The upside of a knock-down, drag-out w/DH

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Jordari, Jul 30, 2007.

  1. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    Long story, we finally had the big fight that's been brewing; and actually it was really helpful. Enabled me to see some things from his perspective that i had not recognized, and cleared the air A LOT.

    The best part was that we agreed taht i can't go on like this, i'm going to have a breakdown (BAD pregnancy followed by bedrest, a c-section, a major transfusion, 3 weeks in the NICU and BFing TWO babies, so i haven't slept a decent night in about 8 months...) is for him to take a night feeding (duuh, i know but - issues around his getting up cause he works out of the house (I had to remind him that i work IN the house!!).....

    Net/net, i figured that if i were close and heard them, i would both wake up and want to go nurse/feed, so- i went into the basement. Took the house phone which is an intercom, but left the monitor. And slept from about 2 am to 7:00 am!!!!!

    Boy did I feel like a different person. Then tonight, both girls went SIX HOURS between meals! OF course i got terrified when the zeppelin boobs (the magic inflatable ones) woke me and i looked at the clock; i had to rush in and make sure they were still breathing (does that EVER end?)

    So - seems to be some light at the end of the tunnel. My girls are 4.5 months, 3 months adjusted. Who KNOWS what life will be like if i keep getting a few hours' sleep!
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    IMO, life with twins changes dramatically once you get more sleep (for the better)! That is so nice that you got a whole five hours of sleep!! YAY!! :Clap:
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Glad you got some sleep! It will change your whole perspective. :hug99:
  4. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I agree what a good night of sleep can do to your perspective! BTDT! Glad it helped!
  5. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    I couldn't believe how much different mine and my husband's thoughts were when we finally did the knock down. I thought I knew what he was thinking, he thought he knew what I was thinking, I thought he knew what I was thinking and he thought I knew what he was thinking and we were both sooo off base. It really put things into perspective and made me change how I dealt with things, I always made sure he knew how I felt or what I was thinking so that there was nothing left to wonder about (or assume he knew when he had no idea at all).

    Glad to hear about the sleep, I agree...........the world is such a different place when you are not sleep deprived!
  6. Cindy123

    Cindy123 Well-Known Member

    I'm glad you got some sleep, after a few nights of that you will feel like a new woman!
  7. caba

    caba Banned

    Getting a long stretch of sleep is SO important and refreshing. I don't know what you situation is like, but maybe you can do something like go to sleep at 9pm, and let DH do a final feeding around midnight before he goes to bed and then you can wake up with them at their next feeding? Or if you can't do that during the week, maybe at least one weekend night you could ask DH to do the feedings and give you one full nights sleep. It just helps enormously.

    My DH was home for the first month of the twins ... so one of us would be on call till 3am. That person would sleep in our bedroom with the monitor ... the other person would sleep in the spare room from like 9-3am ... then we would switch and he would sleep in the spare room until morning and i would go into our room with the monitor ... it allowed us both to get 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep ... we didn't do that once he went back to work, but we still did it on weekends, so i knew i would get some good sleep at some point during the week ...

    then before we knew it, they hit 3 months, and now go 8Pm-7am ... mine are not breastfed though ...

    it gets better! hang in there!
  8. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    Glad you got some sleep! DH gave me 2.5 hrs on Sunday morning and it did wonders for my mood the entire day!

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