what the little ones are gonna do. Some are late arrivals and need a lot of help, and some come early and need little to no assistance at all...its all in Gods hands.
    For the csection, just do exactly as you are told. They will explain each part of the procedure and if you do it right there is less pain/side effects. In my experience last week, I had a spinal to start off, but apparently it didnt take. I had a second spinal and it worked, but it was very different than the epidural/spinal combo last time. (they were trying to induce originally with dd #1)
    There were headaches afterwards, but I would suggest getting up and walking a little right away. It really helped this time. With my first I was too scared to get up. This time, I could only see my girls if I started walking, so I was up 6 hours after the surgery. If you go pee, you get the IV and catheter out, then when you have gas you get solid food, then when you have a BM you can go home. I didnt have pre-e, but I developed post partum blood pressure issues. They just tracked it and said most likely it will dissappear with the hormones regulating again and healing from the section. Im sure its the same with pre-e. If it doesnt regulate, they put you on blood pressure medicine ex: procardia.
    Hope this helps!
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