The TRYING 3s...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by BJAMs, Aug 21, 2007.

  1. BJAMs

    BJAMs Well-Known Member

    My BF warned me when we were both pregnant...its no longer the "terrible twos" but the "trying threes." She is right!

    Amelia & Jonathan turned 3 a couple of weeks ago. I swear someone stole my sweet, polite boy and turned him into a monster. DS refuses to listen and will scream NO at us. When he gets angry he hits or pushes his sister or throws his toys. Time out is not working and I have been very consistent with that. Taking away a "happy gem" and putting it in his "sad" jar is not working. Then there is DD...if Jonathan just looks at her, she is crying, "Bubbe is looking at me...Bubee is talking to me." Drama, drama, drama...

    I am sure the extenuating circumstances in our lives have not helped...marriage problems, working practically full time until my DH starts his new faculty position, moving from IN to OH at the end of July, not having Mom's Time out, etc.

    I am so fatigued and stressed. I know that my patience level is low. But please just tell me that some of this is normal...I need to know that I am not crazy! :crazy:

    And...they are still not potty trained. I am so embarrassed by that. They are ready but I worked almost full time all summer and my DH did not try. So, here we are at 3 and I am still buying pull-ups. Granted my DS does use the potty if I ask him but DD just doesn't want to anymore. He even pooped in the potty last week without being asked. I am thinking that next week when my hours go back to 15 & DH is teaching that I should just forget the diapers & put them directly into underwear...cold turkey...any advice?

    Thanks for listening,

    PS...sorry if this topic was just discussed. I haven't been on TS in a long time.
  2. Cheesecake

    Cheesecake Well-Known Member

    It is normal. You are not crazy. I've found that my kiddoes did one or the other. Either the twos were horrible or the 3s were. Granted there was lots of horror at both ages lol but one was always worse. You should not feel embarrassed that they aren't potty trained. They are still very much in a normal range for potty training. I've had one at 3, 2.7 and one at 3.7 . I wouldn't do anything cold turkey with your life kindof crazy right now. I'd just ease into it. Do it on the weekends when your not working and once they get that then have daycare work on the weeks. Hang in there. This to shall pass and then another crappy age comes lol!
  3. blessedw2

    blessedw2 Well-Known Member

    I am going through the same thing with the "trying three's" the same issues that you are having. Our nanny was just telling me yesterday when I got home from work "what happened where is the other Grace & Jonathan who stole them". With the potty training, dont be embarrassed, they are only 3, I always say as long as they are not walking in to Kindergarten with a diaper on I am ok :D Just know you are NOT alone :)
  4. girlsxtwo

    girlsxtwo Well-Known Member

    We are in the same situation. My girls have become so trying at times and it drives me crazy. When I get on to them for something, they laugh at me! Frustrates me to no end. We are also not potty trained and I'm not rushing it. I figure when they're ready, we'll know it.
  5. SharonH

    SharonH Well-Known Member

    I just have the one 3 yo at the moment and am NOT looking forward to the twins being 3! "Trying" is not the word I use much - horrible little people would be more my description! :shok: That being said we are nearing 3 1/2 and it's getting better. My co-operative, helpful, pleasant little girl is returning, so there is light at the end of the tunnel! My mom was a preschool teacher for many years and always said that 3's were a challenge but the "friendly 4s" made up for it.
    Hang in there!

    PS They will toilet train when they are ready. We finally did the cold turkey with the underwear when at home (pull- ups if out for a longer time in the day) and that did help speed things up - so did the promise of a gummy bear for using the potty! :D
  6. cricket1

    cricket1 Well-Known Member

    this is so normal. My two started before three though. I think it is calming down a bit though! One can hope right???? At our house it is "Vincent is teasing me" Not that it can be all that understood at the high decible, but I know this is what is being said. Along w/ NO and basic yyelling.

    As for the Potty training, we did one at a time simply because Ian was ready first. This and I tried one day to do both and though my world would spin out of control! :D It was way too much for me.

    Good luck, on the whole I would say that the Sweet boys are still there, I just have to look a little harder and pick my battles better!
    We went cold turkey at home, then on short trips and only used pull ups at nap and bed time. We also used mini suckers at first after they told us and used the potty. They it went to getting one if they went all day w/o an "accident"
  7. BJAMs

    BJAMs Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys! It's always nice to know that you are not alone. I really need that encouragement right now.

    Good luck, on the whole I would say that the Sweet boys are still there, I just have to look a little harder and pick my battles better! - that's a positive spin.

    When I get on to them for something, they laugh at me! Frustrates me to no end. - I totally know that feeling. I want to pull my hair. DS laughed at me every time I put him in time out today. Someone please put me in timeout!

    I decided to skip this week with the potty training and start next week. I really appreciate the advice about one at a time. I will definitely work with Jonathan first. He will be the easiest.

  8. Tricia Z

    Tricia Z Well-Known Member

    I hear you with the laughing when you get on them. Mine do the same thing!!!!!!! I can use the meanest, ugliest, angriest voice, and still they laugh at me. UUUGH! Not potty trained either...I'm in no hurry. In fact a friend of mine with twin boys who are now 6 told me that if she were to give me one piece of advice, it would be to keep them in diapers as long as I can. This comment came after several trips to the restroom when we were out to lunch when I was pregnant. ..her boys were over 3 at the time, and just potty trained.


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