The whining and a long vent

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by LMW1015, Jun 10, 2010.

  1. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    My LO's are 18 months old and my newest LO is 2 months. This week has been VERY challenging. I feel like I'm about to lose it 90% of the day and that's just not good. I don't know who to talk to who might understand. I feel very overwhelmed. I love all my babies SO much. It is just so hard sometimes. I've been doing ok but recently it seems the twins just whine almost all the time. It's like nails on a chalkboard. I don't know how many times a day (this week) I take deep breaths to prevent myself from flying off the handle or breaking down into tears. They are getting into everything and doing things to purposely make the other cry. This is so hard! I'm trying to find things to keep them occupied and spend as much one on one time as I addition to tending to the new baby, breastfeeding, working on new baby's sleep (which is impossible because as soon as I get him layed down to try and spend time with the twins or get meals, etc... they wake him up. The only way I can get him sleep sometimes is holding him which prevents quality time with the twins), make meals, clean, and try to at least get 10 minutes of toning in a day (that would be my "me" time in addition to General Hospital during naps). I've tried cuddling with and reading books while nursing but the twins climb all over me and the baby and I end up having to move so the baby doesn't get hurt. I don't have family here and not really any friends. I feel really alone and my husband has been preoccupied all week. Guessing it is due to something with work but the one adult I have to talk to and spend time with each day I feel like I haven't had much of that this week so that is probably not helping my feeling of insanity. LOL The twins aren't talking much. They babble up a storm and understand what we say and communicate with each other in their own way but don't say really any words we can figure out yet. I don't know if that is part of the whining. They switched to 1 nap about 3 weeks ago and I thought it was getting better. I don't know. I think they are teething and stuff too. SO that might be the reason for the intense whining this week but it's almost to the point of being "normal" for them. Any suggestions on how to help this? Is this the new baby that is causing this or is it normal to whine so much around 18 months? I'm really trying so hard to do right for everyone - including myself. I just feel stretched thin and about ready to break down. Sorry for the long post. I very rarely get to get on here anymore and when I finally do I have to vent. LOL Sorry. :) But thanks for getting through this mish mash of a post and if you have any suggestions that would be great!!! Also - if you use time out (I've been reading 1-2-3 Magic) where do you do time out at? I want to really get started on this but of course it's hard to jump up in the middle of nursing to take a kid to time out - at the same time - needs to be done sometimes.
  2. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    :hug: :hug: :hug: You are not alone! You are at a tough point right now but you can get through this! My twins were 13 months when I had my youngest so I totally know how you feel :hug: I wish I had some words of wisdom that would just magically make it all better but I don't. I can say that looking back it went by really fast, but I know that doesn't help much now. You do need someone to talk to so make sure your dh knows that and even if it's an hour before bed or during a nursing session talk to him. Tell him how you're feeling.
    The other thing is you are so right about needing that "me" time and within the next couple months you'll probably be able to get on a schedule and that will help tremendously!
    I remember feeling so bad for the twins because I couldn't spend as much quality time with them because I couldn't have the little one around them as much because they wanted to poke his eyes or dig in his mouth or pull his clothes off :gah: But don't worry! Your kids won't remember these couple months and I promise that does get easier! Within the year they will be able to play together, I promise! :hug:
    If you ever need someone to talk to feel free to pm me anytime!
  3. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh boy! 7 days at most....what did I get myself into?!?!?!? :wacko:

    All kidding aside! I agree with nateandbrig even though I haven't been there myself I can only remember how fast the entire first year went with the boys. And of course we all know as Mothers, comes that Mothers Guilt...we could always do things bigger, better, smarter but in the end you love your babies and if you are feeling frustrated its allowed.

    I will say my boys have whiney days as well, I wondered if it was the age too? Luckily they know the words of things they want but sometimes they still just whine for one reason or another so I figured it was a phase...hopefully a quick passing phase!

    HUGE HUGS TO YOU!!!!! :grouphug:
  4. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    THANK YOU :) for reminding me it does go fast and understanding so well how I feel. I wish there was a board for parents who have little ones shortly after their twins. It helps sometimes just to talk to those who are going through or have gone through the same things. Thanks again :)
  5. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    Find me on Facebook if you are on there or PM me so we can stay in touch. LOL Our kids are pretty close to the same ages so it might help to vent. LOL
  6. kminott

    kminott Member

    Hugs to you! My boys are very active, hitting, biting, climbing, and Whining of course! I barely make it through the day with them, much less a baby... so you are my hero! Hopefully your DH will have some time in the near future to give you a night out. Even if you don't know anyone to go out with; just go to the store by yourself or go on walk to get an hour or two not only alone but out of your house. A change of scenery can do wonders!
  7. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    My boys are just a month younger than your LOs, and I can definitely say I would feel VERY stretched thin if I had a newborn as well right now! I think that's very understandable. And yes, lots of whining and communication frustration is very typical at this age. Are you doing any sign language with them? That can help ease the frustration. Sorry I don't have suggestions for the rest of it as I haven't been there, except other MoMs I know with twins + 1 found a Moby wrap, ring sling or other carrier invaluable for holding the baby while chasing after two toddlers. (You may already have one but just thought I'd throw that out there just in case!) Hope things start getting easier for you before too long!
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