Their silliest fight yet

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by SweetpeaG, Oct 20, 2008.

  1. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Okay, we have had hundreds of ridiculous 'fights' over the most trivial things...but this 'argument' (overheard after putting them to bed) ranks up there as the silliest. This argument went on for about 5 minutes before coming to a head. Joe is my type-A, concrete-sequential engineer; Nick, on the other hand, is my fearless, ball-busting tease.

    Nick: I am J-O-E.
    Joe: You are NOT, Nicky. I am J-O-E (they spell his name out as often as they pronounce it).
    Nick: You not Joey, I J-O-E
    Joe (starting to get frustrated): I Joey! I Joey! I Joey!
    Nick (sing-songy, nearly laughing and totally teasing him): You not Jo-ey, you are Nick-y, I am Jo-ey
    Joe (officially pissed): I want my mommy! I J-O-E. Get 'way Nicky, you not J-O-E! (breaks into inconsolable tears)

    This was by far the most ridiculous fight I have 'settled' even though I must spend a good 30 minutes a day convincing them that the two frog plates (milk cups, spoons, play dough utensils, balls, etc.) are, in fact, exactly identical. :rolleyes:
  2. cricket1

    cricket1 Well-Known Member

    Yes, ian was upset because Vince seems to have told him he was ourside, a cat and Vince. My response, well, we know you are not outside, a cat or Vince (all depending on the day!) so just ignore him. Then there are the days he tell Ian that he (Vince) is in fact Ian. But some days, it seems that (although they could not get through the day w/out each other) just the mere presence or the fact one is talking to the other will start a fight. But, oh if one thinks the other is going to get left or left out and it is the end of the world.
  3. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    A memorable fight!

    What's the deal with teasing? I can't get what is so fun about winding up your sister/brother. But my girls have done it to one another since they were old enough to crawl off with the other's toy.

    I usually wake to the girls chatting, 'reading' to one another or singing. Yesterday I woke to:

    Maia: Maia sweetie
    Tal: No Tal sweetie
    Maia: No Maia sweet-tie
    Tal: No Tal sweet-tie

    This went on and on with the girls becoming more irate until I managed to wipe the smile off my face long enough to go on and reassure that they were both mom's sweeties.
  4. sellet04

    sellet04 Well-Known Member

    Our was definitely a boy thing!
    Simon: EWW Brycie farted!
    Bryce: No Brycie not farted!
    Simon: Mommy, Brycie farted!
    Bryce: Mommy, Brycie No Farted!
    Mommy: Boys, it doesn't matter who farted
    Simon: No Mommy! Brycie Farted
    and on
    and on
    and on
    Bryce: Mommy.... (and he took hold of my face) Brycie not farted, Simon farted! Not Brycie.

    It was so funny! (maybe you had to be there)
  5. katnpat

    katnpat Well-Known Member

    oh these are too funny!

    My girls fight in the back seat from their car seats....they love to sing in the car, but if Elizabeth sings at the same time as Isabel, Isabel freaks out and yells, "NO SING ELIZABETH!" and Elizabeth just smiles and keeps singing. I keep telling them that they can BOTH sing at the same time, but Isabel is having none of it and Elizabeth loves it :)
  6. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    i love these! lol

    we dont' talk yet, so this was one of our fights. they were fighting over a toy (ivana won, as usual)...
    ivana: aaah!
    marina: aaaaah!
    marina: ...wwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh mamaaaaa!"
  7. anicosia

    anicosia Well-Known Member

    You name it, they have fought over it. The sky is blue, no it's red. It's raining, nope it's sunny. My momma, nope my momma. I'm the kitty, no I'm the kitty. Sleeping Beauty, Ariel. Belle, cinderella. I'm the twin, no I'm the twin.
    They argue over who gets what and when. Who picks the movie, what carseat they are going to sit in. What coat they are each going to wear.... Everything. Sometimes, everything at once. Some days, rare days, they hardly fight at all, but there are those when they fight over every single thing.
  8. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    My momma, nope my momma

    I'd forgotton that one - even though it happens several times a week. They can't seem to get the concept of 'our' ...
  9. LanieK

    LanieK Well-Known Member

    My little guys started preschool in August and they finally seem to be liking it- however- one more than the other! And teasing is definitely happening here too!!!
    Jack: See Miss Sam-- yay!!! (teacher)
    Paul: No Miss Sam- no
    jack: Miss Sam- yes!!!
    Paul: No, no cool! (school)
    Jack: Yes, cool!!!
    Paul: no, no way!!!! Momma!!!!!!!
    Mom: yes, we are going to school today!!
    Paul: No, no cool!!!!

    But, when we get home, Paul is the one to tell me all about his wonderful day at school and Miss Sam and all his friends are just great!

    Soo funny (well maybe not!) how they like to push each others buttons!
  10. guestd

    guestd Well-Known Member

    Mine is a bedtime argument too. Here it is:
    Luke - says something to Lee (I didn't hear what it was)
    Lee - 'I not Jewish!' (What?!?!? how does he know what Jewish is?)
    Luke - says something again, obviously the same thing
    Lee - 'I not Jewish!'
    Luke - says it again
    Lee - 'Mama, I not Jewish at cool' (Mama thinks for a minute...)
    Mama - remembering there is a boy named Julius at their school asks 'you're not Julius?'
    Lee - 'Yeah, I not Jewish at school'
    Mama - 'No, you are not Julius, you are Lee'
    Lee - ' See, I not Jewish, mama said I Lee!'

    It was too funny! I came to work the next day and emailed the whole thing to my Jewish friend. She thought it was hilarious!!
  11. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    These are so funny! We have had many similar arguements and fights over silly things.

    Just the other day we were cleaning up some of the 10,000 acorns in Grandpa' s driveway...they actually got into a fight over an acorn! :rolleyes: Hey, that's my acorn! No, it's mine! OMG- pick another acorn! :lol:

    They've had similar fights over rocks (on the rock PATH), shells at the beach, grapes in the bowl... you get the idea!
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