Their clinginess is driving me crazy!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by weegus, May 10, 2012.

  1. weegus

    weegus Well-Known Member

    I have 3 year old twin boys (and a 22 month old son) and I am surprised at how clingy they still are. Don’t get me wrong, I love that they are loving and want hugs, but sometimes it drives me nuts!!! I can’t sit down without there being a fight over who gets to “cuddle” or sit on my lap! I will cuddle Colin, then Shaun will say “OK mom, now it’s my turn for a cuddle” and then I will cuddle Shaun. When Ryan sees what is going on, he wants in on the action and he starts yelling “My turn.” Or they will both be on my lap and Ryan will bulldoze his way on. And this goes on and on until I finally stand up to do something. If we are watching TV, it is me sitting down with each arm around both twins and Ryan is sitting on my lap… even with my DH around! And they still want me to carry them! It's getting a little bit ridiculous!

    And for the fun part… I am 32 weeks pregnant with a VERY big belly. I have an extremely sensitive uterus and contract with the slightest bit of stimulation. All the action on my lap is A LOT of stimulation! Needless to say, I have BH contractions ALL THE TIME!! Now, I know this could be the reason for the extra clinginess, but they have always been mama's boys. They do seem exited for the new baby and haven’t shown any anxiety as far as the pregnancy goes. But I am still wondering, is this normal? Is it just a matter of having so many young ones that need that need this kind of attention? Just wondering if anyone else has exceptionally clingy twins at this age. Thanks for your input!
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It could be because of the new baby coming. Trying to maximize Mommy time before the baby starts taking up some of it. But I would start setting time limits for being on your lap, especially since your uterus is sensitive and I would remind all three that they can only get on the lap if they take turns, get on and off gently and don't give you a problem when their time is up. As for the carrying, I had to do this with my two, institute a "you either walk or we don't go" rule. My two are 4, and they have had periods of clinginess and periods of "go away, Mom"
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