The "unremovable" bib! Does it exist?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinmom11, Nov 5, 2007.

  1. twinmom11

    twinmom11 Well-Known Member

    What kind of bibs do you use on your 18month+ babies??? Mine rip off all their bibs and are staining all their clothes.Needless to say the extra laundry is not making me happy. Is their anything out there that is harder to pull off?
  2. guestd

    guestd Well-Known Member

    Have you tried the ones that you have to put over there heads? More like a shirt. I finally gave up using bibs because they kept yanking them off. They couldn't get these off, but they pitched a fit trying!
  3. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    I can't wait to hear!!! I can get them to wear their bibs for about 1/2 the meal. Now I just leave them in their pjs till after lunch so they mess those up. I also have a Spray and Shout stain stick that I keep on their dresser so that I can pre-treat and then throw them in the laundry bin.

    I know that doesn't help you out...sorry
  4. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I use either the ones that pull over their heads (mine can get those off too but they are a little harder for them) or the ones that tie. The ones that tie on work best, they can't get those off at all but I HATE having to tie them & I always get Lila's hair stuck in the bow!
  5. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    At an Amish market I picked up these little baby smocks which are meant to be used as bibs. The Amish know what they are doing because these are the only bibs my girls can't/won't pull off, and they are covered from neck to thighs. The smock looks like a dress with arm holes and a velcro closure in the back and it slips on over the baby's outfit. If you live near an Amish community (PA maybe), check out the markets. If not, I bet if you googled around you could find some or find a pattern.
  6. megginmj

    megginmj Well-Known Member

    We had to give up and velcro bibs a long time ago, and my boys have recently learned how to untie the tie-on ones as well. We have a few of those ones you pull over the head, and they work pretty well. We also have some that snap on, and they haven't figured out how to undo the snaps yet.
  7. hanknbeans

    hanknbeans Well-Known Member

    Mine could never get off the Bumpkins bibs because the velcro was slightly to the side, butnot enough for them to reach it, if that makes sense.
  8. orcoastmommyof2

    orcoastmommyof2 Well-Known Member

    Mine were doing the same thing for awhile, but we found these ones from Ikea that work really well. They on the rare occasion will pull them off but the velcro is pretty strong. These are more like a shirt or smock and they are really easy to just wipe down or rinse off. Hope that helps.
  9. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    The velcro ones always come off mid-meal. The tie & snap ones are the only ones that last thru a meal now. Too bad we have mostly velco...I need to break sown & buy new ones
  10. Aurelyn

    Aurelyn Well-Known Member

    My dad always put old t-shirts on my baby sister - he raided my brother and my (aged 14 and 20 at the time so pretty big sizes) laundry and took our oldest t-shirts to use on her. Cheap and easy.
  11. Appymomma

    Appymomma Well-Known Member

    Yup, definately some t-shirts. Or the long sleeved type bib.
  12. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    No -- there is no such thing at our house but then there are no "unremovable" clothes here either. The popover bibs work pretty well (crewneck like a shirt) for kids who can't pull t-shirts off yet. Bumkins makes the smock kind with arm holes and ties but I didn't find those until after buying popovers and I'm not buying any more bibs! :p
  13. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    Bumkins long sleeved bibs that tie in the back. Elliot and Clarissa are almost 3 now and they still can't get these off (although they do sometimes pull their arms out of the sleeves). THIS is what they look like.

    I bought mine on Ebay for a lot less than retail (7 for $20, or something like that, and liked them so much I bought 7 more). I also cut the sleeves off some to make them short sleeves for the summer, otherwise they felt like those suits that make you "sweat off the pounds".

    I highly recommend these!

  14. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    We use Bumpkins bibs and have been using safety pins for several months now. I think we left the pins at a restaurant and haven't used them for about 2 weeks. I think mine have just given up trying to pull them off since they couldn't for so long!

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