The sickness!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by emp59, Mar 29, 2012.

  1. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    Kaydee has been sick for 7 days now. Its mostly just diarreah, but she has thrown up four separate times over the last week as well (one being last Thursday and the other being this morning). Her appetite is fine, maybe a little less than normal, but she is eating. She is also drinking a ridiculous amount of water. I keep trying to get her into the health clinic here, but after waiting an hour each morning, they can't get her in. The only other option is the ER. I don't feel like she needs to go to the ER while she is still staying hydrated and eating, but this sickness is freaking weird! I've never had something last this long or be as sporadic with the puking and constant with the pooping.

    Do you think I should take her to the ER? Any other ideas?
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would take her to the ER or call the pediatrician. I have no clue what kind of sickness that is. I hope she is feeling better soon :hug:
  3. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think you need to get in to see the pediatrician or the ER. I think she needs to be seen. The drinking excessive water part scares me.
  4. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    My kids had something similar last winter. It lasted a good week to 10 days and we never knew when the vomiting was going to come back. I definitely think that if you are worried it is worth trying to get into your pediatrician. If they can't get her in for a same day appointment can you at least make an appointment for the next day? If she's better you can always cancel. As far as ER goes, it really depends on your gut feeling here. I know a pp said that the water drinking scared her but it depends on what you mean by ridiculous amounts of water. If she's having lots of diarrhea, then the water drinking is probably what is keeping her from getting dehydrated. If the water drinking seems out of proportion for the amount of diarrhea, then it is a little more concerning. If this is just a stomach bug, you are right that the ER visit isn't going to help since she definitely doesn't sound like she needs IV fluids. If she had some sort of serious gastrointestinal bug, I would expect her to get worse or develop new symptoms. Definitely watch her stools for blood or mucous, as those are signs more is going on. Can you weigh her and see if she's lost any weight. With normalish appetite, normal activity level, no fever and no significant weight loss, it would be fine to wait for an appointment versus sitting in the ER risking her getting exposed to something else.

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I've had the sporadic vomiting with loose stools and decreased appetite before and it was strep. You don't want that going on too long as it can do organ damage. It wasn't ER worthy, but definitely same-day appointment with the pedi worthy for us.
  6. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    I've been trying to see the pediatrician all week! Healthcare is weird here since we are overseas. We have a military health clinic, but they book up FAST and I haven't been able to get a same day appointment or a future appointment and I've been calling daily as soon as they open. My husband is going in tomorrow and if they refuse to give her an appointment, we will take her to the ER. She doesn't need IV fluids, but I still don't want her feeling sick. The hospitals here admit pretty much everyone so its a huge commitment to go. My neighbor's daughter was admitted for 9 days because of a bladder infection and they didn't even diagnose her for the first 5.

    Her liquid consumption is pretty on point with how much she is expelling. I keep checking her for fever or abdominal hardening. She is still very happy, just hates that she has to wear a pullup again :)
  7. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Good luck tomorrow. I hope she feels better soon. :hug:
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