The sound of one mom waffling

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Orestia, Apr 15, 2008.

  1. Orestia

    Orestia Well-Known Member

    It's midnight and I just put Auburn down to sleep. Over the past 3 weeks she's gone from being relaxed and easy going to having meltdowns when she can't get her socks on, or when her toys don't cooperate with her. The sleeping problems are totally new too. Before I could plop her in her bed and she'd maybe bounce around and yammer at Nicole for an hour, then drift off. Now, she has MAJOR hysterics and has figured out how to throw herself out of the bed. We've got the sofa cushions at the foot of her crib right now. However, for the past few nights I've been caving in and setting her fall asleep with me on the sofa. I'm scared I've already started a trend. Ugh. Oh.. and her diaper... she'll wriggle out of her clothes, rip off her diaper, pee on the floor, hand me her dry diaper, and run away again. Since I have knee issues right now, I usually end up speed limping after a nekkid, peeing midget around the living room before I can tackle her and get her re-diapered. :ph34r: I'm guessing this is a sign she's ready to maybe consider potty training? She's 19 months old and almost completely non-verbal. We're in speech therapy, so I'll talk to them about her behavior. Sigh. Is this the start of the terrible twos?
  2. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Most likely it is not a sign she is ready for potty training, but rather a phase where it is fun for her to have you chase her. I would probably start with using some duct tape on her diaper to keep it on. Then I would get a crib tent so she can't get out of the crib, and just start putting her in there. She is looking for attention, and at her age, doesn't know the difference between good attention getting and bad attention getting. When she gets up in the morning, praise her for sleeping in her bed all night like a good girl. Same for when you change her diaper. Praise her for waiting for you to take it off and not running away.

    Good luck!
  3. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    I agree with PP. I'd start using the duct tape, and/or always making sure she has a snap-on onesie that she can't take off. Or for bed put her PJ's on backwards, or use a diaper pin on the ones that don't have the snap at the top. My DS took his PJ's and diaper off once in his crib, and I never let it happen again (I use the pin atop the PJ's). and whenever either of them try to take off their pants during the day, I say "no no, we keep our pants on." and then I distract them with something else.
    i also agree with the crib tent. We don't need them (yet! ha ha) but I know they have worked wonders for my friends.
  4. Orestia

    Orestia Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the suggestions! I ran out and got some crib tents today, and put them on. Auburn thought it was super cool for about 5 seconds before she realized what was going on. I THINK she might be asleep right now! I hope. I'm going to try the p.j.s on backwards tomorrow. They're pretty good about unsnapping and unzipping stuff. But, I think if I put them on backwards AND use a diaper pin on it, that might do the trick. Who knows, maybe she'll have a career as an escape artist :)
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